The benefits and harms of leeks

The benefits and harms of leeks

Leeks are added to enhance the flavor in many dishes. In addition to the fact that it has good taste, there are many positive properties of onions for our health.

The benefits of leeks are their low calorie content. It does not contain fats, which means it does not satisfy hunger. And at the same time, the plant can be used quite successfully as a home remedy for many diseases.

The great benefits of leeks when consumed daily are possible for people with bone and joint diseases. Due to the presence of sulfur compounds in its composition, greens inhibit inflammatory processes in the body. In addition, it can be used as a prophylactic agent for osteoarthritis, nourishes bone tissue, protects cartilage from atrophy, and relieves pain symptoms.

The usefulness of leeks from quercetin, which is part of the plant, is known. The substance belongs to the class of antioxidants, capable of neutralizing the action in the body of harmful compounds leading to DNA damage and oncology. In addition, the benefits of leeks lie in their antihistamine quality, beneficial effects on the heart, reducing allergic reactions to external stimuli, the ability to relieve chills and asthma attacks. Until several centuries ago, it was hung by the patient’s bed to clear the airways.

The relative harm of leeks due to the presence of essential oils in it lies in the ability to stimulate sweating, which may not always be pleasant for a person in a public place. On the other hand, the plant normalizes blood pressure, increases appetite and prevents diarrhea.

Leeks are bad for people with low blood sugar and have the ability to lower blood sugar levels. On the other hand, it is able to lower cholesterol, accelerate blood circulation and help fight insomnia.

The benefits of leeks are highly regarded by the Chinese, who have made significant progress in studying both the positive and negative qualities of the plant. They use it as an antifungal, expectorant, antibacterial, antipyretic, and cold remedy. In addition to all the listed properties of the plant, Chinese healers appreciate it for its ability to calm the nervous system and relieve indigestion.

Chefs all over the world love to use it as a seasoning, add to salads and main dishes. I hope you will love it too!

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