Top 30 exercises from lower back pain: stretching and strengthening of muscles

Lower back pain is one of the most common problems which is faced according to statistics every third adult. If time does not address the pain in the back and waist, then you can subsequently earn a serious disease of the spine.

We offer you a selection of effective exercises from lower back pain to relax and strengthen muscles, and increase flexibility and mobility of the spine.

How to remove side: 20 + 20 exercises

Lower back pain: what is occurring and what to do?

The most common cause of lower back pain is a sedentary lifestyle and poor development of the corset of muscles that are unable to support the spine. In addition to this may be the result of various pathologies, excessive load or just a sudden awkward movement that provoked pain. Most of these problems can be mitigated with exercise for the back.

What can hurt the lower back:

  • spending long periods in one position;
  • weak back muscles and bark;
  • excessive loads or failure to exercise technique;
  • hypothermia;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • big excess weight;
  • improper diet and vitamin deficiency.

To back pain does not become the cause of serious spinal problems, you must do special exercises for the waist that will help to remove discomfort, reduce pain and improve the body and serve as a good preventive measure. Not for nothing is the basis of rehabilitation after back injuries is physiotherapy and exercises for the spine.

Why is it useful to do exercises for the lower back:

  • decreases pain in the lower back due to the stretching and relaxation of muscles
  • strengthens the spine and increases its flexibility
  • increases blood circulation, which nourishes the joints and vertebrae nutrients
  • strengthened corset of muscles that support the spine
  • improves posture
  • facilitated the work of the heart and lungs
  • normalizes hormonal
  • decreases the risk of herniation, degenerative disc disease and other pathologies
  • improves the function of organs of small pelvis and abdominal cavity

A set of exercises from back pain should include stretching exercises muscles exercises to strengthen muscles.Acute exacerbation of tension in the muscles, so they need to relax – this is done by complex stretching (traction) of muscles. For the prevention of lower back pain you need to strengthen muscles. Strengthening back muscles the load on the spine is reduced, since a significant part of the load takes on a muscular corset.

Rules of performance of exercises for lower back

  1. Do not force load and overload the lower back exercises to quickly reach the goal. Start with small loads, gradually increasing the duration of employment.
  2. Exercises for lower back is to do with the pressure and range that you comfortable. Do not make sudden jerks and movements while performing exercises for the lumbar so as not to aggravate the problem.
  3. One or two workouts will not help solve the problem, try to perform a set of exercises for lower back on a regular basis. It will be enough to train 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
  4. If you have cold floors or outside the window, cold weather, dress warm and lay on a floor Mat or blanket so as not to chill the loins.
  5. Do the exercises on a solid surface: bed or soft Mat will not fit. During exercise, supine lower back should be pressed to the floor.
  6. Do not forget about breathing during exercise program from lower back pain. Training should be accompanied by deep uniform breath, each static exercise is complete in 7 to 10 respiratory cycles.
  7. If during the execution of some exercises, you feel discomfort in the lower back or spine, such exercises should be skipped. If during exercise you feel a sharp pain, in this case it is better not to stop your workout.
  8. You should not perform the proposed set of exercises for the lower back during pregnancy, after injury or in chronic diseases. In this case, the required consultation of the doctor.
  9. Remember that if you have some chronic disease, the complex of exercises for the waist should be selected individually. For example, when shown scoliosis exercises for straightening the spine, and osteochondrosis and hernia — his stretching.
  10. If discomfort in the lumbar region persists for several weeks, consult a doctor. Lower back pain can be a symptom of serious disease. The sooner you begin treatment the easier it will be to avoid irreversible consequences.

PROPER NUTRITION: how to start step by step

Exercises from lower back pain: stretching

We offer you stretching exercises of the muscles of the waist, which is suitable to eliminate pain and spasms in the prevention. Stay in each pose 20-40 seconds, you can use the timer. Don’t forget to do the exercises on both sides, right and left. If any exercise bring you discomfort or pain, stop it, exercise should not bring unpleasant sensations.

1. Downward dog

From a position on hands and knees take buttocks back and up, stretch your arms, neck and back in one line. Imagine that your body formed a hill: try to make the top higher and the slopes steeper. It is possible to simplify the position with legs bent at the knees and tearing the heel from the floor.

Here and used a photo from youtube channel: Allie The Journey Junkie

2. Low lunge

Take the lunge position, the knee of one leg down on the floor and take as before. The second leg forms a right angle between the thigh and shins. Pull your hands up, feel the pleasant stretching in the spine. Hold this position and then go into pigeon pose.

3. The pigeon

From the lunge position drop down into pigeon pose. Right hip bone, cover the left heel. It is possible to extend the position if you push the left lower leg a little forward. Pull your pelvis to the floor. Put your forearms on the surface or lower the body on the floor or pillow take a comfortable position, focusing on your flexibility.

