Perfect 30 Minute Hand Workout

Perfect 30 Minute Hand Workout

Drink your pre-workout and head to the gym. We’ve got the perfect arm workout for you that will turn you into a swing in just 30 minutes!

Author: Roger Lockridge


Few things compare to killer arm pumps and the feeling that you’ve just completed your best biceps and triceps workout. The only thing that can make arm training even better is to reduce the time it takes to do it.

The Express Workout Plan is in front of you! We’ve put together a killer hand set that will kick start your muscles in just 30 minutes.

Perfect 30 Minute Hand Workout

Perform leaning against the wall

3 approach to 10 repetitions

3 approach to 10 repetitions
3 approach to 10 repetitions
3 approach to 12 repetitions
3 approach to 12 repetitions
Normal execution:
2 approach to 10 repetitions
2 approach to 10 repetitions

Lifting the bar for biceps against the wall

In this variation of the biceps barbell lift, you press your back against the wall to avoid body swings and use of the inertial component. If you have problems with your wrists or elbows, consider using the straight EZ bar instead. Otherwise, load the bar with enough weight to reach failure between 8-10 reps.

Start with a wide grip and do the first set of reps with the cleanest technique possible. Then, without pause, move to a narrow grip and do 8-10 additional reps. Rest 45 seconds. Repeat until you have done 3 sets.


Superset: Dips and Diamond Dips

Both exercises are deadly bodyweight movements to burn the back of the hand.

Start with 10 dips, keeping your torso upright to shift the focus to your triceps.

As soon as you finish the last push-up, fall to the floor and do 10 “diamond” push-ups. Diamond push-ups, or diamond push-ups, are a variation of the exercise in which the hands touch and your fingers form a diamond, or diamond. Rest for 45 seconds between supersets.


Superset: Incline Dumbbell Curl and Tate Press

This superset works both biceps and triceps. Dumbbell curls on an incline bench help isolate the biceps – which is exactly what you are trying to achieve. Be sure to make sure that in the initial phase, the arms are behind the plane of the torso, and at the top of the lift, the biceps are as tense and compressed as possible.

After finishing the last bend, squeeze the dumbbells over your head and start doing the Tate press. Keep your elbows outward throughout the movement, and lift the dumbbells straight up. Lower the weights slowly to keep the muscles tense, do not let the dumbbells touch your chest.


Pause briefly at the bottom of each press. When you’re done superset, rest for 45 seconds. In total, you have to make 3 such supersets.

Curl of the arms for biceps in the simulator

The Scott Bench Curl is a fantastic bicep workout finisher. In this workout, you will do a machine exercise using the rest / pause / drop set (RPD) technique on the last set to finish off the biceps. If you’ve never used this technique before, I can assure you, it’s worth trying ODS and you’ll love it as much as I love it. Rest 45 seconds after the first two sets, and then start performing the OTP set.

The first two approaches to curling the arms in the simulator you do in the traditional vein. Start your final PPD set by achieving muscle failure – do 8 reps or so. Rest for 5 seconds and do a few more reps to failure. Now reduce the working weight by 25% and repeat it all over again – failure, pause, failure. Lose weight again and repeat the technique again. It turns out something like 6 minsets in one approach. Your biceps will feel the load and you will love this pump.


Kneeling Triceps Extension

Doing the popular kneeling exercise removes cheating and helps isolate your triceps. By the way, this is a favorite exercise of the four-time Mr. Olympia title holder Jay Cutler, so you can be sure you will get a first-class pumping of your triceps.

In the last exercise of the workout, you use exactly the same set and repetition pattern as in the machine curls. There are no changes in rest either. Do two regular approaches, then start one OPD set to put a bullet in your workout. At this point, you should get the feeling that your hands are roasted over low heat.


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