Recipe Okroshka meat with sour cream and beef, 1-192 each. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

Ingredients Meat okroshka with sour cream and beef, 1-192 each

Method of preparation
You can create your own recipe taking into account the loss of vitamins and minerals using the recipe calculator in the application.

Nutritional value and chemical composition.

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams edible part.
NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie value52 kCal1684 kCal3.1%6%3238 g
Proteins2.1 g76 g2.8%5.4%3619 g
Fats1.7 g56 g3%5.8%3294 g
Carbohydrates6.3 g219 g2.9%5.6%3476 g
Alimentary fiber0.2 g20 g1%1.9%10000 g
Water88.2 g2273 g3.9%7.5%2577 g
Ash1.2 g~
Vitamin A, RE40 μg900 μg4.4%8.5%2250 g
Retinol0.01 mg~
beta Carotene0.18 mg5 mg3.6%6.9%2778 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.04 mg1.5 mg2.7%5.2%3750 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.07 mg1.8 mg3.9%7.5%2571 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic5 mg90 mg5.6%10.8%1800 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE0.2 mg15 mg1.3%2.5%7500 g
Vitamin PP, NE1.2 mg20 mg6%11.5%1667 g
niacin0.8 mg~
Potassium, K95 mg2500 mg3.8%7.3%2632 g
Calcium, Ca19 mg1000 mg1.9%3.7%5263 g
Magnesium, Mg7 mg400 mg1.8%3.5%5714 g
Sodium, Na293 mg1300 mg22.5%43.3%444 g
Phosphorus, P26 mg800 mg3.3%6.3%3077 g
Trace Elements
Iron, Fe0.4 mg18 mg2.2%4.2%4500 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins1.5 g~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)4.8 gmax 100 г
Cholesterol17 mgmax 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.6 gmax 18.7 г

The energy value is 52 kcal.

Tags: How to cook, calorie content 52 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, what vitamins, minerals, cooking method Meat okroshka with sour cream and beef, 1-192 each, recipe, calories, nutrients

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