After the poses of the dove, return to low lunge and repeat these 2 exercises for the other leg. You can use yoga blocks or books:

4. Rotate the housing

To perform this very effective exercise for lower back take the sitting position, legs extended in front of him. Flip the leg over the hip and turn the body in the opposite direction. This exercise not only allows you to stretch the muscles of the back and lower back but also the gluteal muscles.

5. Bending sitting

Staying in the same position, gently lower back to the feet. Don’t have to do a full crease, just a little round the back for traction in the spine. It is desirable to lower the head to any support. You can bend your knees a bit or stretch your legs in the direction – choose a comfortable position for you.

6. The slopes in the Lotus position

Another very useful exercise from the lower back pain is bending in the Lotus position. Cross your legs on the floor and lean first to one side, pausing for 20-40 seconds, then the other side. Try to keep the body smooth, the shoulders and the case should not go forward.

7. Leg lift with band (towel)

Now for some exercises for the waist in the supine position on the floor. Use the strap, band or towel and pull yourself straight leg. During this exercise the back remains pressed to the floor, the lower back does not bend. The other leg remains straight and lying on the floor. If you are unable to keep the leg extended and pressed to the floor, you can bend at the knee. Hold this position for a while and go to the other foot.

8. Pulling the knee to the stomach

By analogy, perform another effective exercise for the back. Lying on your back, bend one leg and pull your knee toward your chest. When you perform this simple exercise very well stretch the lumbar muscles and decrease pain spasms.

9. Lift bent legs

This exercise in fitness very often used for stretching the muscles of the buttocks, but to stretch the lumbar muscles it is best. Lying on your back bend your knees and lift them so that the thigh and the body formed a right angle. Grab hands on the thigh of one leg, and the foot of the other leg lay on the knee. Hold this position. Make sure that the lower back was pressed firmly against the floor.

10. Pose happy baby

Another good relaxing exercise for lower back – this pose is happy baby. Lift your legs up, bending them at the knees, and grab hands for the outside of the foot. Relax and hold this position. You can slightly wiggle from side to side.

11. Turns arc

Now for the exercise for the lower back, which are the twisting of the spine. Lying on your back, turn your hands and crossed legs in one direction. Body like arc. In this exercise, is not important a large amplitude, you should feel a slight stretch in the lumbar spine. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and turn the other way.

12. Twisting the back while lying

Another very useful and important exercise for the lower back, which will help to relieve the pain in the sacrum. Lying on his back slowly expand the pelvis and move the leg to the side, throwing her across the hip of the other leg. Lower back off the floor, but the shoulders remain on the floor.

13. The pose lying on his stomach with his foot

Another simple exercise from back pain. Lie on your stomach and move in the direction of the bent leg. The other leg remains extended, both feet pressed to the floor.

14. Child’s pose

Get on your knees and legs apart to the side or close together. Exhale, slowly bend forward between your thighs and put your head on the floor. Through this relaxing exercise for lower back you will feel the lightness throughout the body, especially in the back. This is a resting posture you can be in it even for a few minutes.

You can also rotate first in one, then in the other direction, this will help to more efficiently stretch the lumbar muscles.

15. Posture lying with a pillow

Again lie on your back and put on your hips and knees a small pillow, stops when it touches the floor. Relax in this position for a few minutes.

Exercises from lower back pain: strengthen the muscles

Due to the proposed exercises, you will be able to improve spinal mobility and to get rid of discomfort in the lumbosacral region. In addition, you will strengthen the muscles that will be used for the prevention of back pain and back. So if you often troubled by back pain, make sure you take note of these exercises. Please note that it is not recommended to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles in the period of exacerbations.

1. Cat

Cat is one of the most useful exercises for the lumbar and spine in General. On the exhale round the back, push the blades as high up as possible and pull your chest. On the inhale a good bend in the lumbar region, directing the head to the tailbone, and open the chest. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

Here and used a photo from youtube channel: Allie The Journey Junkie

2. Pulling knee to chest

Standing on all fours on the inhale, pull the leg back, exhale grouped, tightening the forehead-to-knee. Try foot not touch the floor. Perform 10-15 reps on each side.

3. Lift arms and legs on all fours

Remaining in a standing position on all fours, grab hold of the opposite leg and bend at the lumbar. The belly is tucked up, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are tense, neck loose. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, holding the balance.

4. The rise of the case

Get down on your belly and take a prone position. Bend your elbows and spread them apart. Lift the body up, lifting your chest off the floor. Focus on lifting the body, neck remains neutral. Hold the top position for 5-10 seconds and return to starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

5. The rise of the body with hands behind head

A similar exercise to strengthen the lumbar, but in this embodiment, the arms are behind the head, which complicates the situation. Both of these exercises for the waist are hyperextension, but without the use of additional equipment. Also perform 10 repetitions.

