Filmmakers have their own forecast for the last month of winter, and so far one thing is certain: it will be interesting! Introducing two comedies and one drama in our selection of new movies.
“There will be no more snow”
34-year-old Alek Utgoff, or Oleg Utgof, is an eighth German, half Ossetian, a native of Kyiv, a Russian-speaking resident of London, a graduate of the prestigious Drama Center London and clearly a rising movie star. He is remembered for his role as Russian scientist Alexei in Stranger Things, but was preceded by roles in Jack Ryan and A Traitor Like Us. Oleg is sorry that because of “Cases …” he could not respond to the offer to star in the TV series “Chernobyl”, but Chernobyl overtook him in “Snow …”.
Stalker from Chernobyl. Zhenya regularly moves from the gloomy world of shabby high-rise buildings to a Polish-style paradise – to a village of snow-white cottages, hiding behind a barrier. His patients, rich people, live there. But they hurt – their spines hurt, which actually help a person not to bend, their souls hurt, which should be clean. And they are being healed by masseur Zhenya, who survived the Chernobyl disaster in Pripyat, who saw there not cold white, but warm and grayish snow, who watched his mother fade away, who fled from the past. He came from the toxic Zone and is trying to heal in the zone of unfulfilled hopes and bad conscience.
Migrant Superman. Zhenya relieves pain. He has the face of an angel who has taken on all the sins of the world, he speaks all languages, even Vietnamese, masters hypnosis, dances ballet, looks into the soul, and his fingers instantly find the source of pain. And it is he who will open the abscesses of the local paradise, where the aspiration to Europe and the education of children in the French Lyceum coexists with shameful chauvinism.
Super woman. In a film about your country’s search for a new national identity, to combine the low-comic myth with the high-brow-Tarkovsky myth is only possible for director Malgorzata Shumovska. She always set herself existential goals. Her “Body” told about the power over us of our frailty, “Face” – about how a person prefers the external to the essence … By the way, she made a new film in the director’s union with her ex-husband, cameraman.
Genre: drama, comedy. Cast: Alek Uthoff, Agata Kulesha.
Available from February 4th.
“Promising Girl”
35-year-old Emerald Fennel, an actress of two dozen series, made her directorial debut with a film about women’s revenge. The process is practically carried out by her alter ego – the same determined and beautiful blonde.
Genre: drama. Cast: Carey Mulligan, Adam Brody.
Available from January 21st.
“Give Oak in Yuba County”
The disappearance of her husband is a chance to become a celebrity, housewife Sue tells herself. Especially since her half-sister is a TV journalist waiting for her “super story”. True, as the search is widely announced, it turns out that losing is better than finding …
Genre: comedy. Cast: Allison Janney, Mila Kunis, Juliette Lewis.
Available from January 28st.