The wrinkle between the eyebrows: how to remove? Video

The wrinkle between the eyebrows: how to remove? Video

Expression wrinkles appear in youth, and if you do not try to get rid of them right away, they will become more noticeable with age. The folds between the eyebrows that appear when a person frowns visually makes the person look older and gives their face a frown, so it is worth working on removing them first.

Remove wrinkles between eyebrows

Facial gymnastics against wrinkles

Press the fingertips of your right and left hand against the skin over the right and left eyebrows, respectively. Then, tense your facial muscles as if you are trying to frown, but continue to gently hold the skin with your fingers so that the wrinkle between the eyebrows does not appear. Remain in this position for 15–20 seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise again. It should be done at least 15 times every day.

Facial gymnastics should be done in front of a mirror, after cleansing your face. After its completion, you need to wash, use milk, tonic or gel, and then apply a moisturizer to the skin

Place the base of your hand on your forehead, covering the skin between your eyebrows. Then try to frown, pull your eyebrows together and tighten your muscles. Maintain this position for 7-10 seconds, then relax and rest for half a minute. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Be careful not to press too hard with your palm on your forehead.

How to remove wrinkles with massage

Cleanse your face thoroughly before massage, and if you have dry skin, apply a small amount of moisturizer. Place your right hand on your forehead so that the middle finger is between the eyebrows, the index finger is at the beginning of the right eyebrow, and the ring finger is at the beginning of the left. Place the fingertips of your left hand slightly higher. Then gently massage the skin, smoothing wrinkles with your fingers and slightly stretching the skin. Do not overdo it: you need to press gently and lightly. Continue to massage for 3-4 minutes.

You can enhance the effect if you smooth your forehead with the effort of your facial muscles during the massage. Pretend that you are very surprised: the eyebrows will be raised, and the forehead will be smoothed.

Press the pads of your index fingers against the skin between the brows where the mimic wrinkle is forming, and then gently massage the skin in a circular motion, trying to smooth out the crease. After that, connect your fingers and spread them to the sides, stroking the skin, reconnect and stroke your forehead again. This simple movement should be done last after gymnastics and massage.

Both fine and deep wrinkles can be removed with masks. Choose a quality anti-aging product designed to eliminate wrinkles and use it regularly. A properly selected mask will make the skin not only smoother, but also cleaner, even out its shade, and remove minor imperfections.

It is also interesting to read: how to get rid of red hair.

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