Shrimp diet, 7 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 760 Kcal.

Do you like seafood? In this case, you will certainly be pleased that there is a special diet based on the use of shrimp. For the week of the proposed diet, you can lose 3-5 excess pounds.

Shrimp diet requirements

If you decide to transform your figure with a weekly shrimp diet, you will need to consume 250 g of these shellfish daily. It is best to eat them boiled, seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice and a small amount of olive oil. If you like fried shrimp, you can afford them in this form, but not more than a third of the daily value. The rest is still recommended to cook.

White cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and other non-starchy vegetables, lettuce and various greens will be excellent side dishes for the main course. It is better to give up starchy vegetables altogether or, at least, significantly reduce their amount in the diet. For example, it’s okay to treat yourself to beets if you love them. But it is better to do this no more than once or twice in 7 days and not eat more than 200 g per sitting. In general, the daily amount of vegetables consumed should weigh no more than 1 kg. In addition, from time to time, you are allowed to snack on fruits (apples, citrus fruits, kiwi), as well as berries that you like.

It is recommended to refuse the rest of the products during the period of following the methodology. It is also not advisable to indulge in salt and sugar. You can drink hot drinks (weak coffee, tea), but empty. You can also use juices, but freshly squeezed and no sweeteners. But remember that they are not the lowest calorie drink option, so it’s best to limit yourself to one or two glasses of juice a day. It is allowed to drink up to 250 ml of low-fat milk daily.

The shrimp diet permits the use of any type of this seafood (royal, tiger, small, large, etc.). But be aware that nutritional experts recommend purchasing shell shrimp. While cleansing them may take some of your time, you will end up with a healthier product. Choose shrimp with an even, smooth color and curled tail. If the tail of the shrimp is unfolded, this means that it was no longer alive before freezing or was thawed. If the shell is dry, the color of the meat has become yellow, the legs are covered with black specks, then such a shrimp is old. If the head of a shrimp is black, then this is a sick individual. Do not be afraid of green-headed clams, they are edible and tasty, they just ate a special kind of plankton. And shrimp before breeding has a brown head, and their meat is especially useful. In general, beneficial and flavoring properties are maximally preserved in the meat of shrimp, which was frozen fresh. They have a gray-brown carapace.

Now let’s dwell a little on how to cook shrimp. Defrost them slowly. First refrigerate on the bottom shelf, then drain and leave the shrimp at room temperature. When cooking, you need to throw the shrimp into boiling water and after boiling, cook for 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the shellfish). When they come up and turn orange, immediately remove the pan from the stove. Overcooked shrimp makes the meat tough. You can, if desired, add spices and seasonings to the water. Do not take out the shrimps immediately, let them steam for 10-15 minutes. Then their meat will become juicier.

You can cook shrimp in a double boiler (4-5 minutes). Steamed shrimp meat retains more nutrients, and it tastes more delicate.

Boiled-frozen unpeeled shrimps are also sold. After defrosting, they can be kept in boiling water for a couple of minutes, you can simply douse them with boiling water, you can place them in boiling water and bring to a boil. The shrimp have already been boiled before freezing, so additional heat treatment is not a necessity, but a way to avoid intestinal problems.

Delicious shrimp fried for 3-4 minutes in vegetable or butter, baked in the oven or grilled. And don’t forget to remove the dark intestinal vein from large shrimp, otherwise the meat will taste bad. By the way, you can peel the shrimp from the shell when they are not completely thawed or immediately after boiling, dipping it in cold water for half a minute.

Shrimp diet menu

Example of a daily diet of a shrimp diet

Breakfast: a small kiwi and a glass of orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed).

Snack: apple.

Lunch: shrimp salad dressed with lemon juice; bowl of vegetable puree soup; a glass of mineral water.

Afternoon snack: a handful of your favorite berries; half a small grapefruit; 200-250 ml of pomegranate juice.

Dinner: a portion of boiled shrimp; a couple of tablespoons of green vegetable salad; a glass of milk.

Contraindications to the shrimp diet

  • It is impossible to resort to a shrimp diet for help in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and excretory systems.
  • A consultation with a doctor will not be superfluous in any case.

Benefits of a shrimp diet

  1. Due to the fact that a large number of vegetables are involved in this technique, you are not threatened with an acute feeling of hunger. The range of permitted products is quite diverse. This allows you to choose the food that suits your taste.
  2. Undoubtedly, it is worth dwelling on the main beneficial properties of shrimp meat. It is rich in various trace elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, zinc). Shrimp meat is rich in vitamins E, which prevent premature aging of the skin and contribute to its natural health.
  3. Consuming shrimp helps to strengthen the body’s defenses and maintain healthy hormones. Numerous scientific studies have shown that substances in shrimp can help the body resist various viruses and colds. In this regard, this seafood is recommended for use by people who are prone to frequent attacks of tonsillitis, bronchitis and other similar diseases.
  4. The regenerating properties of these shellfish meat are also excellent. Regular consumption of it promotes the renewal of body tissues at the cellular level, and this helps us stay young and healthy longer. These properties are due to the presence of karatenoid in shrimp – a pigment that gives them a red color and has numerous antioxidant properties.
  5. Shrimp meat is also good because its presence in the diet reduces the risk of allergic reactions and the development of sensitivity to various foods.
  6. Omega 3 acids, which are also abundant in shrimp, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improve the appearance of hair and nails.
  7. Shrimp, like many other seafood, has a beneficial effect on mental activity, improves memory and concentration.

Disadvantages of a shrimp diet

  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that the shrimp diet is quite low in calories. In this regard, “encounters” with weakness, increased fatigue and other not very pleasant sensations are not excluded. In addition, on this diet, carbohydrates are significantly limited, and their long absence in the diet can provoke various problems.
  • Therefore, experts strongly advise against sticking to the diet for more than one week, no matter how easy it may be given to you. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that shrimp is not the cheapest food pleasure. Not surprisingly, many people who want to lose weight choose more budget weight loss options that do not require the purchase of “elite” products.

Repeating the shrimp diet

It is not recommended to repeat the weekly shrimp diet earlier than after 1,5 months. And in order to be sure of its extremely beneficial effect on the body, it is better to wait 3-4 months before a new diet start.

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