Scientists: people are more likely to get lung cancer due to gas stoves

Electricity is much safer in terms of health care.

Gas, to be sure, has many advantages: it is cheaper, it is faster to cook on it, and there is some kind of lampiness – we still cook on fire. But scientists arrived in time with another unpleasant discovery. It turns out that cooking on a gas stove produces a lot of carcinogenic fumes that can cause cancer.

At first, scientists were alarmed by the fact that China has a very high incidence of lung cancer among cooks. But in the Middle Kingdom they cook mainly on gas stoves. The researchers analyzed the steam and smoke generated by gas cooking and found that they contain a lot of mutagenic aldehydes. In addition, these gases contain many ultrafine particles that penetrate deep into the lungs.

All of these substances have the potential to cause cancer of the lungs, bladder and cervix. And with the same probability as smoking!

“The smoke that is generated when cooking on gas stoves contains components for which there are no sanitary and hygienic standards. Until now, no one has asked this question, ”the authors of the study say.

Part of the situation is saved by hoods – the less smoke the cook inhales, the better his health. In addition, those who cook every day and those cooks who prefer to heat the oil very hot before starting to cook are at risk. If you cook at a lower temperature, the risk of developing cancer is reduced.

By the way, scientists have recently formulated four more factors that provoke the development of cancer. Among them – addiction to meat and cheese, lack of sleep, sedentary work. Avoiding meat, by the way, will not save you. If desperate meat eaters risk developing esophageal cancer, then vegans are prone to genital cancers. And the likelihood of developing a dangerous disease can prevent … broccoli. Let’s say right away: those at risk who do not like cruciferous vegetables avoid coffee and chocolate. Why – read HERE.

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