Scientists have told how lack of sleep and extra pounds are connected

A recent study by scientists from the University of Michigan has shown that lack of sleep and poor quality sleep directly affect sugar cravings.

In order to prove this, 50 people were allowed to examine the indicators of their brains during “sleep deprivation”. Electrodes were attached to their heads, clearly recording changes taking place in an area of ​​the brain called the amygdala, which is the center of reward and is associated with emotions.

As it turns out, lack of sleep activates the amygdala and forces people to eat more sugary foods. Moreover, the less the participants slept, the more pronounced the cravings for sweets they experienced. 

Therefore, a lack of sleep at night encourages us to eat more sweets and, as a result, get better.


In addition, it has been previously proven that a poor night’s sleep causes a surge in the hormone cortisol, as a result of which people begin to “seize stress”.

Recall that earlier we wrote about 5 products that make you sleepy. 

Be healthy!

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