6. Swimmer

Remaining in a prone position on her stomach, alternately lift opposite hands and legs up. Movement of the hands and feet must be maximally synchronous. Stay in position for a few seconds, try to perform the exercise efficiently. Not worth the mechanical waving his arms and legs. Repeat the exercise on each side 10 times.

Superman for the muscles of back and waist

7. Boat

Put your arms back and connect them to the castle. At the same time tear off the floor shoulders, chest, shins and knees, forming the oblong body of the boat. Exercise is not easy, so first try to maintain the position for at least 10-15 seconds. Can perform a few short approaches.

8. The twisting back

In the position lying on his stomach, pull the hands back and grasp hands for feet. Thighs, stomach, chest and forehead are on the floor. Pull the shoulders away from your ears, do not strain the neck. Hold this position for 20 seconds.

Can perform also here’s a version of this exercise, lumbar side-lying:

9. Bow pose

In prone position lift up the leg and lift the knees off the floor. Grab the same hand ankle from the outside. The maximum bend his hips and chest from the floor, the weight of the body on the belly. Imagine that the legs and torso is the body of the bow, and hands – taut bowstring. This exercise for strengthening the lower back is quite complex, so can gradually increase its amplitude, and the run time (you can start with 10 seconds).

10. Sphinx

From lying on your stomach, lift the body resting on the forearm and bending at the waist and thoracic spine. Pull the neck, lower shoulders, relax your neck and seek a top up. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds. Sphinx pose also helps improve posture.

If you are not comfortable to perform this exercise or concerned about pain, you can perform alternative pillow:

11. Cobra

From lying on your stomach, lift the body, resting on her arms and bending at the waist and thoracic spine. Straighten your arms, pull the neck, aiming for the top up. Hold in Cobra for 20-30 seconds. You can arrange arms wide, so it will be easier to maintain position. If you feel discomfort or pain, do not do this exercise.

12. The bridge

Take supine position, legs bent at the knees. Lift the pelvis up, straining his stomach and buttocks. Hold the top position for 5-10 seconds and return to starting position. This exercise is useful not only for lumbar but also for strengthening the buttocks and the press. Repeat the bridge 15-20 times.

13. The position of the table

The pose of the table is another effective exercise for the back. Take the position of the table and hold this position for 20-30 seconds, repeat 2 approach. Please note that the hips, abdomen, shoulders, head should be on one line. Shins and arms perpendicular to the body. This exercise also reveals the shoulder joints.

14. Strap

A great strengthening exercise for the muscles is the plank. Take a position push UPS, the body should form one straight line. Hands are placed strictly under the shoulders, stomach and buttocks tightened. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You can repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets.

Strap: how to perform + 45 variants

15. Plank on elbows

From plank position, take the “lower bar” – with the support of the forearm. The body maintains a straight line, buttocks lift up, the back remains straight without any bends and deflections. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You can also repeat the exercise in 2-3 sets. After performing planks will go down in child’s pose and relax for 1-2 minutes.

For image thanks again youtube-channel Allie The Journey Junkie.

7 videos from back pain in Russian

We offer you a selection video for back on the Russian language, which will help you to get rid of lower back pain at home to strengthen the back muscles, to regain spinal mobility. Training lasts from 7 to 40 minutes, so everyone can choose a suitable video from lower back pain.

TOP 14 VIDEOS from back pain

1. For lumbar-sacral spine (20 minutes)

Оздоровление пояснично-крестцового отдела позвоночника

2. Exercises for lower back (7 minutes)

Упражнения для поясницы

3. Pain in the lower back and strengthen it (14 minutes)

Как избавиться от боли в пояснице и укрепить ее

4. Rehabilitation of the lumbosacral (17 minutes)

Оздоровление и восстановление функций в ПОЯСНИЧНО-КРЕСТЦОВОМ ОТДЕЛЕ позвоночника

5. Exercises for lower back based on yoga (40 minutes)

Упражнения для поясницы

6. Complex lumbar subacute period (12 minutes)


7. Exercises for the lumbar (10 minutes)

Упражнения для поясничного отдела позвоночника

In addition to the exercises for lower back effective way to prevent back pain are Pilates workout. Pilates helps to strengthen the postural muscles that support the spine, which will help you avoid back problems.

Be sure to read:

  • Top 10 video’s low impact with Pilates for problem areas
  • Top 60 best exercises from Pilates to sifco for all problem areas!
  • Pilates at home for different levels of training with Alena Mordovina


The back and loins

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