
General description of the disease


Tendinitis (tendinosis, tendinopathy) is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendon. It most commonly occurs where the tendon connects to the bone. Sometimes inflammation can spread to the entire tendon and right up to the muscle tissue.

Types and causes of tendonitis

All the causes of this disease can be divided into four large groups.

  1. 1 Group

Tendinitis occurs due to improper and excessive exercise. Consider the causes for specific types of disease:

  • knee and hip tendinitis – may appear when jumps are performed incorrectly, various sports turns, accelerations and decelerations (especially when running on asphalt);
  • shoulder tendonitis – occurs when excessive load on the shoulder joint when lifting weights without warm-up or due to insufficient warm-up;
  • elbow tendonitis – develops with constant sharp movements of the hands of the same type, with non-observance of the technique of playing tennis or baseball (when playing baseball, the technique can be adhered to, the sport itself provokes this disease due to endless repetitions of ball throws).
  1. 2 Group

Tendinitis begins its development due to congenital or acquired features of the construction of the human skeleton.


The congenital structural features of the skeleton include curvature of the legs in the “X” and “O” positions or flat feet. Because of this anomaly, tendonitis of the knee joint often develops. This is due to incorrect knee position and constant dislocations.

The acquired features include different lengths of the lower extremities, which cannot be leveled by wearing special orthopedic shoes. In this case, tendonitis of the hip joint occurs.

  1. 3 Group

The third group of causes of tendinosis combines all the changes in the tendons that occur with age. This includes a decrease in the number of elastin fibers and an increase in collagen fibers. Because of this, with age, tendons lose their normal elasticity and become more durable and immobile. These age-related changes during exercise and sudden movements do not allow the tendons to be stretched normally, which is why sprains appear at different times and in different fibers.

  1. 4 Group

This group includes other causes that can cause tendinopathy. This includes infectious diseases (especially sexually transmitted infections), autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis), metabolic problems (for example, the presence of gout), iatrogenism, neuropathies and degenerative processes in the joints.

Symptoms of tendonitis

The main symptom of tendinitis is pain. Painful sensations in the early stages of the disease appear only after physical exertion or during exercise. Only sharp, active movements are painful, the same movements (only passive) do not cause pain. Basically, the pain is dull, felt on the side or along the ligament. Also, palpation of the affected area causes discomfort.

If you do not take any medical measures, the pain can become constant, severe and severe. The joint will become inactive, the skin at the site of inflammation will turn red and there will be an increase in body temperature. Nodules may also occur at the site of the inflamed tendon. They appear due to the proliferation of fibrous tissue with prolonged inflammation. With tendinitis of the shoulder joint, calcifications (high-density nodules that form as a result of the deposition of calcium salts) often appear.

If left untreated, the tendon may rupture completely.

Useful foods for tendinitis

To maintain the tendons in good shape, it is necessary to eat beef, jelly, jellied meat, liver, chicken eggs, dairy products, fish (especially fatty and better aspic), nuts, spices (favorably affects the tendons of turmeric), citrus fruits, apricots and dried apricots, sweet peppers … For tendinitis, it is better to drink green tea and tea with ginger roots.

When these products are consumed, vitamin A, E, C, D, phosphorus, calcium, collagen, iron, iodine enter the body. These enzymes and vitamins help to strengthen, increase tear resistance and elasticity of the tendons, and promote the regeneration of ligament tissues.

Traditional medicine for tendinitis

Treatment begins with reducing physical activity in the area where the tendons are inflamed. The diseased area must be immobilized. To do this, use special bandages, bandages, elastic bandages. They are applied to the joints located next to the damaged tendon. During the treatment, special therapeutic exercises are used, the exercises of which are aimed at stretching the muscles and strengthening them.

To get rid of inflammation, you need to drink a tincture of their walnut partitions. For cooking, you need a glass of such partitions and half a liter of medical alcohol (you can also use vodka). Partitions with nuts need to be chopped, washed, dried and filled with alcohol. Place in a dark corner and leave for 21 days. After preparing the tincture, take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

A plaster cast can be applied to relieve heat and swelling from the skin. To prepare “gypsum” yourself, you need to beat 1 chicken egg white, add a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol to it, mix and add a tablespoon of flour. Put the resulting mixture on an elastic bandage and wrap the place where the diseased tendon is located. You do not need to wind very tightly. Change this dressing daily until complete recovery.

To get rid of pain, you can apply compresses with tinctures of calendula and comfrey (the compress must be cold, not hot).

Onions are considered a good helper in the treatment of tendenitis. There are several recipes with its use. First: chop 2 medium onions and add a tablespoon of sea salt, mix well, put this mixture on cheesecloth and attach to the sore spot. It is necessary to keep such a compress for 5 hours and repeat the procedure for at least 3 days. The second recipe is similar in preparation to the first, only instead of sea salt, 100 grams of sugar is taken (for 5 medium-sized onions). Instead of gauze, you need to take a cotton fabric folded in several layers. You can use fresh chopped wormwood leaves instead of onions.

For tendinitis of the elbow joint, baths of elderberry tincture are used. Boil the green elderberry, add a tablespoon of baking soda, let it cool to a comfortable temperature for the hand. Place the hand with a sore joint. Keep until water has cooled. You do not need to filter the tincture. You can also use hay dust instead of elderberry. Hay trays help relieve swelling and inflammation. Also, infusions from pine branches are ideal for baths (the number of branches should be in a ratio to the volume of the pan 2 to 3 or 1 to 2).

Ointments from calendula will help to relieve inflammation (take baby cream and dried, crushed calendula flowers in equal proportions) or from pork fat and wormwood (150 grams of internal pork fat and 50 grams of dried wormwood are taken, mixed, cooked until smooth over a fire, cooled). Spread calendula ointment overnight on the damaged area and rewind with a simple cloth. Wormwood ointment is applied to the sore spot with a thin layer several times during the day.

Clay compresses are effective in treating tendenitis. Clay is diluted with water to the consistency of soft plasticine, apple cider vinegar is added (4 tablespoons of vinegar are needed for half a kilogram of clay). This mixture is applied to the inflamed area, bandaged with a handkerchief or bandage. You need to keep the compress for 1,5-2 hours. After removal, you need to tightly bandage the inflamed tendon. This compress is done once a day for 5-7 days.

Dangerous and harmful foods for tendinitis

  • excessively fatty, sweet foods;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • sweet soda;
  • baking of pastry;
  • confectionery (especially with cream);
  • trans fats, fast food, convenience foods;
  • oatmeal.

These foods promote the replacement of muscle tissue with adipose tissue, which is bad for the tendons (the thinner the muscle layer, the less protection of the tendons from sprains). They also contain phytic and phosphoric acids, which block the flow of calcium into the tendons and bones.


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