Vitamin L-Carnitine

vitamin gamma, carnitine

L-Carnitine used to be classified as a vitamin-like substance, but was excluded from this group, although it can still be found in dietary supplements as a “vitamin”.

L-Carnitine is similar in structure to amino acids. L-carnitine has a mirror-like opposite form – D-carnitine, which is toxic to the body. Therefore, both D-form and mixed DL-forms of carnitine are prohibited for use.


L-Carnitine Rich Foods

Indicated approximate availability in 100 g of product

Daily L-Carnitine Requirement

The daily requirement for L-Carnitine is 0,2-2,5 g. However, there is no unequivocal opinion on this yet.

Useful properties and its effect on the body

L-Carnitine improves the metabolism of fats and promotes the release of energy during their processing in the body, increases endurance and shortens the recovery period during physical exertion, improves heart activity, reduces the content of subcutaneous fat and cholesterol in the blood, accelerates the growth of muscle tissue, and stimulates the immune system.

L-Carnitine increases fat oxidation in the body. With a sufficient content of L-carnitine, fatty acids do not give toxic free radicals, but energy stored in the form of ATP, which significantly improves the energy of the heart muscle, which is fed by fatty acids by 70%.

Interaction with other essential elements

L-Carnitine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine with the participation of (Fe), and group vitamins.

Signs of L-Carnitine Deficiency

  • fatigue;
  • muscle pain after exercise;
  • muscle tremor;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart disorders (angina pectoris, cardiomyopathy, etc.).

Factors Influencing L-Carnitine Content in Foods

Large amounts of L-carnitine are lost during freezing and subsequent thawing of meat products, and when the meat is boiled, L-carnitine passes into broth.

Why L-Carnitine Deficiency Occurs

Since L-carnitine is synthesized in the body with the help of iron (Fe), ascorbic acid and B vitamins, the deficiency of these vitamins in the diet reduces its content in the body.

Vegetarian diets also contribute to L-carnitine deficiency.

Read also about other vitamins:

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