The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

In ancient Hindu texts, it is said that 88.000 chakras are distributed over the human being, but seven play a major role in the physical body. These 7 chakras are energy centers where energy circulates.

Their functioning has repercussions both physically and emotionally. Each chakra is linked to a set of organs in your body.

When energy does not flow properly from one chakra to another, it can cause energy blockages causing various diseases.

Ce chakra guide will help you become aware of your 7 chakras, you will discover the importance of each one and how to balance them in order to lead a more fulfilling life.

A little history

Origin of the chakras

The chakras have been around for several millennia in the veda, around 1500-500 BC The Veda is a collection of Hindu texts written in Sanskrit. They contain several messages of wisdom, philosophy, hymns. He also served as a ritual guide for Vedic priests.

The veda was revealed in India by the Aryans. It is composed of 4 main texts which are: the rig veda, the Sama veda, the Yajur veda and the Atharva veda. It was passed down orally from generation to generation.

The Veda texts are the oldest texts in Hinduism. The chakras were developed in these ancient texts of the Vedic religion.

In the esoteric traditions of India, the chakras are considered to be the psycho-energetic center through the human body. They are in simpler terms energy centers.

The word Chakra means wheel. Your chakras spin like wheels when everything is going well. Energy flows normally between the different chakras and the different human organs, allowing good health.

Over the centuries, the chakra system has also been developed by other civilizations such as the Chinese civilization, the Egyptian civilization, the North American Civilization in particular the Incas and the Mayas.

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

Importance of the chakras for a balanced and peaceful life

These ancient peoples discovered that the human being was connected to the universe by the system of energies. As we can see, everything is energy around us.

Whether it’s the smallest atoms in our body that form our nervous system, our spine, our skeleton; or whether it is the solar system, you understand that everything around us is a collection of energies that attract or repel each other.

In the Hindu tradition, the chakras are sources of energy in the body (1). They allow you to connect to the material world. They also allow you to live a life of fullness.

You have a total of seven (7) chakras. They are distributed throughout the body and are each related to a set of organs.

Find out here if your chakras are open? 

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

Chakras and energy

The chakras carry energy from the universe to the human body in order to connect it and bring the physical body to life. As human blood carries energy, nutrients and the like to target organs, chakras carry spiritual energy to target organs through what it picks up from your universe and your thoughts.

This theory of energy systems is well illustrated in Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book “The Secret”. She portrays in this bestseller that anything you want, you want, you can get by asking the universe.

How? ‘Or’ What ? Through the law of attraction which is the attraction of the energies contained in the universe and in our thoughts. Focusing attention and intentionally creating a connection between what we want, our mind, and the universe, attracts the object of our desires to us.

This system of energies that we can consciously use for our own benefit can be a disaster for us if we are not aware of it.

The law of attraction also draws in you the negative energies of the universe towards you if you (even unconsciously) develop thoughts of fear, doubt of illnesses …

These thoughts will capture the negative energies contained in the universe to physically materialize in your life. This materialization of negative energies can be poverty, disease, bad luck, despair.

Through the explanation of the Law of Attraction developed by Rhonda Byrne, you realize how important it is to be aware of the chakras and to work to preserve positive energies throughout your life. This personal effort will attract to you a life of success, fullness, happiness.

On the contrary, a life that does not take into account the chakras will be less fulfilled, free and happy.

How to feel your chakras

To develop this spiritual reality relating to the chakras, you have to practice a very simple exercise.

1-Sit in a meditation position. Clear your mind and make sure everything around you is calm.

2-Slowly bring the palms of both hands together. Keep them in this position for a few seconds.

You feel energy during the touch of your palms.

3-Then slowly release your palms from each other. The energy created is gradually distilled as your palms move away from each other.

4-Bring your palms together once more and separate them. Do this several times in a row. Over time you will feel more of this energy between your palms even when they are far apart.

To feel the heart chakra:

1-place your two palms in the center of your chest.

2-Breathe in the air deeply through your nostrils. Keep the air in the lungs for a few seconds before exhaling.

You will feel energy in your palms. Initially the sensation is weak, but over time you may feel the heart chakra better in your palms. Do this exercise repeatedly to develop the feeling of energy.

