Swearing and swearing are a disease of our society

Swearing and swearing are a disease of our society

😉 Greetings to all the kind people who came to this site! Swearing and foul language is a disease of our society, which today affects many people of various strata and age groups.

What used to be considered the height of shamelessness and licentiousness is now commonplace. Guys swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend those at all. And in the companies of girls, the use of the mat has become commonplace. Small children, hearing obscenities from their parents, clog their language, not even understanding the meaning of the spoken words.

Swearing and swearing are a disease of our society

Foul language is a disease

Since ancient times, swearing in the Russian people is called foul language, from the word “filth.”

V. Dahl’s dictionary says: “Filth” is an abomination, filth, filth, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that freezes fleshly and spiritually. Uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces. The stench, the stench. Lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption.

According to the Creator’s plan, man was given a word, first of all, communication with people on the basis of love and peace. A person who uses foul language uses this special gift to manifest his inner impurity, pouring dirt out of himself through him. By this he defiles the image of God in himself.

Foul language is a sin, its cause is rooted in sins: irritability, anger, envyand and anger. Although a person, justifying himself, says that if it were not for his environment. Or the situation in which he was, he would not use foul language.

Once a priest refused to bless a man’s car: “It is useless to bless it. I will call upon the powers of heaven just once, and you in her, swearing, constantly call upon the powers of hell! ”

Profanity quotes

“The lips of those who speak shameful things, vomit from their throats the words fetid and obscene, there is a coffin a repository of dead bones and bodies.” Saint John Chrysostom spoke this in his sermons.

“Language, speech is our weapon, a means of communication, persuasion, we must learn to master the language. And it is very difficult to do this when it is burdened with garbage, depleted.

There are two types of abuse: affective, that is, in a moment of anger, irritation, and simply, as they say, for a bunch of words. People get so used to the latter that they cannot do without it.

Even parasitic words (“so to speak,” “in short,” “well,” etc.) can be very difficult to get rid of. And even more so – from obscene vocabulary, which makes up for the general poverty of the dictionary and outlook.

“When you meet a person using a checkmate, you involuntarily wonder: is everything all right with his head? Because so often in colloquial speech the genitals and sexual intercourse can only be mentioned by a sick, sexually preoccupied person … ”Priest Pavel Gumerov

  • “A man tries to hide his powerlessness and lack of intellect by swearing.”
  • “Swearing is strong not in the meaning of words, but in intonation”
  • “Mat emphasizes the baseness of culture”
  • “Matom man tries to strengthen his precarious position in society, which only affects fools and simpletons.”

Foul language is unacceptable in the circle of educated, cultured people. If we consider ourselves cultured people, then we will start with ourselves. Let’s exclude swear words from our vocabulary.

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