Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

Nature is inexhaustible in fantasy. A huge number of amazing creatures live on Earth: from funny to terrifying. There are also the most unusual plants in the world. Let’s talk about them today.

10 Titanic amorphophallus (Amorphophallus titanum)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

The second name is Corpse lily (Corpse lily). The most unusual plant in the world makes it not only the gigantic size of the flower, but also the terrible smell that it exudes. It’s good that you only have two days to smell the aroma of rotten meat and fish – this is the flowering period of this amazing plant. Another feature is its rare flowering. The “corpse lily” lives for a long time, up to 40 years, and during this time flowers appear on it only 3-4 times. The plant can reach a height of up to 3 meters, and the weight of a large flower is about 75 kilograms.

The birthplace of Amorphophallus titanic is the forests of Sumatra, where it is now almost exterminated. The plant can be seen in many botanical gardens around the world.

9. Venus Flytrapper (Dionaea muscipula)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

Only the lazy did not write about this amazing predator plant. But no matter how much is said about him, the Venus flytrap is striking in its absolute alienness. It can easily be imagined as an inhabitant of some distant and dangerous planet inhabited by carnivorous plants. Venus flytrap leaves are an ideal trap for small insects. As soon as the unlucky victim touches the leaf, it slams shut. And the more actively the insect resists, the more it stimulates the growth of plant cells. The edges of the trap-leaf grow together and turn into a “stomach”, where the digestion process takes place within 10 days. After that, the trap is again ready to catch the next victim.

This unusual predator can be “tamed” – the Venus flytrap is successfully grown at home. Here it is important to follow the rules of care, and then you can observe the amazing carnivorous plant yourself.

8. Wolffia (Wolffia angusta)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

It belongs to the most unusual plants in the world because of its tiny size. This is an aquatic plant of the duckweed subfamily. The size of wolfia is negligible – about a millimeter. It blooms very rarely. Meanwhile, in terms of the amount of protein, the plant is not inferior to legumes and can be used as food by humans.

7. Passiflora (Passiflora)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

This beautiful plant also seems to come from other worlds. An unusual flower led the missionaries who saw him in South Africa to an allegory about the savior’s crown of thorns. From here came the second name of one of the most unusual plants in the world – passion flower (passion of Christ).

Passiflora is a lignified climbing vine with more than 500 species.

6. Amazonian Victoria (Victoria amozonica)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

This is the most amazing and unusual water lily in the world. The diameter of the leaves of the plant reaches two meters. They are so large that they can support weights up to 80 kg. The flowers of this water lily are very beautiful, and Victoria amazonica is the most popular and unusual plant in greenhouses and botanical gardens.

Many amazing plants of the world have been known for a long time. But there are completely unusual representatives of the flora, which few people know about. Meanwhile, they really amaze with their appearance.

5. Nepenthes (Nepenthes)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

Another predator plant that surprises with its unusual appearance. It grows mainly in Asia. Climbing high on neighboring trees, this bushy vine, along with ordinary leaves, has special trapping ones that take the form of a jug up to half a meter long. They are painted in bright colors to attract the attention of insects. The upper edge of the jug contains fragrant nectar. The insect, attracted by the smell and color of the plant, crawls into the jar and rolls down its smooth surface. At the bottom is a liquid consisting of digestive enzymes and acids – real gastric juice. The inner surface of the trapping leaf is lined with wax scales that do not allow the victim to get out of the trap. Like the Venus flytrap, Nepenthes digests the insect for several days. This is one of the most unusual and impressive plants in the world.

4. Gidnellum Peck, or bloody tooth

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

An inedible mushroom native to Europe, North America and Australia. Outwardly, it looks like a small piece of cake, covered with strawberry syrup. It is not eaten because of its strong bitter taste. In addition to the amazing appearance, the mushroom also has useful properties – its pulp has an antibacterial effect and contains substances that thin the blood. Only a young plant looks unusual, the snow-white flesh of which exudes drops of a reddish liquid.

3. White crow, or puppet eyes

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world


White crow, or puppet eyes, is an unusual plant not for the faint of heart. The fruits that appear on it in the second half of summer really most of all resemble puppet eyes planted on a branch. The birthplace of the white crow is the mountainous regions of North America. The plant is poisonous, but does not pose a mortal danger.

2. Porcupine tomato (Porcupine Tomato)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world


Porcupine Tomato is one of the most unusual plants in the world with huge thorns. This is a Madagascar one and a half meter weed, decorated with beautiful purple flowers. But picking them is very difficult, because the leaves of the plant are protected by long, poisonous orange-colored spikes. It was named tomato for fruits that look like small tomatoes.

Many unusual plants of the world in the course of evolution have learned to take the form of other living beings. The flowers of the duck-billed orchid, for example, look very much like tiny two-centimeter ducks. In this way, the plant lures insects – male sawflies – for pollination.

1. Lithops or living stones (Lithops)

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

Among indoor plants you can find the most amazing and unusual specimens. This is confirmed by living stones that will decorate and diversify the room. They belong to succulents and therefore are quite unpretentious. The main thing is to take proper care of them, and one day it will be possible to admire how lithops, which look like small stones, will bloom. This usually happens in the third year of the plant’s life.

+Parachute Flower Ceropegia Woodii

Top 10 most unusual plants in the world

If in the XNUMXth century, when this unusual plant was first described, they knew about airplanes, it would have been called that. It belongs to succulents and forms a dense weave of filamentous shoots. The plant feels great at home and is used for decorative decoration of rooms.

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