The ABC of spices and their beneficial properties

Sometimes we are not able to understand the reason for our bad mood, general lethargy and dissatisfaction with life, but if you do not get at least one of the tastes, then you will not be able to realize the possibilities inherent in you from birth. Moreover, as this disharmony accumulates, it undermines your mental and physical health on a daily basis. Ayurveda names the main triune cause of diseases: malnutrition, impurity and stress. For us, the inhabitants of the northern country, spices and herbs are like accumulators of solar energy and vitamins, which we lack so much, especially in spring. To give food a delicate aroma and taste, to make it appetizing, very few spices are required. It is the aromatic resin of the roots of the plant Ferula asafoetiela. In our store it is presented in the form of a yellow powder (often, so that the resin does not stick together, it is mixed with rice flour) and smells somewhat like garlic, but significantly surpasses it in medicinal properties. It is used in small quantities in rice and vegetable dishes on its own or mixed with other spices, which greatly soften its unpleasant shades and sharpness of smell. Action: stimulating, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic. For the treatment of migraines, it is one of the best remedies. Also, the use of asafoetida helps prevent flatulence (accumulation of gases) and facilitates the digestion of food. It is a natural, mild laxative that relieves spasms. If there is pain in the ears, one should wrap a little asafoetida in a piece of cotton wool and put it in the ear. Using asafoetida in cooking, you can get rid of polyarthritis, sciatica and osteochondrosis. It restores the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands, gonads and calms the nervous system. It can be added to the first and second courses to taste. A very valuable spice, and those who used it appreciated its wonderful qualities. It is the light brown knotted root of the Zingiber officinabs plant, which is very popular in Indian dishes. In cooking, finely ground ginger is most often used. It is added to gingerbread dough, to some types of sweet cereals, in the preparation of vegetable stews. Ginger is one of the main ingredients in the curry mix, which in turn is found in many ketchups. Ginger is an unsurpassed medicine. Action: stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, antiemetic, analgesic. Can be used both fresh and dried. Dried comes in the form of slices and ground. Dried ginger is spicier than fresh (one teaspoon of dried equals one tablespoon of grated fresh). In medicine, ginger is used for colic and indigestion, for pain in the abdomen. To do this, you need to eat it in small quantities. Before meals, to improve digestion, ginger is used mixed with black salt and lemon juice. Ginger tea is a wonderful cold remedy. It restores immunity, increases mental stability in stressful situations, eliminates spasms in the intestines, increases the absorption of oxygen by the lung tissue. Normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland. A paste of dry ginger and oil (water) can replace mustard plaster, and burns are excluded. In our store you can buy fresh and dried ginger root. Turmeric is the most popular spice in Vedic cuisine. It is the root of a plant in the ginger family (Curcuma longa). When fresh, it is very similar in shape and taste to ginger root, only yellow and not pungent. With her participation, salads, sauces and cereal dishes are prepared. Action: stimulating, improves metabolism, healing, antibacterial. Turmeric cleanses the blood, lowers blood sugar, warms the blood and stimulates the formation of new blood cells. It treats indigestion, heals gastric and duodenal ulcers, suppresses putrefactive microflora in the intestines. Turmeric is a natural antibiotic. When applied externally, it cures many skin diseases and cleanses it. Turmeric must be handled with care as it leaves permanent stains on clothing and ignites easily. In cooking, it is used in small quantities to color rice dishes and to add a fresh, spicy flavor to vegetables, soups and snacks. These are very fragrant seeds of a plant (Coriandrum sativum), which is well known in Russia. Young shoots are used as greens, as well as seeds in whole and ground form. Fresh herbs are added to salads, soups. Coriander seeds are used in the preparation of confectionery, kvass, marinades. Seeds are part of the mixtures “hops-suneli”, “adjika”, curry. Action: stimulating, diaphoretic, improves metabolism. Coriander seed oil helps digest starchy foods and root vegetables. Gives food a fresh, spring flavor, especially when the seeds are ground just before cooking. The seeds are a strong immune booster. It treats diseases of the urinary system: cystitis, burning in the urethra, infections of the urinary tract, helps cleanse the kidneys, drives sand and stones. It also reduces blood cholesterol levels. Coriander mobilizes the body to easily overcome psychological stress. These are the seeds of white and black Indian cumin. The action is similar to coriander. Black cumin seeds are darker and smaller than white cumin seeds, with a more bitter taste and pungent smell. In order for cumin seeds to impart their characteristic taste to food, they must be well-done. Cumin