How to make text compelling. The course is led by prof. N.I. Kozlov.
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Everyone knows that the eyes see, the ears hear, the body feels, the head thinks, but it is curious that the predominant development of one of these channels of perception changes the language of a person, the vocabulary he uses. Looking closely, listening, trying to feel people and reflecting on their speech and reactions, you will easily recognize these types: you will see the visual, hear the auditory, feel the kinesthetic and determine the rational. For example, in the same situation, you can hear phrases that are identical in meaning, but so different in modality:
— You will see everything: in front of us is a visual. It is obvious that in his dictionary also: “We must take a closer look. What a clear picture! Look: complete clarity and bright prospects! Beloved woman: “Let me admire you … You are amazing!”
— You will hear everything: the auditory always listens to how the interlocutors speak loudly, quietly or rhythmically, and it hurts his ears when instead of the melodious murmur of the conversation, a screech or hoarse barking begins. Beloved woman: “Your voice is the most charming melody!”
— You will understand everything …: the kinesthetic seeks to move and act. Sitting in one place, feeling like a sack of … potatoes, he’s tired of it like this (runs his palm across his throat). There is nothing to clap your ears, you need to take your legs in your hands and shake from here! Beloved woman: “You are so attractive, you kindle desire in me, I want you!”
— You will understand everything: it is a fact that some subjects in a situation of having an alternative prefer modally indefinite language constructions, thereby justifiably deserving an evaluatively neutral name: rationals. Beloved woman: “No one suits me the way you do, and I really appreciate our relationship. You should know that you are my highest priority!”
Naturally, it is necessary to speak with the rational in the language of logic, clearly formulating the theses, substantiating them with facts and making the conclusions logically following from the outlined concept, listed in the attached plan. And best of all, in writing. The auditory will hear you when you remove your papers that do not tell him anything and tell what happened, reproducing all the dialogues as accurately as possible with intonation: — I say to him: “Listen, everything is said in this order!” — And he: “I don’t want to hear!” The visual needs to draw everything, and the more figurative your speech is and the simpler the pictures, the more obvious the mutual understanding will be between you. There should be a picture here… In order to get through to the kinesthetic, in business relations visits to the bath are provided, good cognac — and “hands on!”, In close relationships — it is important to move closer to him (her), take these hands in yours and, adjusting your breathing, talk about your feelings.
If we do not speak the language that is most understandable to our interlocutor, our words are perceived by them as strangers and do not sound convincing. What to do? Two things. The first is to learn to speak the language closest to your interlocutor, the second is to use all three HAC modalities at the same time more often in your speech. In this case, the interlocutor seems to see what you want to show him, hear what you say to him, practically feel what you want to convey to him. Often this is called — means of artistic expression of speech. It is useful to develop your speech, making it more artistically expressive, such that you often speak in volume, alternating modalities, easily moving from pictures to sound and affecting kinesthetic experiences in time. This not only contributes to the greater persuasiveness of our speech, it is also useful for ourselves: in this case, we perceive the world brighter and more colorful, more sonorous and more tart ….
You can practice turning bare text into text, if not artistic, then at least sensory voluminous. How? We simply take a sentence, for example, «The cow came out of the barn.» It is obvious that only visual modality is used in this sentence, and even then only weakly. What happens if you add sounds here? “The cow peeked around the corner and mumbled dully, mu!” However, there is still not enough kinesthetics here. Add? “The cow, shifting, lazily came out of the warm barn and mumbled dully, mu!” It’s already better, but you can make the picture even richer: “The black cow, shifting and shaking her head, lazily left the warm barn, mumbled dully and lay down in the fresh, crisp snow.”
Speech collected from such live pictures remains in the memory of the interlocutor. The more pictures, the faster the interlocutor understands you, however, the pictures quickly come to the mind of a person, so quickly they can leave. If you want your pictures to live longer, touch something alive in the interlocutor and immerse yourself in it, you need to fill the text with kinesthetics.
Exercise KVAKanie
If you work at a Distance, you will take the exercise «Croaking» (from the abbreviation VAK) to practice these skills. Content and ORM exercises:
- I hear in my own and someone else’s colloquial speech the words of the preferred modality;
- I can make my speech sensory voluminous, enriching it with all VAK modalities;
- I am able to build my speech in the partner’s language, within the framework of their preferred modality.
Implementation of the last point: 1. Determine the time frame — how much time per day to devote to this. 2. Determine what to control, what to highlight from the interlocutor’s speech. 3. Make a record of dialogues during the day (if necessary), or work out also without a voice recorder, “live”. 4. Make an analysis of the dialogues. What I say, what the interlocutor says. 5. Make a «translation» of your phrases into the language of the interlocutor. 6. Fix how many phrases are translated, or come up with your own way to control the exercise. 7. Make a control analysis. 8. Take another person to train. The exercise is considered completed when you can easily hear “another speech” and easily switch to the language of the interlocutor.