Vitamin diet, from 7 days, from -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5-9 kg in 7/14/28 days.

Average daily calorie content 640/680/830 Kcal for 1/2/3 options.

Do you want to lose weight without depriving the body of nutrients? A vitamin diet will help in this, which promotes effective weight loss and saturates with vitamins. The diet of this technique is based on products that contain the maximum amount of useful components. There are several options for the vitamin diet, which vary in duration and diet.

Vitamin Diet Requirements

Diet option number 1 – vegetable and fruit. It lasts seven days, during which, if you are overweight, you can lose up to 5-8 kilograms. Here you need to be ready to give up any protein products and fats. The diet is based on fruits and vegetables. It is best to use seasonal products, the likelihood of detecting harmful substances (which are used for processing and storage) in it is least likely.

The green light on this diet is given by:

– fresh, boiled, stewed without adding oil, baked, grilled fruits and vegetables;

– freshly squeezed juices, uzvars, compotes (it is not recommended to add sugar to drinks, but it is quite acceptable to indulge them from time to time with a small amount of natural honey);

– greens (especially recommended to eat basil, parsley, dill, celery and cilantro).

Also, on a vegetable and fruit vitamin diet, you can introduce seeds, various types of nuts and dried fruits into the diet. But, since this product has a considerable calorie content, it should be eaten in small quantities. It is better to give up salt now.

Be sure to drink enough clean water without gas on any of the options for the vitamin method (at least 1,5 liters per day). It is recommended to eat five times a day, refusing food 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Since there is no protein component in the diet, strong physical activity is not recommended. It is better to limit yourself to easy exercise to tone problematic parts of the body.

Option No. 2 longer, it is recommended to continue it for 14 days. In addition to fruits and vegetables, the diet here is enriched with cereals, vegetable oils and black bread (it can be replaced with bran bread, if desired). If you stick to the full diet-term, you can lose up to 9 extra pounds. To achieve the maximum effect, you should not only eat permitted food, but also adhere to certain rules. Vegetables and fruits should still be the staple of the diet. Porridge should be eaten no more than three times a week, and it is better to eat bread in the morning (no more than one or two slices). It is better to eat bread dried, and cook cereals for a minimum amount of time (do not overcook!) And use immediately after cooking. It is recommended to drink a glass of rosehip broth daily.

If the rejection of protein products seems to you a mockery of the body or is contraindicated for health, comes to the rescue diet option number 3… It is a vitamin-protein technique. A distinctive feature of this option from the second is that instead of cereals and vegetable oils, it is allowed to include animal products in the diet. Namely: lean fish, lean meat, seafood, cottage cheese, milk, kefir and other sour milk of minimum fat content (preferably low-fat), eggs. You can also afford a small amount of Adyghe cheese, feta cheese, mozzarella.

For greater efficiency, try to alternate the vegetable and protein components of the diet. For example, eat breakfast with something that contains a lot of protein, snack on a vegetable or fruit, and re-eat protein-containing products for lunch. And all day, breaking the diet into 5-6 parts, eat, observing the principles of separate nutrition. This variant of the vitamin diet is the most easily tolerated. Therefore, it can be continued for up to one month, after which it is really possible to lose up to 15 kilograms, spoiling your figure.

If you are on a diet for more than ten days, in order to prevent possible harm to health (in particular, hormonal disruptions, disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract), it is worth including any cereals in the diet. Eat porridge twice a week in an amount of about 200 g at a time. Also, a couple of times a week, in order to avoid a critical lack of fat, the body must be pampered with a teaspoon of butter or vegetable oil. Just do not expose them to heat treatment. By the way, in comparison with the previous ones, diet-option No. 3, due to the presence of protein in the diet, allows you to go in for sports more actively.

Vitamin Diet Menu

An example of the diet of option No. 1 of the vitamin diet

Breakfast: apple and pear salad, slightly flavored with walnuts.

Snack: a mix of grilled eggplants and tomatoes.

Lunch: vegetable soup with herbs; cucumber and tomato salad flavored with sesame seeds.

Afternoon snack: apple baked with dried apricots slices and a handful of raisins (or with other dried fruits that you like).

Dinner: vegetable stew (preferably non-starchy type) and a couple of small kiwis.

An example of the diet of option No. 2 of the vitamin diet

Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water (you can add a little of any nuts to it).

Snack: a couple of apples.

Lunch: salad, which includes white cabbage and cucumbers, a spoonful of vegetable oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice; 1-2 slices of toasted bread.

Afternoon snack: pear and a glass of rosehip broth.

Dinner: baked pumpkin with a little dried fruit.

An example of the diet of option No. 3 of the vitamin diet (vitamin-protein method)

Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g).

Snack: apple.

Lunch: up to 200 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumber and tomato.

Dinner: two chicken eggs, boiled or cooked in a dry skillet.

Late dinner: 3-4 plums.

Contraindications to the vitamin diet

  • It is impossible to sit on a vitamin diet during periods of pregnancy and lactation, adolescents, people with chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Method number 3 (vitamin and protein) should not be used in case of kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  • Whichever version of the vitamin diet you choose, it is highly advisable to visit a doctor before following it and consult, adequately assessing your health.

Benefits of a vitamin diet

  1. Speaking of the benefits of the vitamin diet in different variations, it is worth noting the tangible weight loss. As a rule, the result is obvious.
  2. Fractional and quite satisfying (especially in the third option) nutrition contributes to the fact that the process of weight loss occurs comfortably, without feeling acute hunger.
  3. Slimming products are available. Their purchase will not hit your budget. And if you have your own garden or summer cottage, this is just great. Indeed, in this case, the basis of the diet can be made up of food, the quality of which does not cause any doubts in you.
  4. The benefits that fruits, berries and vegetables saturate the body on the vitamin method deserve special attention. So, fresh vegetable gifts of nature (especially cucumbers, bell peppers, cabbage of various types) enrich us with a large amount of vitamin C, which is famous for its immune-enhancing properties. It is also found in abundance in strawberries, grapefruits, strawberries, oranges, black currants.
  5. Suppliers of vitamin K include tomatoes, lettuce and spinach. Vitamins of groups A, PP and D are found in large quantities in carrots, cabbage (white and cauliflower) and other fruits and vegetables.
  6. Sitting on such a diet, there is no need to take an additional chemical vitamin-mineral complex. Moreover, you will be able to supply the body with much more useful components than with your previous diet.

Disadvantages of a vitamin diet

  • For some people, the disadvantage of the vitamin diet may be a recommendation to eat fractionally, not everyone, the modern life rhythm allows you to often snack.
  • Switching to the recommended diet regimen can be challenging for those who are used to eating plentifully. It will not be so easy to get enough of the diet in smaller portions at first.
  • The difficulty of following the rules of a vitamin diet can be felt by a sweet tooth.
  • Despite the overwhelming number of advantages, those who want to transform the figure still have to arm themselves with patience and willpower.

Re-carrying out the vitamin diet

Re-adhering to any of the vitamin diet options (if you sat on it for up to two weeks) is not recommended for the next two months after its end.

If the term of the diet-food has stepped over the 14-day period, it is better to wait at least three months before restarting the diet-marathon.

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