Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

There will always be those who like to tickle their nerves, but people who decide to visit dangerous cities do not always understand how badly everything can end. It’s one thing to watch terrible events on TV, it’s quite another to be a part of them.

Everyone knows that it is better not to walk through the slums of Brazil, not to come to Africa without support and certain goals, but besides the famous dangerous cities, there are others that travel lovers should know about.

Visiting these 10 cities may seem like an adventure – with a number of negative consequences. Better not to put yourself at risk unnecessarily.

10 Damascus, Syria

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

Damascus feels like a different world: dusty, gray, chaotic. Upon entering, you immediately see the ruins, there is not a single whole house on the outskirts of the capital, there were battles here, and serious destruction remained.

The city is gradually recovering, but the atmosphere here leaves much to be desired. The city is periodically shelled by Islamists – not the best place for a pleasant pastime.

Damascus is a front-line city. Tourists who dare to come here are not surprised when they hear an explosion nearby – a common thing. The peculiarity of the city is checkpoints located every 300–500 m.

9. Cairo, Egypt

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

Is it safe to travel now Cairo? In fact, it’s not safe to go anywhere at all right now… But if you have any doubts, it’s better to avoid Cairo, because the level of criminal crimes has increased in it.

Car thefts are common here, but fortunately there is no racism here. If you decide to visit this city, you need to be very careful on the roads, because accidents and accidents constantly occur here. Even walking on a pedestrian road you need to be alert.

Few people visit the capital of Egypt – you don’t want to risk your life for the sake of adrenaline. And there are not so many interesting things in Cairo – even a walk along the Nile is a very dubious pleasure. In addition, Cairo is a city for those who have money, if they don’t, you are considered a second-class person.

8. Sanaa, Yemen

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

Sana – may be the most beautiful city, but life here is full of dangers. An atmosphere of chaos reigns here, the blood of peaceful people is constantly shed – bombings, terrorist attacks, and murders often occur.

Tourists are also not recommended to come here – you never know what. It is frankly dangerous here – there are people who can kidnap or kill, for example, if you just came from America. So the Americans need to come here either with security, or they need to blend in with the crowd.

It is hard not to notice the poverty all around – children spend their time on the street, women everywhere with newborns in their arms, begging. There is one more thing in Sanaa that is very repulsive – it’s dirt and garbage, people with OCD are definitely not allowed here.

7. Maceio, Brazil

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

Brazilian cities inspire fear, namely slums, areas of the poor. AT Maceio, as in other Brazilian cities, you can see people with weapons selling drugs and other things on the streets. Once this city was in the first place in terms of crime, now it has become a little safer.

As soon as you drive into Maceio, you see slums everywhere. There are also places reminiscent of Russia, namely panel houses. But suddenly, against the backdrop of repulsive views, you see a rather pleasant area – near the beach, where you can take a walk.

There is something to see here, to taste the local cuisine, but, as they say, at your own peril and risk … Oddly enough, Maceio is the capital of the state of Alagoas, translated from Indian as “natural sources”, though there are no sources of information. But there is the Atlantic Ocean!

6. Cape Town, South Africa

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

South Africa is one of the most developed countries in Africa, but, compared to others, it is relatively safe here (so Capetown does not bear the title of the most dangerous city, only partially). Of course, there is danger, but there are also nature reserves, beaches and beautiful views.

If you follow some security measures in Cape Town, then nothing bad will happen. At night, for example, it is dangerous to walk here – it is better to call a taxi, it is not recommended to stand out from the crowd, and things must be kept with you, not left unattended.

It is safe to walk here until 22-23 pm, later it is better to take a taxi. If you behave carefully in Cape Town, there will be no problems. Alone, you can organize solo tourism here, which, by the way, is widespread.

5. Kabul, Afghanistan

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

Kabul repeatedly presented as the worst place to visit. It is scary to imagine that you could have been born here – even if you survive after the terrorist attack, no one guarantees that polluted air will not kill you.

Kabul is an ancient city, but you will not find architectural monuments in it. Only carved fences and barbed wire – something that you don’t really want to photograph, if not some kind of thematic shooting …

In general, Afghanistan, in particular Kabul – a city in which 99,99% of people cannot be driven with a stick – only people with disabilities or completely desperate people can come here if they wish. This is a terrorist hell that hardly anyone wants to look at.

4. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

It is better not to meddle in this city – only the most risky ones can go here, but you need to understand the responsibility of your choice. San Pedro Sula considered the most dangerous city on the planet, living in it is like hell.

Bloody showdowns are constantly taking place here, as a result, as always, innocent people suffer. The government of San Pedro Sula claims that each resident of the city can have 5 types of weapons, just think about it – 70% are acquired illegally.

There are many gangs operating in the city, the most dangerous of which is Mara Salvatrucha. They are quite easy to distinguish in order to bypass them – they are all in tattoos. If you are still “lucky” to get to this city, if possible, do not leave the Central District. It is relatively safe.

3. San Salvador, El Salvador

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

San salvador – another city on Earth, staying in which resembles hell. “Today we walked around the city, it’s a nightmare, it’s hell,” said some tourists on the forum. This city is definitely not suitable for walking …

On the streets of San Salvador it is difficult to notice the strolling tourists – no one wants to take risks. It is San Salvador, a huge dump where homeless people lie on the street. Even in the center there are no decent places – only a noisy, dirty market.

This city even has a red-light district – prostitutes who look like men stand at the door – everything looks not like in Amsterdam, but disgusting. Even the city park is a dump, and crime is quite high here.

2. Caracas, Venezuela

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

It is unlikely that there will be those who want to come to Caracas, because this city is very dangerous. It makes people aggressive, here they can kill even for a phone, for a package of groceries, good shoes. The crime situation is very problematic, so walking here in jewelry or with an expensive phone is dangerous.

At night, it is dangerous to drive a car outside the city, especially if the car breaks down and stops. The most dangerous highway is Puerto Cabello – Valenci, where Monica Speer was killed.

Shooting a man in Caracas is not a problem for a criminal. If the victim doesn’t resist, maybe they will decide to let him live… Sometimes bandits in Caracas even raid police posts.

1. Mogadishu, Somalia

Top 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are scary to live in

It’s scary to imagine that someone could be born in a city like Mogadishu. Traffic jams in Mogadishu are dangerous, because terrorist attacks are not uncommon, drivers are extremely irritable. There are so many weapons around that misunderstandings can arise.

Everywhere in Mogadishu you can see the evidence of the war: bullet holes, building debris everywhere, except for modern houses. The city is always patrolled by African Union peacekeepers.

By the way, there is even one interesting approach here – so that guests can eat calmly on the beach in a restaurant, it is fenced with wire, otherwise they would be attacked by commoners. But there are guards and towers with machine gunners.

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