Viburnum in autumn: pruning
Viburnum is a small tree or shrub, decorated with bunches of red berries. The fruits are widely used in folk medicine and are an excellent anti-cold remedy. In order to grow viburnum on the site, you need to follow some rules for plant propagation.
Pruning viburnum in the fall to shape
One of the prerequisites for the reproduction of viburnum is pruning. Manipulation is necessary to ensure that the bush is neat and grows as the owner plans. Viburnum grows rather quickly, and if this growth is uncontrollable, it turns into a careless, overly dense bush. It is best to carry out work in the fall or early spring.
Viburnum is pruned in the fall in order to rid the tree of dry and damaged parts
If you want your planting to look like a tree, listen to the following recommendations:
- Move the seedling to its primary residence.
- A year after planting, when the crown grows significantly, cut off all the new shoots that have grown, leaving only the vertical stem, originally placed in the ground.
- Be sure to get rid of the buds formed at the bottom of the skeleton, this will prevent the plant from branching.
- Repeat the above manipulations for 3 years, after which pinch the growing point – your viburnum will begin to form a crown and will look like a tree.
Those who find viburnum more attractive when it grows as a bush will have to prune all branches about a year after planting. Only small hemp should rise above the ground, no higher than 15 cm.After such manipulation, the culture will begin to grow rapidly. Do not forget about the need for pinching – new, healthy shoots will appear from the growth points, which will form the so-called crown of the bush.
Sanitary pruning and possible mistakes
Also viburnum needs care, which includes sanitary pruning. The purpose of the manipulations is to clear the crown of the culture. An unkempt plant can suffer from parasites, become covered with cobwebs and become an excellent hiding place for pests and insects. It does not matter at all what shape your plant is – once every few years, preferably in the fall, the branches of the viburnum are cut off. This allows you to update a bush or tree, while controlling its size. Feel free to remove dried branches, peeling bark and possible growths.
Despite the fact that the cultivation of viburnum does not require experience and possession of any special knowledge, it is important to note the mistakes, the admission of which will damage your planting and slow down its growth:
- In no case do not cut the viburnum during the formation of new buds.
- Do not leave the plant unkempt – old branches and diseased shoots suck vital juices from the skeleton.
- Renew the branches about once every 3-4 years, this will extend the life of the viburnum and allow you to harvest berries longer.
The appearance of the plant does not affect its yield and lifespan. Remember, no matter how your crop looks, they need systematic maintenance and pruning.