Not maybe, but eco: 3 reasons to love eco bags

However, everything new is well-forgotten old. Avoska is gaining popularity again, and in wide circles. Residents of different countries carry this unpretentious eco-bag with them. And they have their own reasons for this:

Ecology. Today, more than 40 countries around the world have introduced a ban or restriction on the production of plastic packaging. There is not a single post-Soviet country on this list. On average, a family of three uses 1500 large and 5000 small plastic bags every year. According to the most optimistic data, each decomposes for more than 100 years. Why do almost all of them end up in landfills, pollute the land and water?

Polyethylene belongs to type #4 plastics (LDPE or PEBD). These are CDs, linoleum, garbage bags, bags and other things that cannot be burned. PET packaging is safe for humans and recyclable, but only in theory. In practice, its processing is an extremely expensive undertaking. The main reason why polyethylene has taken over the planet is its cheapness. It takes about 40% more energy to make a bag from recycled plastic than it takes to produce “new” plastic. Will industrial giants agree to this? Each of us can answer this rhetorical question for himself.

How about others?

– For a plastic bag offered to a buyer, a seller in China pays a fine of 1500 dollars.

The UK replaced plastic bags with paper bags back in 2008.

— The cost of a paper bag in Estonia is lower than a plastic one.

– If you are caught distributing plastic packaging in Makati, Philippines, you will have to pay 5000 pesos (about $300).

— More than 80% of Europeans are in favor of reducing the use of polyethylene.

Finance. Despite the durability of the eco-bag, it will not lead to tangible savings. However, people who use the “green” shopper are more prosperous financially. Internet meme “Where are you, people who have earned millions by saving on packages?” relevant only from the point of view of elementary mathematics. Let’s think broader. The rejection of non-environmentally friendly packaging and household items is one of the strokes of the portrait of a modern person who thinks globally. The target audience of eco-friendly shopping carts is millennials, sensitive to the space around them, changing the world and history. This is a fundamentally different way of thinking, and the personal financial component is just one of its results. The “correct” millennial is a priori successful.

How will the introduction of an eco-bag into your life change your well-being? The reverse law works here. Just try it, at least at random, and you will certainly see how your life changes.

Fashion. Ecobag is a great opportunity for self-expression. Thanks to the variety of materials and colors – you can choose for every taste – this accessory has long gone beyond being used only when shopping. String bags are worn as an emphasizing detail or accent in the image. The trends of recent seasons, dictated by fashion houses, cannot but delight.

A shocking design solution in the form of a mesh shopping bag with handles seemed like catwalk kitsch a couple of years ago. Today, the “mesh” is a must-have that realizes creative fantasies. Decorated or basic, with any clutch or handbag inside, in the style of “I have nothing to hide” with the contents visible to everyone around (choose this option – do not forget to decorate the string bag with the Vegetarian number). Express yourself! Be an example!

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