Pektin substances

Marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows, oriental sweets and other confectionery delicacies … The main gelling substances responsible for their structure and shape are pectin substances, and not gelatin, as is commonly believed.

Pectin substances are found in apple and citrus pomace, sugar beet pulp, in carrots, apricots, sunflower baskets, as well as in other equally popular plants. At the same time, the largest amount of pectin is concentrated in the peel and core of the fruit.

Foods rich in pectin substances:

General characteristics of pectin

The very discovery of pectin happened about 200 years ago. The discovery was made by the French chemist Henri Braconno, who isolated pectin from plum juice.

However, quite recently, when studying ancient Egyptian manuscripts, experts found in them a mention of a certain “transparent fruit ice that does not melt even under the hot sun of Memphis.” Scientists concluded that this was the first mention of jelly made with pectins.

Translated from Greek, pectin translates as “frozen“(From Old Greek πηκτός). It is one of the compounds of galacturonic acid and is present in almost all higher plants. Fruits and some types of algae are especially rich in it.

Pectin helps plants to maintain turgor, drought resistance, and contributes to the duration of their storage.

As for people, in our country pectin stabilizes metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves intestinal motility. In addition, it has properties, which will be discussed below.

Daily need for pectin

The daily intake of pectin depends on the goal pursued. For example, to lower blood cholesterol, it is enough to consume about 15 grams of pectin per day. If you intend to engage in weight loss, then the amount of pectin consumed should be increased to 25 grams.

It should be noted that 500 grams of fruit contains only 5 grams of pectin. Therefore, you will have to eat from 1,5 to 2,5 kg of fruit daily, or use pectin produced by our food industry.

The need for pectin is increasing:

  • in case of poisoning with heavy metals, pesticides and other substances unnecessary for the body;
  • high blood sugar;
  • high cholesterol;
  • constipation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • overweight;
  • oncological diseases.

The need for pectin decreases:

Due to the fact that every day we are faced with a huge amount of various substances that are not useful for our body, nutritionists do not recommend reducing the daily intake of pectin. Naturally, provided that there are no allergic reactions to it, which is extremely rare.

Digestibility of pectin

The assimilation of pectin in the body does not occur, because its main task is to evacuate substances harmful to the body. And he copes with it perfectly!

Useful properties of pectin and its effect on the body

When pectin enters the gastrointestinal tract, a jelly-like substance is formed in it, which protects the mucous membrane from irritation.

Upon contact of pectin with salts of heavy metals, or with toxins, pectin forms a compound that is insoluble and is excreted from the body without harmful effects on the mucous membrane.

Pectin helps to restore normal peristalsis and is an effective remedy for constipation.

It lowers blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

Pectin improves the intestinal microflora by destroying pathogenic microorganisms (harmful bacteria and protozoa).

Interaction with other elements

When pectin enters the body, it interact with water. Increasing in size, it inactivates and removes harmful substances from the body.

Signs of excess pectin

Due to the property of pectin not to linger in the body, its excess in the human body is not observed.

Signs of a lack of pectin in the body:

  • general intoxication of the body;
  • high concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • overweight;
  • constipation;
  • decreased libido;
  • pallor and laxity of the skin.

Pectin substances for beauty and health

In cosmetology, vinegar has also earned honor and respect. What are the vinegar wraps! Thanks to them, you can even get rid of the hateful “orange peel”.

People who regularly consume foods high in pectin have healthy, firm and clear skin, a pleasant complexion, and fresh breath. Due to the release of the digestive tract from toxins and toxins, with the regular use of pectin substances, excess weight is reduced.

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1 Comment

  1. Tərəvəzlərin kimyəvi tərkibində üzvi turşular, əvəzolunmayan amin turşuları, vitaminlər(xüsusiylə C vitamini), eyni zamanda pektin olduğu üçün onlar sağlam qidalardır. Təəvəz pektinləri az efirləşmiş olduğuğndan zəif jeleləşmə yaradır. Yalnız uyğun şərtlər – temperatur və pH nizamlanmaqla yele əmələ gətirir. Yele əmələgəlmə müddəti nisbətən uzun olsa da, yaranan yele davamlı olur.

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