Start with this simple little exercise every day until you feel the energies manifesting in your body.

It is important to clear your surroundings and within yourself to facilitate this exercise.

The different chakras in detail

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

Chakra 1: The Muladhara chakras or Racine Chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


The Root chakra is the first chakra. Located at the base of the spine, it is attached to the bladder, vertebrae and colon (2).

Color and associated stones

The color of Chakra 1 is red. Foods related to the root chakra are strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, beets, and any other food that is red in color.

The stones relating to the root chakra are red jasper and ruby. You can use any red colored gemstones to balance your Muladhara chakra.

The impact of the root chakra in your life

The root chakra is associated with family, feelings of security and stability. The dysfunction of this chakra causes a feeling of fear linked to the lack of primary needs (eating, sleeping, resting…).

It is also out of balance when the person feels threatened or sick. The feeling of fear, of greed, of power invades you when your root chakra is overactive.

When underactive, you are a lot of a dreamer, disconnected from reality, distracted, anxious and disorganized.

Aggression, anger, jealousy and violence are the main impacts of closing this chakra.

Diseases related to the root chakra are : Alzheimer’s disease, nervous system disorders, dementias, migraines, fatigue …

When the root chakra is balanced, you become more patient, loved and supported by your family.

You also develop the ability to adapt, focus, discipline.

The Kundalini is the energy of the root chakra. It starts from the root chakra (located between the legs) to the crown chakra (slightly above the head).

It is a “mother energy” which boosts the various chakras. It is represented by a serpent coiled on itself at the base of the spine. The Kundalini is revealed when you practice personal development sessions. It allows full awareness of the mind and body.

The energy given off by the Kundalini is evolutionary. The more we develop love, the more it develops. (3)

Chakra 2: le Chakra sacré ou Svadhisthana Chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


This chakra relates to the reproductive organs. It is located 5 mm from the navel (below the navel).

Color and associated stones

The color of this chakra is orange. The foods associated with this chakra are: carrots, mangoes, foods rich in Omega 3, almonds, coconut.

Carnelian, onyx and tiger eye are the main crystals to be used to awaken the orange colored sacral chakra.

The impact of the sacral chakra in your life

The sacral chakra is the chakra of sensuality, passion, sexuality, creativity and above all, pleasure. The verb that sums up this chakra is “I feel”.

When your sacral chakra is balanced, you feel happy. You feel like you are doing the “right thing”. Merit and desire are the key words to describe it.

When the Svadhisthana chakra is overactive, you are sexually overactive. You are strongly bound by emotions, for example, by too much attachment in your relationships.

When the sacral chakra is under active, you have no pleasure, you feel empty.

Its imbalance manifests itself when the person receives or endures unjust things.

The diseases related to this chakra are : painful periods, infertility, irritable bowel, fibroids, prostate disease, muscle spasms, frigidity, ovarian cysts.

Consider adding spices and herbs such as cilantro, cumin, sweet paprika, licorice, fennel, vanilla, and cinnamon to your diet to support your sacral chakra balance (4).

Chakra 3: The solar plexus or the Chakra Manipura

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


The solar plexus is located under the breast, above the navel.

Associated colors and stones

It is yellow in color. Foods associated with it are yellow in color such as bananas, yellow peppers, corn on the cob, squash, oats …

The crystals associated with this chakra are (5): Tiger’s eye, yellow jasper, amber, citrine, imperial topaz, yellow agate, pyrite, sulfur …

The impact of the solar plexus in your life

The solar plexus is related to self-esteem, to the power that one has over things, people and oneself. It is the gateway between the spiritual world and the physical world. We associate the verb “I can” with this chakra.

This chakra is responsible for self-confidence and self-esteem. Yellow in color, it is defined as the radiation chakra. When the Manipura is in its equilibrium, the person realizes its true value and demonstrates physical and emotional rigor.

When this chakra is balanced, it enables self-confidence, the ability to plan or make decisions. You are in control of your environment and your projects. You also have a good control of your emotions, your passions.

When this chakra is overactive, you develop feelings of selfishness as well as tyrannical and manipulative behaviors.

When the Manipura chakra is underactive, you have a lack of self-confidence. You are not sure of yourself. You therefore seek the approval of others to support your decisions or your point of view.

