Spices and herbs that help you lose weight


Number 1 among slimming spices. A study from the University of Peshawar () showed that cinnamon successfully controls blood sugar levels and thus prevents it from being utilized as fat. Just ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon per day improves carbohydrate metabolism by 20 times.

Cinnamon by its very smell can deceive the appetite, creating the illusion of fullness without a single calorie. You can add cinnamon to coffee, tea, oatmeal, baked fruits and poultry.

Cayenne pepper

Ideal for dieters. It speeds up metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels, preventing it from becoming fat. The substance, which is found in pepper, slightly increases the body temperature, and with it the body’s ability to use the eaten carbohydrates and fats for energy needs. Moreover, it is significant: by about 50% for three hours. Finally, cayenne pepper stimulates the production of and, which in tandem have the ability to suppress appetite.



Turmeric is able to activate metabolism: the active substance prevents fat cells from accumulating fat in themselves. In addition, turmeric improves digestion – including the digestion of heavy meat and fatty foods.

You can add a pinch of turmeric to oil-vinegar salad dressing, stews, stews and casseroles.


Another star of Indian medicine that has fat burning properties.

You can add cardamom seeds to coffee, tea, or poultry marinade.

Another option: 1 tsp. dip the cardamom seeds in 250 ml of boiling water, let them simmer for 10 minutes, cool and drink this broth after meals.


An excellent cure for appetite, which also has a tonic effect. Before the competition, athletes chewed grains of anise to cheat hunger. Take an example from them and, every time when the appetite overcomes at an inopportune time, chew on anise. As a bonus: delicious taste and fresh breath.


Ginger not only gives dishes a uniquely fresh taste and aroma, it also speeds up the metabolism. Like cayenne pepper, ginger slightly raises the body temperature and thus activates metabolic processes. A study at the Springfield Medical Institute () showed that the metabolism of eaten ginger is accelerated by 20%! In addition, ginger lowers bad cholesterol levels.

Black pepper

Not popular in healthy eating, but in vain. Black pepper can destroy fat cells and speed up metabolism. , the active ingredient in pepper, affects the brain and nervous system, which, in turn, causes our body to burn more calories. Pepper also fights heartburn, indigestion and bloating.


It has the most pleasant ability to destroy fat cells and has a cleansing effect on the body. Improves digestion,.

Add spices to oil in a skillet and heat before cooking

Brew with tea

Make decoctions and tinctures

Season desserts, including ready-made

Stir with oil and vinegar for salad dressing

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