Useful information about katran: habitats, catching and spawning

Katrans, katranovye – a large family of medium-sized sharks, which includes two genera and 70 species. Dimensions usually do not exceed 2 m, while most species of katranovyh grow up to 60-90 cm. It is worth noting that the entire detachment of katranovidnye (spiny sharks) combines 22 genera and 112 species. Distributed very widely. Their habitat is the cold and cold-temperate waters of the World Ocean in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Katrans are quite well known among Russian lovers of sea fishing, because the common or spotted spiny shark (katran), which lives in the seas washing the territory of Russia, belongs to the same family. This is a relatively small fish up to 1 m, although sometimes there are individuals almost 2 m long and weighing up to 14 kg. It has a characteristic elongated body. A feature of the external structure is the presence of a prickly spike at the base of the dorsal fins. Mostly leads a herd life. The diet of sharks is quite diverse. The main food of katrans are various small fish species, such as herring, sardines, and more. But given the prevailing bottom lifestyle, the menu includes various crustaceans, worms, mollusks and more. Cases of long migrations of spiny sharks are known, but it is believed that the main habitat is located in the coastal zone at depths of up to 200 m. The katran of this species is the most massive among the family. Other fish are less known and few in number. Another relatively common species is the small spiny shark, which can also be found in the territorial waters of Russia. Some species of katran live only at considerable depths. Among these are: black spiny shark, Portuguese shark. The depths of habitat of such species can reach 2700 m. Katrans are a very popular object of recreational fishing. Although the fishermen consider these sharks to be a harmful species, because they often spoil the net gear and eat the catch. The fish are distinguished by tasty, non-boney meat without a specific smell, like many species of other sharks.

Fishing methods

Katran is caught purposefully, and it also comes across as bycatch. This does not require specialized gear, as a rule, they are quite simple, and the main feature is strength. To catch a katran, you can use spinning equipment, tiers, donks and more. For many anglers on the Black Sea coast, katran fishing is an exciting activity, because it is a lively fish with tasty and tender meat. It is worth noting here that the distribution area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe katran, in the seas washing Russia, does not end with the Black Sea. During boat trips near the Kola Peninsula and in the Far East, it is quite possible to meet flocks of this small shark, which hunts for shoals of herring and other small fish. The shark is caught both from the shore and from various boats. At sea, the katrana is often searched for by flocks of gulls that accompany schools of small fish. To a greater extent, this fish is caught on tackle using natural baits. Given the fact that the shark often prefers a bottom lifestyle, the use of various bottom gear, especially when fishing from the shore, is preferable. At dusk and at night, the katran often approaches the shore in search of food, often in places of human activity.

Fishing tar on spinning

Many amateurs catch katran using spinning rigs. Some anglers are of the opinion that spinning rods should be “marine grade”. The main requirements for the rod is to allocate sufficient power, but the action is recommended to be medium fast or closer to parabolic. This is due to the fact that the fish, especially at the first stage of playing, makes sharp jerks, which can lead to loss of gear. For katran fishing, fishing rods equipped with both multiplier and non-inertial reels are suitable. Catran fishing on marine spinning is most effective by vertical lure and jigging. In all cases, with targeted fishing on a katran, it is worth using leashes made of durable materials. In the simplest version, it can be a thicker monofilament, fluorocarbon, and so on. Sea fishing, as a rule, does not require delicate rigs, and in the case of a katran, do not forget that this is a shark, although small. When fighting, it is worth fearing not so much the teeth as the sharp spikes in the fins. When using artificial lures, it is possible to fish with traditional methods of “casting”, as well as “track” or “trolling”. When biting, it is necessary to make a sharp cut, taking into account the fact that the greater the depth, the more sweeping the movements should be. More effective fishing for spinning is obtained by using pieces of fish meat, shellfish and other things on the bait.


As already mentioned, the most successful fishing for katrans is carried out using natural baits. In the Black Sea, anglers catch katrans along with other species, so they use traditional baits for fishing, such as cutting fish, shellfish, sea worms, juvenile fish, and more. When using snap-ins for vertical spinning, it is possible to use both large and small spinners with additional sinkers, for example, in the “sliding” version. When fishing by trolling, it is desirable to use more running lures.

Places of fishing and habitat

As already mentioned, katrans in the oceans are quite widely represented. As a rule, they are absent in the equatorial, subequatorial regions and in the high zones of the Arctic and Antarctic. In the North-West, in the territorial waters of Russia, the katran is known in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions (Barents and White Seas). Here it is called nokotnitsa or marigold. The most famous fishing for katrana in the Black Sea. At the same time, in the Far East, the katran can be caught in the waters of all the seas adjacent to the territory of Russia, from the Bering Sea and further south. Fishing for katrans is very popular in the countries of East and Southeast Asia. No less developed is the extraction of katrans in Northern and Western Europe. On the European market, the fish may come under the name “sea eel”.


All katrans are ovoviviparous. Katran females carry offspring in utero 13-15 eggs. Fertility is very low, often only one cub is born in females. In some species, gestation occurs for about 2 years. The size of newborn fish is about 20-25 cm.

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