Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snack

If you desperately want a quick bite to eat and recharge your batteries, do not look in the direction of fast food available. There are many healthy snack alternatives to fast food, only much more useful.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackAvocado as a healthy snack

Avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. Firstly, even a small amount of avocado perfectly nourishes and supports the work of your heart muscle. Secondly, the flesh of the avocado contains vitamins of group B, K, potassium, copper, vitamins E and C.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackBlueberry

Blueberries and other berries give strength and tone. This berry allocates its ability to improve memory and protect the body from oxidative damage.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackPeanut butter as a healthy snack

Peanut butter in a small amount will provide you with vitamins and minerals, and it’s incredibly delicious! Oil this nut contains vitamins b, E, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackAlmonds

Firstly, this nut is high in calories and fat, but the benefits of your diet are invaluable. Secondly, despite its properties, it helps to drop those extra pounds, and the beneficial fatty acids that it contains help the work of the heart and blood vessels—almonds, high in protein, vitamin E, magnesium, and manganese.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackStrawberry as a healthy snack

Low-calorie antioxidant, source of many vitamins and minerals. The strawberry hearty enough to satisfy your hunger. And she will support the heart, normalizes blood sugar levels, and protects the body from free radicals.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackPistachios

Pistachios are also a great source of protein, which is well absorbed. A small number of these nuts make up for lack of vitamin b, iron, potassium, and phosphorus.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackDark chocolate

Dark chocolate, the cocoa content in which more than 70 percent – healthy candies and recharge your tired body. The Dark chocolate helps the heart, blood vessels, improves memory, normalizes the nervous system, improves mood, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackCheese as a healthy snack

If you choose the cheese a little fat, its benefits will be tangible as a snack. Cheese – the source of animal fats and protein, it also contains vitamins and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, vitamin B12.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snackYogurt as a healthy snack

Yogurt without additives and preservatives is an additional source of calcium and protein. Natural Yogurt will solve the stomach and intestines’ discomfort, thereby raising the immune system and possibly absorption of nutrients from other foods.

Fast food: 10 options for a healthy snack

Popcorn as a healthy snack

If the popcorn is cooked without butter and sugar, it is a useful snack. It’s a whole grain product, be sure to include it in the diet from time to time.

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