Pesko vegetarians

Pesko vegetarianism or pesketarianism Is a food system that excludes mammalian flesh and poultry from the diet but allows the use of fish and seafood. This type of diet causes a lot of controversy and controversy among vegetarians. Often people who are just beginning to be interested in the issue of vegetarianism have a question: “Can vegetarians eat fish?“. To take a closer look at this issue, you need to understand. The most negative thing about sand vegetarians is ethical vegetarians – those who have given up eating meat in order not to support violence against animals.

The difference between them is almost the same as between. From an ethical point of view, people who allow the use of fish and seafood cannot be called vegetarians – after all, fish also belongs to the animal kingdom, has a structure similar to mammals – they have a nervous system, digestive organs, respiration, excretions, etc. If a fish cannot express emotions by screaming, this does not mean that it does not feel fear and torment when a sharp hook pierces its mouth, and instead of its usual habitat, an unsuitable environment suddenly appears, where the fish slowly suffocates, having no opportunity to help itself …

Some of the marine life, which the modern industry calls the appetizing word “seafood”, is treated even more brutally. For example, crayfish and lobsters are boiled alive. It is unlikely that this procedure gives pleasure to any living creatures, be it a person, a bird, or a small shrimp. People who have given up meat in order to maintain health are sometimes afraid to exclude fish from the diet in order to protect themselves from a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements that are rich in the flesh of marine life. However, research shows that fatty acids and micronutrients are best obtained from seeds and nuts. For example, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sunflowers, and flax contain much more phosphorus than fish.

And a sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium in these seeds promotes the absorption of phosphorus, while the nutrients from seafood are practically not absorbed by humans. Also, do not forget that the fish’s body absorbs all the toxic substances in the water. As a result, the risk of poisoning with fish dishes is quite high. It is no coincidence that seafood is one of the strongest allergens. It is worth mentioning the parasites that are found in any meat – be it terrestrial or marine life.

Fans of sushi bars are most at risk of settling intestinal parasites inside themselves by tasting a delicacy made from raw or insufficiently thermally processed seafood. It is worth noting that some people find it difficult to immediately abandon all animal products. For the body, a sudden change in diet can be serious stress if there is not enough information about proper nutrition. Therefore, sand-vegetarianism can be viewed as a temporary, transitional form of nutrition from meat-eating to vegetarianism, and now you will not have a question “can a vegetarian eat fish“.

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