You also develop anxiety and addiction.

Diseases resulting from the imbalance of the solar plexus are : ulcers, pancreatic disorders, digestive problems, diseases related to the kidneys and emunctory systems in general. Appetite disturbances are also observed in case of problems related to the solar plexus.

Chakra 4: the heart chakra or Anahata Chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


The Anahata Chakra is located in front of the heart, therefore at the level of the chest. This chakra is related to the chest, diaphragm, immune system, heart, lungs, arms, hands as well as the breasts or pectorals.

Associated colors and stones

The dominant color of this chakra is green. The stones attached to it are emerald, green aventurine, moss agate, green tourmaline. For heart chakra balance, eat green vegetables.

The impact of the heart chakra in your life

The heart chakra is a haven of unconditional love, empathy, and compassion. Its main virtue is openness to others.

When this chakra is balanced, you are kind, positive, generous and above all sensitive to nature. You tend to offer your services while fully following your heart.

When the heart chakra is overactive, you become overly caring, to the point of putting the interests of others before your own.

You love others more than yourself, which creates frustration when the other person doesn’t react to you the same way.

An underactive heart chakra leads to negativity, withdrawal into oneself, lack of self-esteem, the feeling of not being loved by others. You hardly trust others. You tend to have preconceived ideas about how to love.

This blockage can also fuel melancholy and sadness in you.

Physical illnesses Related to the heart chakra are heart problems and respiratory problems.

Chakra 5: Chakra de la gorge – Vishuddha Chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


It is located in the center of the throat, between the larynx and the jugular fossa. The throat chakra is the jugular fossa at the neck, thyroid gland, shoulders, throat, mouth, bronchus, esophagus, cervical vertebrae, and ears.

Associated colors and stones

The color of this chakra is light blue. The crystals associated with this chakra are: blue calcite, blue aventurine, kyanite, blue fluorite, angelite, aquamarine, celestite and turquoise.

The food willés to this chakra are blueberries, and blueberries, blackberries, apples, coconut water, honey, lemon.

The impact of the throat chakra in your life

The throat chakra is located below your throat and the verb that defines it is “I speak”. When properly balanced, it helps you better express your ideas and feelings.

We can see that this chakra represented under a blue color (light blue, turquoise) is responsible for the communication and creation capacity of the individual.

Associated with hearing, this chakra allows you to pay attention to what others are saying and to express yourself clearly.

It is also the communication chakra. Some speech disorders like stuttering are linked to an underactive throat chakra.

Its blockage creates shame or fear in you, two potential barriers that hinder your personal development.

The Throat Chakra encourages everyone to speak the truth and find their words easily.

When your throat chakra is overactive, you become too talkative. You tend to talk to say nothing. This leads to lies and slander towards oneself and towards others. You also have difficulty listening to others.

Physical illnesses linked to this chakra these include tonsillitis, hearing problems, asthma, bronchitis and sore throat in general.

Chakra 6: The third eye chakra or Ajna Chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


The third eye chakra is located on the forehead between the two eyebrows. It is related to the base of the skull, the pituitary gland, the eyes and the eyebrows.

Associated colors and stones

We associate it with the color indigo blue or purple. The crystals that support this chakra are sapphire, blue onyx, tanzanite, and Lapis Lazuli.

As food, consume eggplant, purple kale, natural herbal drinks, plums.

The impact of the 3rd eye chakra in your life

This chakra is in close connection with the extrasensory capacity of the individual. Intuition, positive thinking and wisdom are the main potentialities associated with its openness. Third Eye Chakra Balance helps to have a clearer view of things and to find the good in all situations. The representative verb of this chakra is “I see”.

When he’s out of balance, you get cynical.

When this chakra is under active, you develop bad intuition, you have difficulty meditating, concentrating. This results in a disconnection between your inner world and the outer world.

When the 3rd eye chakra is overactive, daydreams are more frequent and you develop excessive thoughts.

Physical illnesses are seizures, migraines, sleep disturbances, hallucinations.

Chakra 7: the Crown Chakra or the Sahasrara chakra

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health


The crown chakra is located slightly above the head. The Sahasrara chakra has a connection with the first chakra, the root chakra as the two chakras are located at the ends of the body.

