Oatmeal diet, 7 days, -7 kg

Losing weight up to 7 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 880 Kcal.

Many women call oatmeal their favorite diet. After all, it is she who helps to lose extra pounds very quickly. This diet is frugal and simple. In addition, it, with reasonable observance, contributes not only to weight loss, but also to improving health and improving the body.

For seven days of life on this diet, you can get rid of 5 to 10 unnecessary pounds. But, of course, you need to understand: if your excess weight is not great, then it will not fly off so quickly. Everything is individual.

Oatmeal diet requirements

This is a mono-diet, that is, only one product is allowed for use. In this case, oatmeal. An important dietary rule is that it is forbidden to have dinner late. The evening meal should take place at least 4 hours before bedtime. During the day, you should regularly drink clean water (not soda); the average rate is 2 liters. But you cannot drink the porridge itself with water.

Banned oat flakes with additives, muesli, breakfast cereals and similar inventions. Only pure, natural products are allowed. When consuming oatmeal, do not add any salt or sugar to it. For drinks, herbal teas are the best choice.

Oatmeal diet menu

To lose weight on this diet was as effective as possible, it is better to start with the cleansing stage. And rice will help you in this case. So, a week before oatmeal, if possible, it is worth talking to him (more precisely, to drink rice jelly). It is prepared quite simply: 4 tbsp. l. rice you need to pour 1 liter of water, and leave to brew overnight. In the morning, cook it on the weakest setting of your stove until you get jelly. Now cool this dish and drink it on an empty stomach. After that, it is advisable not to eat for 4-5 hours. Then you can have a snack. Of course, it is desirable that the food is correct and healthy. But it is important not to eat dinner later than 4 hours before the night’s rest (just as with the basic oatmeal diet).

As for the next part of losing weight, this week will be spent on pure oatmeal. It is best to use fractional meals. This will reduce the chances of meeting hunger to a minimum. It is advisable to eat 200 g of food every few hours, for example, at 7-00, 10-00, 13-00, 16-00 and 19-00.

cooking recipes porridges are simple. There are two of them.

First: pour boiling water over the cereal overnight, in the morning it is ready for use.

Second: Boil the oatmeal until thick (up to 15 minutes – depending on the manufacturer), boiling water.

Oatmeal diet contraindications

It is impossible to lose weight on it for those who have an intolerance to any kind of cereals.

Also, experts strongly do not recommend this diet for those who have impaired gastrointestinal tract activity or have any diseases of the cardiovascular system. Otherwise, these ailments may worsen at times.

Benefits of the oatmeal diet

1. The benefit, firstly, is that oats are in themselves, a useful product, in which many elements necessary for the body are stored. In particular, oatmeal is rich in such health benefits as iron, chromium, magnesium, zinc, nickel. Also among the many vitamins present in cereals, vitamin H. takes pride of place. It contains many pantothenic and niacin acids.

2. Oatmeal also contains fiber and amino acids, and this contributes to the proper functioning of the stomach.

3. When you diet, you help your body get rid of slagging and various impurities, the complexion becomes healthy and attractive.

4. The health risks associated with losing weight on such a diet are minimized.

5. Weight is released smoothly and efficiently.

6. The skin does not lose its elasticity, but acquires a healthier appearance.

7. Oatmeal also helps to increase immunity.

8. The feeling of hunger with an oatmeal diet is unlikely to make you feel acutely, which is also a nice bonus.

9. Among other things, it is worth noting the following: if after losing weight on an oatmeal diet you eat right, the extra pounds continue to slowly but surely leave you.

10. Since the gastrointestinal tract has improved, and the body got rid of toxins. And they then contribute to weight gain and, accordingly, prevent them from painlessly saying goodbye to him. It is necessary to leave the diet correctly, of course, gradually. Let oatmeal remain the head of your diet early in your life. Add fruits, vegetables at once, then low-fat protein (eggs, meat without skin), low-fat dairy and dairy products. In this case, for sure you can part with the hated kilograms for a long time and, quite possibly, even forever.

Disadvantages of the oatmeal diet

1. The disadvantages include the fact that using one product can get boring, especially for those who are not an ardent admirer of oatmeal.

2. For some people, such a diet causes weakness or provokes problems of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, the occurrence of constipation).

3. Remember that oatmeal weight loss is a mono diet, and therefore you should not get carried away with it! Maximum, the oatmeal course can be extended up to 10 days. And then it is not advisable to do this. Yes, undoubtedly, oatmeal is rich in a complex of useful elements. But at the same time, this product contains phytic acid. She, accumulating in the body, is able to begin to flush out calcium from it.

4. When losing weight on this diet, it is advisable to additionally take a vitamin-mineral complex to support the body. After all, such nutrition is a certain stress for him.

Repeating the oatmeal diet

Nutritional scientists strongly advise against repeating the oatmeal diet before 14 days. If you like losing weight on oatmeal, and you want to lose a little more weight, quickly look at other diets that also involve oatmeal, but which are more varied in terms of food choices.

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