Types, symptoms and treatment of a flea bite

Fleas that are dangerous to humans

Among obligate parasites, the main feature of which is that their entire physiology is tuned to feed exclusively on blood, fleas occupy an important place. Usually these insects parasitize such warm-blooded animals as dogs, cats, birds, rats, pigs, horses, cows and others. But this does not mean that they do not threaten a person, it’s just that he is rarely the main host, more often a temporary one, intended solely to support life or transfer, if there is no other object more suitable for this purpose nearby. The human body temperature, lower than that of animals, the poverty of the hairline, good hygiene – all these conditions make people unsuitable for flea habitat.

It should be noted that there are exceptions to this rule, which include the so-called human flea, whose oral apparatus is optimally prepared for piercing human skin, and the features of life are closely related to human housing. Although some small animals such as dogs and cats can also become a victim of this insect.

Of the more than 2000 varieties of fleas, almost all can bite a person, but you should consider those of them who account for the bulk of the bites.

The bulk of the bites are:

dog fleas

It is this type of flea that most often bites people. This situation can be explained by a large number of these parasites, which can even live on one pet. In addition, dogs are constantly on the street, where they come into contact with possible sources of infection.

cat fleas

The prevalence of fleas of this species in the world is significant, they can feed on many varieties of mammals. They move to people for the purpose of food due to the fact that there are usually not many of their original owners, cats, in the house.

rat fleas

In the conditions of modern cities, they rarely parasitize humans, but for rural areas and the private sector, the problem of being bitten by this type of insect remains relevant. In addition, it is rat fleas that usually carry the most terrible diseases, so they pose the greatest infectious danger.

rabbit fleas

This type of parasite rarely affects humans, but compared to the remaining unlisted insects, the percentage of their bites is the highest.

It should be understood that all other varieties of fleas that traditionally parasitize other animals or birds can bite through human skin and begin to feed on his blood, so there are no fleas that are safe for humans.

What is each of these types?

Let’s start with the human flea, since for it it is people who are the main source of food.

Outwardly, this type of parasite differs little from relatives. They are given out by a larger size, which sometimes reaches 4 mm. Such a large individual can jump half a meter in length. The body of the parasite is flattened to the sides, antennae and piercing-sucking mouthparts are placed on a small head. Due to the small size of the “mouth”, the flea is not always able to reach directly to the blood vessel, so at the time of the bite, it is forced to immerse the entire head and front of the body into the skin of the victim, making its way as deep as possible. At this point, her body is almost vertical. The picture is complemented by 6 legs, of which the rear ones are designed to make jumps that are tens of times larger than the size of the insect itself. The jump of the flea is so swift that the human eye is not able to distinguish it, so you can only see how the parasite disappears.

The structure of the paws and antennae helps them to stay on the host, although these insects do not live on it permanently. Adults spend most of their existence in secluded places located next to the constant stay of a person. Hungry, they lie in wait for people or animals passing by and jump on them, then, piercing the skin, suck blood. Having satiated, the parasites try to leave the body of the host. Interestingly, this parasite can exist without food for about a year and a half.

The female lays several eggs at a time, but they do not attach to the hairline or skin, but fall down, filling the floor and wall cracks, carpet and furniture pile, and animal bedding. Here the larvae develop in organic remains. They feed on the excrement of adults or rotting organic matter. Their length does not exceed a few millimeters, the body is worm-shaped and white. After a few weeks, the larva turns into an adult insect, but only if there is a source of food nearby, otherwise it can remain in a cocoon until a favorable moment arrives.

Adult fleas live for several months, during which time they can lay about half a thousand larvae.

Cat, rat and dog fleas in the physiological structure are similar both to each other and to the human species. The difference is due to color and size, but they are so insignificant that only a specialist is able to recognize them with the help of equipment.

Features and danger of flea bites

When a flea pierces the skin and begins to drink blood, a person experiences a strong painful sensation comparable to a needle prick. This effect can be explained by the fact that this parasite, unlike bedbugs and ticks, does not inject natural painkillers into the wound when bitten.

Many of the effects of flea bites depend on the action of toxic enzymes that the flea injects along with saliva into the bite to prevent blood from clotting. Thanks to these substances, blood begins to flow into the insect’s stomach in a thin stream almost independently.

When the flea breaks free from the bite, the elastic walls of the skin close and prevent bleeding, but it can continue under the dermis and lead to the formation of a small hemorrhage. If in one place the concentration of bites is high enough, bleeding can turn into purpura, dangerous for its consequences.

The soreness of a bite is the least of the evils that a flea can cause.

Consequences of a flea bite:

  • Severe allergy to an enzyme that prevents blood from clotting. It can range from itching, redness, rashes to swelling and anaphylactic shock.

  • The flea itself can serve as a carrier of a huge number of serious diseases.

  • Combing the bite site, a person can infect the wound.

Allergies are usually caused by flea saliva enriched with an enzyme. An allergic reaction occurs in people suffering from hypersensitivity to insect bites in general and flea bites in particular. Children under the age of 12 are most affected.

