Paleolithic diet for weight loss

At the very least, it is worth a try for those who love meat and potatoes. According to a team of Swedish researchers at Lund University who reconstructed nutrition during the Paleolithic era, this retro diet is mainly composed of lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits.

The experimental group, which was created from overweight men with an average waist size of over 94 cm, ate a la Paleolithic scheme. In addition to the top Paleolithic products (the very meat, vegetables, fruits …), they were allowed to eat some potatoes (alas, boiled), feast on nuts (mostly walnuts), indulge themselves with one egg a day (or less often) and add vegetable oils to their food (which are rich in beneficial monounsaturated fatty acids and alpha-linoleic acid).

Another group followed a Mediterranean diet: they also had cereals, muesli and pasta, low-fat dairy products, legumes and potatoes on their plates. They ate relatively less meat, fish, vegetables and fruits in this group than in the Paleolithic.

By the end of the diet run, after a few weeks, the Paleolithic diet helped to lose an average of 5 kg and make the waist about 5,6 cm thinner.But the Mediterranean diet brought much more modest results: only minus 3,8 kg and 2,9 cm So, draw your own conclusions.



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