End the summer ahead of the new academic year. And if in the summer the children were intensively used the vitamins from the beds, but now it’s time to build the schoolchildren’s diet so that early rises not seem terrible, and the school day was easy. Increase mental activity, comes rainy autumn, and therefore must focus on enhancing immunity and the ability of the brain to concentrate and absorb information. Here are products that are sure to have students from September 1.
Fish is a source of vitamins, minerals and healthy omega-acids, which improve the functioning of the brain and calm the nervous system. The high content of iodine and phosphorus help concentration, reduce aggression and tearfulness.
Meat is a source of protein and vital forces, which are important at the stage of formation of bone and muscle tissue of children. Also in the meat and a lot of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins that stabilizes the nervous system, improves vision and helps the brain work efficiently.
Another important source of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fats for proper brain function. Choline in the composition of eggs is beneficial to mood and well-being of children.
Broccoli contains large amounts of vitamin K and boron necessary for the operation of the brain. You can also add to the diet and other types of cabbage, which improve intestinal motility.
Rich in starch, the potatoes provide satiety and energy that takes up mental activity. During digestion, starch is converted into glucose, which gives strength. Potatoes are minerals and amino acids necessary for every person.
Garlic improves blood circulation, the brain is better supplied with oxygen and is ready to assimilate large amounts of information. Besides garlic – preventive measure against infectious diseases.
In butter contains good fats that are beneficial to mental activity, concentration and academic performance in General.
Dairy products
Dairy products are sources of protein, calcium and other nutrients necessary for the harmonious development of the growing organism. This is a timely cleansing of toxins, strengthen bones, the normalization of the psycho-emotional state and just a delicious snack.
Snack nuts – the best thing to give a child in school. The nuts contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins that stimulate the brain and increase immunity.
This grass should always add when cooking meals for students of all ages. Rosemary contains antioxidants and karmazinova acid that dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and improve memory. Even the smell of rosemary has a profound effect.
Even lemon slices in a Cup of tea is enough to improve a child’s memory and enrich the body With vitamin C, important during the spread of viral diseases. Thanks to the lemon, the child will cease to forget things and knowledge.
Honey is a source of glucose, important for the brain and nervous system in General. Honey boosts immunity, provides the necessary energy and removes drowsiness. It is better not to add honey to a hot drink from this, he loses all its useful properties and is just a sweetener.