Neck pain: where does neck stiffness come from?

Neck pain: where does neck stiffness come from?

Neck pain is extremely common. It can be the result of a simple bad posture held for a long time (in front of a computer), of age or of a more embarrassing disease. Its management by the doctor will make it possible to overcome it.


Having neck pain (we also speak of neck pain or more simply neck pain) is common. It is a symptom which is likely to affect all age groups. It should be noted, however, that people who spend long hours in front of a computer screen or people who spend the day behind the wheel are more at risk of developing neck pain.

In the majority of cases, people with neck pain see it go away within 1 or 2 weeks, and almost all people no longer have pain after 8 weeks.

Neck pain can be accompanied by other symptoms, which are then said to be associated:

  • muscle stiffness, especially stiffness in the neck (the posterior part of the neck which is made up of cervical vertebrae and muscles);
  • spasms;
  • difficulty moving the head;
  • or even a headache.

If the pain is persistent, severe, spreads elsewhere (in the arms or legs) or is accompanied by several other symptoms, then it is advisable to consult a doctor.

The causes

There are many causes of neck pain. The majority of them are related to the wear and tear of the mechanical structures of the neck (with age or in people who use their neck or arm excessively). These include:

  • muscle fatigue (of the neck muscles);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • damage to the cartilage or vertebrae;
  • compression of the nerves.

Less commonly, neck pain can be caused by:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • meningitis;
  • infections;
  • or cancer.

Evolution and possible complications

Neck pain can become disabling if not taken care of, or even spread to other areas of the body.

Treatment and prevention: what solutions?

To arrive at a reliable diagnosis, the doctor will ask specific questions to better identify the conditions of the occurrence of neck pain. For example, he will seek to know if the pain also radiates to the arm, if it is aggravated by fatigue or if other symptoms accompany the pain in the neck.

The doctor then performs a rigorous clinical examination and may order medical imaging examinations (CT or MRI), electromyography or even blood tests.

The treatment offered by the doctor to try to overcome neck pain will obviously depend on its causes. It could be :

  • pain medication;
  • corticosteroid injections;
  • surgery;
  • sessions with a physiotherapist, who can teach posture and neck strengthening exercises;
  • transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (a technique aimed at relieving pain by the propagation of a weak electric current);
  • session with a physiotherapist;
  • or the application of heat or cold to the neck area.

To try and prevent neck pain, there are a few tips you can follow. Let us quote for example:

  • stand up straight;
  • take breaks during days in front of the computer;
  • adjust their desk and computer appropriately;
  • or even avoid carrying things that are too heavy.

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