Seafood for health and beauty

If you list all the elements that the inhabitants of the sea are rich in, you get almost the entire periodic table. But the most important one must be mentioned – iodine. It is very difficult to find it far from the sea, therefore modern people all overwhelm suffer from its shortage and are forced to drink iodine-containing preparations and use iodized salt. Iodine is very important for the normal functioning of not only the thyroid gland, but also the brain: its acute deficiency in childhood, for example, leads to delays in intellectual development. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, natural immunostimulants and antidepressants, are no less important for our health.

We are looking for benefits: where and what?

Kelp for intelligence

Seaweed, as this seaweed is often called, is nondescript in appearance and its taste, as Arkady Raikin said, is specific. But it is wildly useful: only 30 g contains the daily intake of iodine, which is sorely lacking for most of the inhabitants of the regions remote from the sea. And there are more minerals with vitamins in it than in “earthly” vegetables – any of cabbage, carrots or turnips.

Krill for healthy blood vessels and brain

Small, up to 0,5 cm crustaceans, which in mass, together with plankton, swim on the surface of the sea. Krill is very nutritious and at the same time dietary: protein is easily digested, and fat is contained in the form of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help, in particular, to rid blood vessels of cholesterol plaques. By the way, these acids in krill are somewhat different in form from those in fish oil: being not triglycerides, but phospholipids, they are the most important building blocks for the brain, cell membranes and liver. 1-2 grams of krill per day in the morning before breakfast – and the heart will be hardy, the brain is smart, and the skin will be young and elastic.


Shrimp for stress resistance

Itamine B12 – that’s what I have to say thank you to these crustaceans. It is this vitamin that is indispensable for our nervous system, and especially if at work and in life there are continuous troubles. It is B12 that provides us with stress resistance and excellent sleep. And most importantly, you don’t need much – just eat one dish of shrimp a week: not so wasteful, right?

Mussels for blood health

These molluscs have another “trick” – a high content of cobalt. It is practically not found in other food products. Cobalt is an element that is part of vitamin B12; without it, this vitamin cannot be synthesized or absorbed. And he is also the most important link in the processes of hematopoiesis: with its deficiency, few red blood cells are formed, which carry oxygen through our vessels. The shortage is easy to avoid – you need to regularly include mussels in the diet.

Squid for nighttime pleasures

This strange creature was nicknamed “sea ginseng” for a reason: regular eating of dietary tender meat has a very beneficial effect on male potency. The substances that squid boasts generally strengthen a variety of muscles – in addition to intimate ones, for example, also the heart – and all thanks to the colossal content of potassium. Plus, you can find taurine in it, which improves the condition of the retina – we begin to see better in the dark. In general, squid has strong anti-aging properties. For example, it prevents early gray hair from developing: this is prevented by copper, which is also a lot in these mollusks.

Oysters for a boost of energy

If squid is a budget aphrodisiac, oysters are for rich and spoiled gourmets. But let’s not forget that it is easier to get poisoned with them than with the same mussels or squids. So, why are these molluscs so romantically attractive? The fact that zinc, which is very much in them, provokes the production of testosterone – the most important male sex hormone. And in women, this “food of the gods” increases libido (and adds attractiveness, because it gives the skin tone, hair – density and facilitates the course of any hormonal storms). It has also been scientifically proven that eating oysters helps prevent the appearance of cancer, especially in the mammary gland. And if oncology has already been detected, then the substances contained in oysters suppress the mouth of the tumors.

Lobsters, crabs and lobsters for strong bones

As a preventive measure against osteoporosis, nutritionists advise eating meat from owners of strong claws 2-3 times a week (with rice as a side dish). These inhabitants of the seabed are very rich in phosphorus, the lack of which makes our skeleton fragile. Calcium, copper, zinc, potassium – all these are “building blocks” for bone tissue, and a whole bunch of vitamins contained in tender meat helps to assimilate microelements. 

Do not forget that seafood is one of the strongest allergens, so you need to be especially careful if you suspect food intolerances with these products.

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