The crown chakra is linked to the nervous system, to the hypothalamus, to the pineal glands, to the brain in general.

Associated colors and stones

Purple and white are the colors associated with the crown chakra. In addition, the colors pink, silver and gold optimize his awakening and his powers.

The stones that support your crown chakra are purple colored crystals including amethyst, rock crystal, and milky quartz.

The impact of the crown chakra in your life

The crown chakra or seventh chakra is in connection with divinity, consciousness and higher thought. Also called Sahasrara chakra, it makes the person understand that he is guided by a powerful force. The verb that expresses it is “I know”.

The imbalance of the crown chakra promotes the pride and selfishness of the person. Neurosis and difficulties in learning, understanding also result from a defect in this chakra.

Physical problems arising from this chakra are among others, nerve pain, neurological disorders, mental disorders (6).

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

How to work with your chakras


The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

To live Zen, it is important to plan for moments of silence and concentration during the day. Meditation is thus necessary in order to refresh your energies. Associated with the notions of chakra, meditation therefore contributes essentially to the revitalization of weak energies, then to the harmony of physical well-being.

For this purpose, it is the best solution to recreate its strength once your body feels the distractions and fatigue.

When the goal of the meditation you are doing is to rebalance one of your chakras, it is important that you hire a guide to better guide your sessions. Choose a guide who is knowledgeable about the subject.

This guide will better orient you and follow the evolution of the energy level after each workout.

Meditation for the purpose of balancing the chakras is done in a lightly lit room in which calm reigns.

Explanation for meditating on the chakras

1-Sit in a tailored position, then place your hands on your thighs. Make sure your whole body is at rest before you start meditation. It is therefore important to clear your mind and around you.

2-Keep your back straight. Avoid being rigid or tense. Close your eyes. Breathe in and out deeply.

3-To better work your chakras, you must know the precise place where the chakra to be treated is located. If you treat for example the root chakra, the effect of this opening occurs on the navel, the abdominal muscles, the plexus as well as the pectorals, the heart, the throat and the forehead.

The feeling of fullness should be felt up to the crown chakra, the terminal place of control (7). We told you earlier: the crown chakra and the root chakra are closely linked.


The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

The effect of yoga on the chakras is seen through the practical flows or life forces from which the calorific epicenters extract their power. This heat is called the energy of Kundalini.

Yoga, through postures or asanas, therefore allows you to clarify, boost and control the energy that you use both mentally and physically.

Each type of chakra has an appropriate posture. For the Muladhara (root chakra), the crow position is recommended.

For the Svadhisthana (sacral chakra), it is necessary to opt for the frog position. This involves keeping the heels and fingers on the ground. The inspiration and the expiration are made respectively during the relaxation and the bending of the knees.

As to Manipura or Solar Plexus, the posture of tension or Stretch Pose is recommended. This involves lying your back on the ground, and lifting your head and feet slightly. Then proceed to deep ventilation.

Regarding theAnahata (heart chakra), the camel posture allows significant energetic clarity. This involves kneeling and then bending backwards while trying to reach the heels with the fingers.

For the Vishuddhi, the posture of the cobra or the sphinx materializes the success of the training. The pubis and the palm of the hand being fixed to the ground, it is thus necessary to pull the bust towards the back.

For the sixth chakra or Ajna, Guru Pranam leads to the best achievement. This position consists of sitting on the heels, then stretching the arms forward to pull the back and head. This allure perfectly resembles a posture of worship.

Finally, for the last chakra, also called Sahasrara, the perfect asana is Sat Kriya. Same starting position as Ajna, but the head, the spine and the hands are to be stretched vertically.

Intertwine the fingers between them, except the index fingers. Then sing “Sat” and “Nam” respectively while pulling and relaxing the navel. When closing your eyes, you have to concentrate on the third eye, that is to say the chakra located between the eyebrows.


The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

The use of essential oils is increasingly popular in the field of alternative medicine. Vibratory aromatherapy thus consists of massaging the targeted parts of the human body in order to excite the chakras.

It is also possible to have a bath with these aromatic oils. This echo is evaluated by intrinsic vibrations that you will easily recognize. However, note that each essential oil has a specific area and use.

