Swelling of the legs: causes, treatment, prevention. What to do if your legs are swollen

In the morning you put on your favorite shoes, and by the evening they start to squeeze you hard and cause you discomfort? It’s all to blame for swelling of the legs – a fairly common phenomenon these days. Such symptoms can be a consequence of the onset of the development of a wide variety of diseases. The main thing is to figure out what is the cause of edema and how to choose the right treatment?

Tight, well-groomed legs are an invariable attribute of feminine charm and attractiveness. However, systematic leg swelling can severely “wet” the idyllic look of your feet.

Diagnostic algorithm: why legs swell

The brilliant Coco Chanel stated: “Nothing ages a woman like an overly expensive suit, and makes her younger, like a light, impetuous gait.” And you can’t argue with that! How it hurts to tears (in the literal sense of the word) when graceful shoes by the evening turn into real fetters that do not allow you to step a step. Almost every woman encounters similar unpleasant symptoms in her life. And if earlier the swelling of the legs bothered women of mature age more often, now the ailment overtakes young women. So what is the cause of leg swelling?

As you know, humans are about 70% water. About 2/3 of the total volume of fluid is inside the cells, 1/3 – in the intercellular space. An increase in the volume fraction of the latter is called edema.

In principle, if everything is in order with health, then the body independently regulates and removes fluid. First of all, due to the venous system. The reasons why the legs swell can be different – in fact, the method of treating edema depends on this.

There are times when no treatment is needed at all. For example, fluid stagnation in the legs and, as a result, the formation of edema, can be caused by prolonged static stress: a flight in an airplane, a long sitting position (in a car, on a train, in a queue) or standing on your feet. As a rule, after rest, the swelling of the legs goes away on its own. This variant of leg edema occurs in all people in certain life situations and no treatment is required in this case. But if the legs swell regularly and for a long time, then this good reason to see a doctor.

Swelling of the legs can be a symptom of various diseases:

  • Problems with heart. As a rule, “cardiac” edema is always symmetrical. They appear in the evening and disappear after sleep. They start from the ankles, gradually capturing the area of ​​the lower leg and thigh. The skin in the area of ​​edema is taut, cold to the touch, pale cyanotic. If swelling is accompanied by shortness of breath, as well as muscle weakness and pain in the right hypochondrium, urgently see a cardiologist.

  • Problems with the kidneys. In this case, swelling in the legs appears against the background of lower back pain. And they are accompanied by a change in the color of urine, edema on the face in the eye area. It is better not to postpone the visit to the nephrologist.

  • Lymphatic drainage disorder (lymphedema). The edema is dense, occurs in the evening and does not go away in the morning. First, the ankle joint is affected, then the lower leg, and sometimes the knee. Then the other leg also swells, but not so pronounced. You should not delay visiting a phlebologist. Elephantiasis is the last stage of the disease.

  • Premenstrual syndrome. In women, slight swelling of the legs may appear in the second half of the menstrual cycle. They are associated with hormonal imbalance and disappear after the end of the critical days. As a rule, the feet and legs swell. It is better to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

  • Pregnancy. Swelling of the legs often appears late in pregnancy (after 30 weeks). First, the feet and legs swell, then the process rises higher. Edema of the lower extremities can also develop with nephropathy of pregnant women (kidney pathology). As a rule, this is accompanied by an increased content of protein in the urine and arterial hypertension. Treatment methods are decided in conjunction with the attending gynecologist.

  • The cause of puffiness is a violation of venous outflow. The swelling is usually mild to moderate. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a trace from a golf gum or socks and captures the shin and foot. If there are also vascular “stars” on the legs, then this may indicate the beginning of varicose veins. Only a phlebologist can prescribe treatment in time to prevent the process from progressing.

Moscow doctors conducted research and found that various diseases of the veins are inherent in 62% of employees who spend whole days sitting in offices, while about 70% of them are women.

Before you start fighting leg swelling, you need to understand that swelling is just one of the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to solve the problem, but only as part of the comprehensive treatment of the underlying disease under the supervision of a doctor. Modern medicine today has a fairly wide range of methods of treatment and prevention of diseases that cause swelling of the legs.

  1. Ointments and gels. These are the so-called venotonics, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving blood flow. The most effective drugs are sodium heparin. They improve blood microcirculation, activate tissue metabolism, eliminating fluid stagnation. These products are also good to use when flying and on vacation in hot countries to relieve fatigue and swelling from long trips and high temperatures.

  2. Compression jersey. This includes special knee-highs and tights. Prophylactic compression garments can be worn without a doctor’s recommendation. It is suitable for healthy people who have to stand or sit for a long time. But the medical jersey for the already existing problem of leg edema is selected by the doctor strictly individually for a particular person, based on the parameters of the leg. The products can only be purchased at pharmacies.

