Separate nutrition – the path to optimal health

A healthy internal ecosystem is made up of friendly bacteria that live in the gut and keep us strong and healthy. The predominance of beneficial microflora also means a powerful “army” that helps to digest everything we eat. Unfortunately, with the development of progress, antibiotics, pasteurization, refined foods, along with constant stress, have come into our lives, which destroy the balance of our ecosystem. All this leads to fatigue, poor condition of the gastrointestinal tract and its improper functioning. Today, more than ever, we must take special care of our bodies. Our body, more than ever, is subject to excessive stress and lack of nutrients. The good news is that it is in our hands to achieve harmony and a natural cheerful state! Separate nutrition is one of the simple, but, unfortunately, not universally practiced secrets of healthy digestion today. . In general, if there are parasites and a large number of pathogenic bacteria in the body, it is not recommended to eat sweet fruits. They contain high amounts of sugars that stimulate the growth of yeast and other pathogens. In this state, lemons and limes, juices from cranberries, black currants, and pomegranates are good. After the restoration of the microflora (approximately 3 months of an appropriate diet), you can begin to introduce fruits such as kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit. Practical Tip: Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon juice to help cleanse and tone your digestive system. When we eat protein, the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin to break down food in a highly acidic environment. When starches are consumed, the enzyme ptyalin is produced to create an alkaline environment. Eating protein and starch together, they tend to neutralize each other and weaken digestion. As a result, poorly digested food acidifies the blood and creates a favorable environment for disease-causing pathogens. However, proteins are perfectly compatible with non-starchy vegetables, which include: broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, celery, cabbage, lettuce, garlic, turnips, radishes, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, beets, onions. Non-starchy vegetables digest well in an acidic or alkaline environment, so they can be paired with proteins, grains, soaked and sprouted seeds, nuts, and starchy vegetables. Amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa and millet are four high-protein, gluten-free grains rich in B vitamins and nourishing symbiotic microflora. Starchy vegetables include: beans, peas, corn, artichokes, potatoes, butternut squash. To be frank, the lactose in milk feeds pathogenic yeast and most people don’t have enough enzymes to digest the milk protein casein. Thus, milk and its derivatives can benefit someone, but not others. It is allowed to combine with sour fruits, seeds, nuts and non-starchy vegetables. Some general recommendations: – Wait 2 hours after eating a grain meal and before eating a protein meal. – After a protein meal, give your body 4 hours to fully digest. – Do not drink while eating. Rule known as the world! In addition, it is not recommended to drink 15 minutes before and 1 hour after a meal. By sticking to basic food pairing guidelines, you will notice blending fewer different products at a time over time. Undoubtedly, this contributes to better digestion of food and the absorption of great nutrients.

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