The essential oil of ylang-ylang has the function of soothing and regaining an unprecedented serenity.

For the heart chakra, rose, basil and angelica will help you. There are also mints, which are very useful for awakening the energy of the solar plexus.

Neroli soothes you aches and pains. It is used to balance the fourth chakra.

Chamomile helps alleviate heartaches and regain inner peace. Finally, cardamom influences the crown chakra, and contributes to the perfect balance of the chakras (8).

It should be noted that a given essential oil can have positive effects on different chakras.

In addition, a chakra can be treated with different essential oils. The important thing is to know the correspondences between chakras and essential oils.


The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

There are other techniques that ensure the balance of the chakras. You can treat your chakras from colors and stones (lithotherapy).

The colors relate more particularly to the solar plexus. Indeed, the solar plexus is the gateway to your body. All emotions pass through this point. Red and turquoise are the colors that are suitable in the treatment of this chakra because these colors rhyme with strength and vitality.

For lithotherapy, the treatment of the seventh chakra for example requires amethyst, gold and tanzanite. Azurite, quartz, tourmaline are reserved for Ajna. Harmonizing your chakras also requires a good consistency of methods to obtain good results.

Energy circulation

The human body is made up of energy which manifests itself through vibrations. These energies are vital and are linked to your life. Energy circulation takes place between the “wheels” of the body, that is to say the chakras.

The energy that circulates determines the physical and psychological conditions of the entire body. The chakras encounter blockages when the body is overwhelmed with emotions or exposed to negative external energies.

It is then that health disorders appear which first affect the mind and then the organs.

Diseases associated with the different chakras

The root chakra

The root chakra is the first chakra. It is located at the base of the spine. It therefore concerns the entire skeleton. When the energy of this chakra is deficient, the body can suffer from skin diseases, and other diseases related to the skeleton.

The sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is related to the reproductive organs. In case of imbalance, the body can suffer from kidney disease and frigidity.

The solar plexus

The solar plexus is located between the breastbone and the navel. It is associated with the endocrine gland including the pancreas. A deficiency in this gate can cause glandular or lymphatic system diseases, diabetes, hepatitis, stomach upset and problems in the central part of the back.

The heart chakra

When energy does not flow well through the heart chakra, problems associated with blood circulation or lung disease can occur.

The throat chakra

The throat chakra supplies energy to the thyroid and parathyroid. A dysfunction of the energy circulation at the level of this chakra can cause pain related to the neck, neck, shoulders, ears, throat, teeth and thyroid. Bronchial disease, digestive problems, anorexia or bulimia can also occur.

The frontal chakra

The frontal chakra is associated with the pituitary gland. Poor energy circulation in this chakra can lead to diseases related to different parts of the head.

The crown chakra

The seventh chakra is associated with the pineal gland. The diseases linked to its imbalance are immune deficiency, chronic diseases, migraines and brain tumors (9).

The chakras: complete guide and method to balance them – happiness and health

Stones to heal the chakras

Illnesses can be cured by balancing the energies flowing through the chakras. Crystals have always been used in ancient therapies for the purpose of harmonizing this energy.

To balance the root chakra, it takes a red stone like red jasper and combined it with other minerals. Red jasper relieves indigestion, gas and constipation. It has healing powers, regenerates tissues and strengthens the immune system.

To harmonize the sacral chakra, an orange stone like carnelian is used. This crystal brings benefits to the adrenal glands. It also helps manage stress.

Citrine is one of the crystals to open the chakra of the Solar plexus. It is used to improve the functioning of the intestinal flora, kidneys and pancreas.

Malachite is linked to the balance of heart chakra. It detoxifies the body and stimulates the self-healing forces.

This stone can be combined with angelite to also heal the throat chakra.

To treat the third eye chakra and crown chakra, lapis lazuli and amethyst are recommended. These two stones purify the blood and act as an antiseptic. They contribute to spiritual upliftment and clarity of mind.

En conclusion

Becoming aware of the existence of the chakras is an important step in your spiritual life. Obviously your material life will be transformed.

Take time regularly to treat your chakras with the different practices that we have developed above.

The use of crystals, aromatherapy, lithotherapy, your diet, yoga and others will help you get there without too much difficulty and find a more serene and balanced life.

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