Earth flea bite

The bite of an earthen flea, which is also called a sand or sea flea, has its own characteristics. These parasites, which live in the habitats of birds and rodents, do not just bite through the skin and drink blood, increasing the above risks, they make their way into the skin under the nails, laying eggs there. As a result of such actions, the bite site is strongly suppurated. The larvae grow in this environment, feeding on the resulting pus and surrounding tissues. Itching, swelling, irritation appears at the site of the lesion. Doctors diagnose sarcopsillosis.

cat flea bite

Parasites of this species cause many infectious diseases in humans, among which even plague is noted, as well as fungal viruses. They can be carriers of eggs of cucumber tapeworms, a special type of parasitic flatworm, reaching a length of 50 cm, and other helminthic diseases, such as toxocariasis. Helminth eggs enter the flea’s digestive tract along with blood during bites. When a parasite inflicts a wound on a person, they enter the body and the hatched larvae are carried by blood throughout the human body, affecting the lungs, liver and other organs with allergic inflammation along the way.

rat flea bite

The bite of a rat flea can turn into the most serious consequences. This type of parasite spreads plague, endemic typhus and a number of other diseases.

Among the most dangerous agents carried by fleas are tularemia, typhoid, salmonella, encephalitis virus, trypanosomes, and anthrax spores. In total, about 200 representatives of life-threatening diseases were identified on representatives of various subspecies of these parasites. Therefore, you can never predict what the next flea bite will turn into. Microbes in the body of this insect can exist for more than a year, significantly increasing the number of infected.

It is important to refrain from scratching the wound, since the parasite feces and various infections left on the skin of the victim can enter the canal formed as a result of flea feeding, which greatly increases the risk of re-infection. In disturbed wounds, pus can begin to accumulate, which will cause more trouble than the initial bite. The damaged area should be properly treated to reduce itching and the risk of infection.

Flea bite symptoms

Flea bite has the appearance of a slight redness with a pink halo. The enzyme from the saliva of the parasite gets under the skin and an allergic reaction occurs, manifested by itching and red dots. If bitten by a human flea, the size of the redness may be larger, resembling a cigarette burn.

In most cases, a blister is observed for the first few hours after the bite, which resolves quickly enough. But traces at the site of the wound can persist for up to several days due to microhemorrhage remaining under the skin. The duration and severity of the manifestation of the consequences depends on the individual reaction of a particular organism.

As for the localization of bites, they are usually located on the feet and legs, although they can sometimes occupy other open areas of the body. If the parasites attacked a sleeping person, they can bite the neck, armpits and arms. Fleas tend to pierce the skin in several places in a certain sequence at a distance of one or two centimeters from each other, but without the formation of paths characteristic of bedbugs.

To summarize the signs of flea bites:

  • Stitching sharp pain at the time of the bite.

  • Itching from a flea bite, more pronounced than from a mosquito bite.

  • Formation of small tumors.

  • The location of the bites on the legs and occasionally in other places.

  • A series of bites characteristic of these parasites.

With a good severity of the listed symptoms, supplemented by profuse rashes in the area of ​​​​bites, their suppuration, ulcers in the mouth and throat, swollen lymph nodes, fever and headache, insomnia, we can talk about the presence of such a disease as pulicosis, which is understood as a dermatological disease caused exclusively flea bites. This disease is usually caused by a human flea.

Allergy to flea bites

You can talk about allergies if these symptoms are combined with body temperature reaching 40C, anxiety, difficulty breathing, diarrhea and fever. If hypersensitivity is noted in the patient’s history, the situation may be complicated by anaphylactic shock. All of the above descriptions signal the need for immediate access to qualified specialists.

How to treat flea bites?

First aid measures for flea bites should be aimed at decontaminating the wound and relieving itching, which can provoke a subsequent increase in the affected area. Here are some options for this procedure:

  • The bite site is wiped with warm water and an antiseptic soap solution.

  • If the damage was severe, you can blot it with a cotton swab with a 1: 1 solution of apple cider vinegar or a mixture of water and citric acid. Thus, it is recommended to treat bites several times a day, especially if scratches have already formed at the site of the lesion, which will quickly tighten from such a measure.

  • For disinfection, it can be useful to treat bites with antiseptic gels and liquids.

  • Antihistamines are capable of leveling the unpleasant symptoms that appear after flea bites, but before taking them, you should consult with your doctor.

  • Pharmaceutical creams that indicate “after insect bites” are effective.

These actions are best done in a certain sequence to increase the benefits of them.

Here is an example algorithm:

  1. The bite is treated with antiseptics (cleansers, alcohol lotions, soap).

  2. The injury site is cooled with ice or a cold compress.

  3. Anti-itching agents (ointments for insect bites, soda solutions) are applied to the affected areas.

Usually these measures are enough for the bite to pass without consequences and quickly stop bothering. But there are times when you need to immediately seek help from doctors: extreme situations are indicated by symptoms of severe intoxication, re-infection, or a pronounced allergic reaction. They are evidenced by headache, urticaria, lethargy, high fever and suppuration of wounds.

[Video] How to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment quickly, effectively and safely:

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