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Edema results not only from an increase in the intravascular water space, but also from the passage of fluid from the vascular bed into the extravascular, intercellular space. Edema most often accompanies kidney and heart diseases, protein malabsorption, and food allergies. They can also be a reaction to preparations or substances contained, for example, in cosmetics.


Many people complain of swollen feet that make it impossible to put on our shoes. Often we are also disturbed by puffiness under the eyes. Often these symptoms seem insignificant to us, it is a mistake – swelling should not be underestimated, because it signals to us that something is wrong in our body. Edema is associated with an increase in the intravascular water space, which may result in the formation of stagnation, and thus a reduction in blood flow (e.g. in circulatory failure), or difficulties in the filtration of the kidneys (e.g. in kidney diseases).

Increased infiltration of fluid from the vascular bed into the extravascular water space results from the increased seepage of fluid through the capillary walls at increased hydrostatic pressure in the vessels or a decrease in the oncotic pressure of proteins in the vascular bed in relation to the pressure in the extracellular fluid.

We very often lead to edema ourselves. We sit for hours in front of the computer or TV, drive the car for many hours, stay awake, drink a lot of alcohol in the evening.

Order Stadiopasta for contusions, injuries and swelling today, which you can buy separately or in the Set for injuries and injuries for the day and night (Stadiopasta + Stadiogel).

  1. Check it out: Fatal swelling

Types of edema

Depending on what causes the edema, we can distinguish:

• allergic swelling (usually limited and formed more or less fleetingly as a consequence of an allergic reaction);

• edema of cardiac or congestive origin (the most common underlying cause of cardiac or congestive edema is circulatory failure, especially of the heart, which impairs the flow of blood from the periphery to the right heart, leading to stagnation in the main venous bed);

• edema of the kidney (possibly caused by a high circulating blood volume due to decreased filtration or increased water reabsorption in the kidneys);

• edema in liver diseases (reasons vary, it may be impaired liver function in terms of the synthesis of proteins necessary for the maintenance of anti-edema oncotic pressure);

• crawfish edema (caused by malnutrition, localized in different parts of the body: abdominal cavity, scrotum or pleural cavities).

Are you looking for a preparation with anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory properties? Through Medonet Market, you can order the Echinacea Complex 450 mg dietary supplement, which contains, among others, Echinacea, elderberry and burdock.

Are you struggling with edema resulting from circulatory problems? Try a lotion with grape and chestnut leaf extracts. We also recommend a set of body warming products, which includes:

  1. Thai oil warming Namman Muay,
  2. Thai painkiller Namman Muay,
  3. A cooling and warming gel wrap.

Edema and kidney problems

Kidney problems can cause the so-called bags under the eyes. The development of kidney disease causes swelling in the legs due to sodium and water retention in the body. Glomerulonephritis even causes the entire face to swell, and it can result in infection of the upper respiratory tract. Can the whole body swell? Yes. This is what happens when we are dealing with nephrotic syndrome. Kidney diseases are quite cunning and insidious, most of them the only symptom is a change in urination and its amount, so don’t ignore any symptoms!

Edema and heart disease

Heart disease can also lead to edema. This is because, due to sodium and water retention in the body, pressure builds up in the veins. At the beginning, the legs swell in the evening (which is often explained by fatigue), if we press the skin with a finger and a dimple remains, it means that we have circulatory disorders. As heart disease progresses, the legs also swell in the morning.

Edema due to diseases of the thyroid gland

If hyperthyroidism is not treated, there may be swelling under the eyes and eyelids, often accompanied by double vision or reddening of the conjunctiva – see an ophthalmologist. In addition, the effect of untreated hyperthyroidism may be calf swelling, also known as pre-shin edema (it resolves on its own after about a year or two). As for hypothyroidism, there may be swelling in the hands and lower and upper eyelids that slowly begins to move towards the cheeks, nose and lips – treatment is needed.

