Foods that are hard to digest

In our gut, the food is softened, frays, and breaks down into components. And the easier the food is for digestion, the easier will be the process of food movement through the intestines. Heavy foods cause heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, nausea, and excessive gas. Which foods hinder the harmonious digestion of food and, as a consequence, problems with digestion?

Fried foods

If to add to fatty foods additional fat when cooking, the digestive system will most likely not cope with the fat volume. It will waste a lot of energy in the breakdown, apart from digesting other food and extracting nutrients.

Spicy food

On the one hand, spicy food helps digestion and stimulates circulation in the gastrointestinal tract’s internal organs. But a surplus of spicy ingredients to the contrary leads to irritation of the stomach and esophagus walls that will cause indigestion, heartburn, and pain.

Foods that are hard to digest


Lentils are a source of vegetable protein and dietary fiber, making them a useful food. But the beans also contain carbohydrates oligosaccharides, which are difficult to digest and cause flatulence. To avoid this effect, you should soak beans before cooking.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are cooked with milk or cream, whereas adults and the child can fully digest lactose. Potatoes are starchy vegetables, complex carbohydrates in the composition, and milk, leading to flatulence and heaviness in the stomach.

Cruciferous vegetables

All types of cabbage are incredibly healthy for the body. Simultaneously, fraught with danger – raffinose carbohydrate, which is hard to digest and inflate the intestines, like a balloon. The discomfort and pain you provided.

Foods that are hard to digest

Raw onion

Any bow in its raw form, though beneficial to the body for its antibacterial properties, vitamins, and minerals, is outright irritating to the internal organs’ mucosa. It changes the acidity of the stomach and results in excessive gas formation.

Ice cream

Ice cream is not only fraught with the danger of indigestible lactose. But in and of itself is a very fatty product. This delicacy is fraught with spasms of the stomach, indigestion. And the sugar in this dessert is much above the permissible limits.

Natural juices

It would seem that a glass of continuous use. But fruits, especially citrus fruits, are a source of many acids, which irritated the stomach and intestines’ delicate walls. And if one fruit has a negative effect will be barely noticeable, several fruits in a single glass – this is a direct provocation of the gastrointestinal tract.

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