  3. Diuretics and herbal preparations. Any funds should be selected only by a doctor. Some diuretics have a quick effect, but together with fluids, they promote the elimination of potassium from the body, which can negatively affect the work of the heart. And taking a number of herbal infusions can provoke a sharp jump in blood pressure. In addition, diuretics do not need to be drunk before bedtime, the effect of taking the drug will reach its maximum at night and can cause insomnia. Treatment with diuretic herbs should be course. In no case should you apply the fees constantly, it can lead to addiction and even cause dehydration.

  4. Leg pressotherapy or instrumental lymphatic drainage massage. This is both a health and beauty procedure that restores the balance of fluid in the legs, normalizes lymph flow, relieves swelling of any origin and fatigue, and also helps to remove excess adipose tissue in the legs. Contraindications: pregnancy (from the 4th month), renal failure, malignant tumors, lesions of small and large vessels in diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, the onset of the menstrual cycle.

  5. Exercise stress. The most useful loads for systematic leg edema are water sports, first of all, water aerobics: on the one hand, a person moves a lot, getting good physical activity, on the other hand, water puts pressure on the skin, preventing the vessels from expanding and the legs to swell. Dynamic sports such as running, skiing, cycling, skating, and even simple walking help prevent swelling.

Excessive passion for strength exercises with weight lifting is contraindicated in people prone to leg swelling. During such exercises, the abdominal muscles contract, while the intra-abdominal pressure increases, passing to the inferior vena cava, which collects blood from the pelvis and lower extremities. This leads to a deterioration in blood flow. If you really want to lift the barbell, then you need to do it wearing compression hosiery.

Beauty without sacrifice. And no swelling on the legs!

Preventing leg swelling is the best way to treat it. Do you want to have a flying gait? Then start acting now:

  • never sit cross-legged

  • it is better if you do most of the housework while sitting with your feet on the chair next to it

  • while sleeping, place a roller or pillow under your feet

  • rinse your feet with cold water after a shower

  • keep track of your weight, reduce the intake of salt in your diet, as well as fried, smoked food and alcohol, give up sweet carbonated water;

  • take vitamins B, C, E. They strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation

  • if you have to sit at the table for a long time, then get up every 25-30 minutes to walk, stretch your tired legs, perform several exercises (for example, roll the ball with your foot)

  • move more. Hiking is the best way to avoid leg swelling. Do not stand on the escalator, but climb up on foot;

  • quit smoking – tobacco destroys not only the lungs, but also collagen, which is the main part of the structure of the walls of blood vessels;

  • choose the right clothes, follow not only fashion trends, but also common sense – tight tights, socks and shoes impede blood flow;

  • change your shoes throughout the day, especially if you are wearing high heels;

  • give your feet a rest during the day – take off your shoes, massage your feet, rotate them with them, pull the socks away from you and towards you.

Homemade recipes for leg edema

The problem of swollen legs did not appear yesterday. Over the centuries, traditional medicine has accumulated a huge number of useful and effective recipes for how to get rid of this problem. The main thing is that the products are based solely on natural ingredients.

Herbal infusions and medicinal drinks

  • From the leaves of white birch: 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of leaves insist in 500 ml of boiling water, drink half a glass of liquid up to five times a day.

  • From parsley: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of parsley with 2 cups of boiling water, drink a tablespoon during the day.

  • From flax: take 4 tbsp. l. flaxseed in 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cover the pan and put in a warm place. Let it brew for 1 hour. You do not need to filter. Add lemon or other fruit juice for flavor. Drink 1/2 cup every 2 hours 6-8 times a day. Better to drink the infusion hot. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

  • Mix 0,5 cups of freshly squeezed carrot juice, cucumber juice and juice of 1 medium lemon. Divide the drink into 3 doses and drink 3 times a day, diluting the portion by half with warm boiled water.

Baths, compresses, rubbing

  • Take 50 g of chamomile flowers and pour one liter of boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours in a warm place, strain. Cool the infusion to 36 degrees and immerse your feet in it for 25 minutes.

  • To prepare the broth, peel and knead a large head of garlic, pour 500 ml of hot water and bring to a boil, remove from heat and let the broth brew until the water becomes warm. Rinse your feet with broth, and then rub into the calves and soles.

  • Mix equal amounts of olive and camphor oil, lubricate your feet with this composition, rub well with massaging movements from toes to knees. Then wrap each leg with a cotton cloth and then a woolen shawl (scarf, shawl) and leave that way overnight. Do this procedure every day for a month.

  • Grate a couple of raw potato tubers on a fine grater and put potato gruel on the swelling, fix with a bandage on top. Hold it until your feet feel good. Remember the large leaves of white cabbage in your hands, put it on your leg. From the outside, it should look as if you were “bandaging” the feet and ankles with cabbage leaves. Secure the cabbage compress with gauze or bandage. The compress can be left overnight.

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