  1. The serum for dark circles and puffiness under the eyes in the Punica roll-on is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Edema and upcoming menstruation

Swelling of the legs, hands and eyes very often appears in the second half of the cycle as a symptom of PMS. This state of affairs shouldn’t be a cause for concern. You can alleviate the unpleasant effects of PMS by drinking plenty of water and using less salt in your diet. It is also beneficial to engage in some physical activity, e.g. long walks or gentle gymnastics. Contraceptive pills containing a large amount of estrogens also cause swelling, so you should visit a gynecologist to change the preparation.

Swelling due to medications

The body swells in people who take medications that retain water, salt or reduce the permeability of capillaries. Such preparations include hormones in the form of progesterone, testosterone, estrogen or corticosteroids. Some anti-inflammatory or high blood pressure medications can also lead to edema. An allergic reaction to a component of the drug can lead to local swelling.


People suffering from rheumatism and degenerative diseases complain of swelling in the knee and elbow joints, moreover, it happens that the ankle joint and the metatarsus may swell. Some patients mistake joint deformity (characteristic of rheumatic diseases) for swelling. The morning stiffness in your joints, which allows your hand to form a fist, should be the reason you need to see your doctor.

Swelling on contact with toxins

The inconspicuous inhalation of substances in washing powders and softeners can cause puffiness around the eyes. This situation is usually a response of the immune system to contact with toxins (not an allergic reaction). Cold compresses applied to the eyelids help with swelling around the eyes.

In case of swelling on different parts of the body, compresses can be used. Use compresses available on Medonet Market:

  1. FLEX Mini compress for cold and warm compresses,
  2. FLEX Standard compress for cold and warm compresses,
  3. FLEX Medium compress for cold and warm compresses,
  4. FLEX Max compress for cold and warm compresses.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

Help with swelling

If you do a lot of physical work, are tired and have swelling, read the tips below.

  1. Place your legs above the body (in the evening, when we have a whole day of running behind us, we should spend holding our legs high. This will facilitate the drainage of blood from the legs and after 1-2 hours we will go to the bathroom more often, but the swelling will go down and we will feel a clear relief).
  2. You can also use ointments and gels on swollen legs, the main advantage of which is vasoconstriction. The vessels become more flexible and tight, they let less water pass out.
  3. Preparations that contain a large amount of routine are also recommended, because they seal the vessels and improve blood circulation. In addition, blood clotting decreases. 
  4. Special stockings or anti-varicose tights are recommended for people with edema.
  5. Massage – to reduce swelling and relieve pain, it is worth giving yourself a massage or doing it yourself. For example, the Tadé Pays du Levant heart-shaped massage stone or other accessories by Tadé Pays du Levant will come in handy.

Try the cosmetics for edema, which you can buy at promotional prices on Medonet Market. We recommend, among others:

  1. Regenerating comfrey gel,
  2. A relaxing and soothing gel for muscles and joints with a devil’s claw
  3. OSTROGel with bay leaf extract,
  4. Gel for muscles and joints with hookworm, ginger and glucosamine,
  5. Gel for tired legs with horse chestnut and arnica,
  6. Gel for tired legs with horse chestnut and ginkgo,
  7. Gel with rusczyk for couperose skin,
  8. Gel for joints with hemp extract.

Prevention of swelling

The most important thing in the prevention of edema is to keep the venous valves in the legs working properly. People working while sitting down should constantly change the position of their legs, put them higher and lower, lift their feet and twist them. When we have a standing job – let’s walk in place, shift the weight of the body from one leg to the other, bend the knees, etc. We also avoid tight underwear, socks and shoes. Equally important in the prevention of edema is:

  1. maintaining the right weight,
  2. gymnastics,
  3. not too strenuous walks,
  4. Cycling,
  5. swimming.

Prevention is also important dehydrationwhich thickens the blood. During hot weather or a long stay in dry and strongly heated rooms, you should drink a lot, preferably mineral water or unsweetened juices.

If necessary, it is worth reaching for the Cure Tape Kinesiotaping Starter Kit and perform anti-swelling taping at home.

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