gives vivacity, freshness, stimulates the nervous system, treats gastritis with high acidity, has a diuretic effect. Relieves spasms of small vessels of the skin. Cumin is an important ingredient in recipes for vegetable and rice dishes, snacks, and legume dishes. Although ground cumin is sold, it is best to grind it just before cooking. Fennel is a seed and plant (Foenkulum vulgare). Also known as “sweet cumin”. Its long, pale green seeds are similar to cumin and cumin seeds, but are larger and differ in color. They taste like anise and are used in seasonings. Fresh fennel leaves are added to salads, side dishes and soups. Everyone knows from childhood ammonia-anise cough drops. Fennel improves digestion, stimulates the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers and is very useful for gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a decoction is a diaphoretic and diuretic. Roasted fennel is chewed after meals to refresh the mouth and improve digestion. Fennel improves vision in myopia, lowers blood pressure well. It remarkably relieves oppressive fatigue from a difficult situation and changing weather conditions. All problems are solved gently, imperceptibly, excessive straightforwardness and irritability cease to bother. Movement through life becomes calm and progressive. seeds and leaves and tender stems Shambhala (Trigonella fenumgraecum) belongs to the legume family. It is a favorite plant of the Indians. And there is a reason to love him. Its square, brownish-beige seeds are indispensable in many vegetable dishes and snacks. Seeds soaked overnight are a nutritious tonic that restores strength after a serious illness. In dishes, it stimulates digestion and heart function, helps with constipation and colic. Shambhala perfectly heals the joints and spine. It normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. When roasting shamballa seeds, you need to be careful, avoid overcooking, because. overcooked seeds can make the dish very bitter. Indian women eat shamballa seeds with raw palm sugar after childbirth to strengthen their backs, rejuvenate and stimulate breast milk flow. Shambhala is used externally in the treatment of wounds and burns. It has a warming effect, has antibacterial properties and is used in the treatment of diabetes. Shambhala makes the character softer, relationships with people become warmer. You will become kind, calm, balanced and complaisant. Shambhala helps to improve family relationships, remove excessive excitement in children. In nutrition, it is used in vegetable dishes and dals. Shambhala leaves are used as dry herbs. These are the seeds of the plant Brassica juncea. Vedic cooking would not be Vedic cuisine if mustard seeds were not used in it. Sharp in taste, they have a nutty smell. Black mustard seeds are smaller than those of the yellow variety cultivated in Europe, differing in taste and medicinal properties. Mustard gives originality and visual appeal to the dish. It is used in almost all salty dishes. In Bengali cuisine, mustard seeds are sometimes used raw in the form of a paste, ground with ginger, hot pepper and a little water. Mustard can be used for indigestion, bloating and other diseases that occur when digestion is disturbed. It well calms the nervous system during stress, relieves migraines. Normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. It has a positive effect in atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Black mustard treats polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, colds. Promotes the resorption of mastopathy. Mustard seeds are used in diseases associated with blockages and congestion of mucus (mustard plasters). They kill small and large worms. Black mustard contributes to the development of calmness in the character. Gradually, all gross manifestations of behavior disappear. Gives you the opportunity to better delve into your inner world, relieves fussiness, tension. Well helps those who do not know how to relax, improves sleep, treats depression. Cardamom belongs to the ginger family (Elettaria cardamomum) and is aromatic and refreshing. Its pale green pods are mainly used to flavor sweet dishes. It gives a peculiar taste to cookies, honey gingerbread, pies, marzipans and cakes. This is one of the most expensive spices. Action: stimulant, gastric, diaphoretic. Cardamom seeds are chewed to refresh the mouth. White cardamom pods, which are nothing more than sun-dried greens, are easier to come by, but less flavorful. Cardamom pods are removed from the cooked dish. Black cardamom pods are spicier in taste. The ground seeds are used for garam masal (hot spice mix). Fresh cardamom seeds are smooth, uniform green or black in color, while old ones become wrinkled and take on a grayish brown hue. Ayurveda says that cardamom strengthens the heart and lungs, removes gases, reduces pain, sharpens the mind, and purifies and freshens the breath. Cardamom should be consumed in small doses, added lightly to food. It goes well with dairy products and sweets. Cardamom gives the character the ability to forgive the offender. If necessary, it will help to develop humility, release from tension when dealing with unpleasant people. You can learn to avoid quarrels in the family, treat children and the elderly better.  

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