Stress, depression during pregnancy

Stress, depression during pregnancy

Stress depletes the strength of even healthy and strong people: they change the hormonal background, negatively affect the health of vital organs. Pregnant women are especially sensitive, and stress during pregnancy can take a toll on both mom and baby. What can experiences lead to and how to avoid them? Find out in this article.

Stress during pregnancy: possible consequences

It is impossible to completely exclude unpleasant emotions, but it should be understood in which case they become dangerous to the health of the unborn child.

Pregnancy stress: signs of danger

It is worthwhile to be wary and seek medical help in the following cases:

  • if you have insomnia;

  • lack of appetite;

  • unexplained fears appear, expressed anxious reactions;

  • heart palpitations and tremors of the limbs are observed.

Oppression and depression during pregnancy are not at all the norm. Have you noticed at least one of the listed signs? Seek medical attention, this will help reduce the likelihood of developmental abnormalities in your baby.

Possible consequences of stress during pregnancy

Negative emotions of the expectant mother can lead to fetal hypoxia and premature birth with all the ensuing problems: low weight of the baby, underdevelopment of internal organs. However, even if the pregnancy went well, the child may have serious health problems:

  • heart defects;

  • neurological disorders: hyperactivity, autism, increased anxiety, phobias;

  • severe allergic reactions;

  • high risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

To avoid fetal developmental disorders during pregnancy, the expectant mother should monitor her emotional state. Psychotropic medications are not recommended for the treatment of depression during pregnancy, but there are simple guidelines to help level your mood.

How to deal with stress during pregnancy?

One of the most enjoyable ways to relieve stress is through physical activity. With active movement, the body produces the hormone of joy – endorphin, which instantly improves mood. For the expectant mother, outdoor walks, swimming, and special exercises for pregnant women are suitable.

A couple of hours before bedtime, drink a glass of warm tea with the addition of valerian root or chamomile, try to sleep at least 8 hours daily.

Find a calm hobby that you enjoy

Have you dreamed of learning how to paint with watercolors for a long time? Do you want to knit the first booties for the unborn baby with your own hands? It’s time to try it.

Try to think good things and enjoy this amazing, but transient state.

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