The modern student’s menu: 5 main rules

Still a growing organism, but at this age with inherent hormonal storms and a huge attack of information on the brain, it requires proper nutrition. Living in dorms, a race between couples, passion, lack of sleep and carelessness – this is endless dry drinks, snacks on the go, a lot of caffeine and an overabundance of sweets. How to eat well for students so that there are no problems with fatigue, nervousness and stomach?

Rule 1. Hot breakfast

The student’s breakfast should not be light and dietary. Preferably carbohydrate porridge, pasta or potatoes. The dish should be boiled or baked – no fries or greasy gravy.

The starchy side dish is absorbed slowly, because the level of glucose in the blood does not jump, but changes slowly, gives strength before dinner, including for mental activity. It is advisable to supplement breakfast with vegetables or fruits, wash it down with tea, juice or coffee with milk. Add butter or milk to the hot garnish.


Carbohydrate breakfasts can be alternated or replaced with protein ones – an omelet with vegetables and kefir or cottage cheese with additives – yogurt and fruits. Choose dairy products that are low in fat, but not 0%.

Observe your feelings: after a proper breakfast, you should feel a surge of energy, not drowsiness. Adjust your food intake and diet so that you don’t want to oversleep couples after breakfast.


Rule 2. Liquid lunch

Liquid hot soup – fish, meat or vegetable broth – is better absorbed and takes up a large volume in the stomach, which means that the calories are eaten at lunch an order of magnitude less. It is advisable that the soup is not oversaturated with fat, you should give preference to a lean dish.

A piece of lean fish or meat should be added to the soup, vegetables – salad or stew, a piece of bread with bran. To recharge your brain for homework or further lectures, you can treat yourself to a dessert – fruit or a piece of natural chocolate. 

Rule 3. Correct snack

Sandwiches are different, and not every one is a stomach hazard. For example, replace sausage with lean baked meat, add lettuce and tomato or bell peppers and carrots, use whole grain bread as a basis, and use yogurt or low-fat cheese instead of mayonnaise.


Rule 4. Less caffeine

Caffeine, of course, stimulates the brain and energizes. But not for long. After a while, the body will require a new portion, as a result, after a day’s caffeine load in the evening you will feel overexcited, this threatens insomnia, scattered attention, restless sleep and subsequently the accumulation of fatigue and chronic depression.

Drink coffee strictly in the morning, no more than 2-3 cups a day. Give preference to natural drinks rather than instant drinks from vending machines. During the next hours before bed, drink only clean, still water.

Rule 5. Light supper

Student gatherings at dinner are often alcohol, unhealthy snacks, or heavy fatty foods. You need to stop with such habits, otherwise this is the road to at least gastritis. At night, it is advisable to have a snack with something fermented or cook fish with vegetables, a piece of cheese, a glass of milk, an omelet are suitable for a snack.

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