Miracle named Green Buckwheat

Buckwheat, buckwheat, buckwheat – all this is the name of one unique plant, which is considered to be the birthplace of the mountainous regions of India and Nepal, where it began to be cultivated by about 4 thousand years. years ago. Buckwheat came to us from Greece, hence it got its name – “buckwheat”, i.e. “Greek groats”. In the XNUMXth century, buckwheat began to be called the “queen of cereals” for its record content of vitamins, microelements, and complete proteins necessary for human health. We are talking, of course, about raw buckwheat, which is cleaned using a special technology. As a result of such cleaning, the buckwheat kernel does not lose its ability to germinate, while steamed or fried buckwheat loses everything that it is so rich in, and our body is forced to spend its own energy on the production of vitamins and microelements from this material “killed” by high temperature. Natalya Shaskolskaya, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Director of the Rostok Research and Production Center, says: “Of course, compared to, say, polished white rice, more antioxidants are stored in the steamed kernel — up to 155 mg / 100 g versus 5 mg / 100 g in rice . ». These substances help the young plant to survive even in adverse conditions. Sprouts have the same effect on our body – they neutralize adverse environmental factors and slow down cell aging. In any case, fresh or steamed buckwheat is a more environmentally friendly, safer and healthier product than wheat, polished rice, soybeans and corn, with which geneticists have already worked closely. Genetically modified buckwheat does not exist in nature. According to Lyudmila Varlakhova, a leading researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of Legumes and Cereals, “buckwheat is responsive to fertilizers, but does not accumulate either radioactive elements or heavy metals in the grain. In addition, there is no need to use pesticides, herbicides and other substances to kill pests and weeds – they do not attack buckwheat. In addition, this is a honey plant, bees are very sensitive to pesticides and will not fly to the cultivated field.” The proteins that make up buckwheat help cleanse the body of radioactive substances and normalize the growth of the child’s body. The unsaturated fats contained in buckwheat are of plant origin, which guarantees their XNUMX% digestibility by the digestive system. Buckwheat has 3-5 times more trace elements, including iron (responsible for delivering oxygen to cells), potassium (maintains optimal blood pressure), phosphorus, copper, zinc, calcium (your main ally in the fight against caries, brittle nails and fragile bones), magnesium (saves from depression), boron, iodine, nickel and cobalt than in other cereals. According to the content of B vitamins, buckwheat porridge is the leader among cereals. Therefore, fresh buckwheat is extremely useful for various vascular diseases, rheumatic diseases and arthritis. It improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system. The use of green buckwheat helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body (which means that buckwheat lovers are not threatened with senile sclerosis and heart problems), as well as toxins and heavy metal ions that we receive from childhood along with preventive vaccinations. Citric, malic acids, with which it is very rich, are catalysts for the absorption of food. Buckwheat contains organic acids that aid digestion. The starch, small amounts of special sugars and phenolic compounds found in buckwheat make it a unique agricultural crop. The antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds in buckwheat protect the product from souring to a greater extent than all other types of cereals. Buckwheat lowers glucose levels and allows you to keep blood sugar under control, and this is especially important for those who are overweight, high cholesterol and type XNUMX diabetes. Buckwheat is useful for people of mature and old age because, compared to other cereals, it contains a small amount of carbohydrates and a lot of fiber. By including fresh buckwheat in your daily diet, you will provide yourself with a powerful prevention against the “diseases of civilization”: metabolic disorders, problems with cholesterol and toxins, immune disorders, the effects of stress and poor ecology, digestive problems, cardiovascular diseases. You can soak buckwheat for 8-20 hours, rinsing well 1-2 times during this time, as raw buckwheat forms mucus when it gets wet. In a day, buckwheat begins to sprout. You should not wait for long sprouts, because then the groats begin to crumble, and the sprouts still break off. It is enough to “wake up” the seeds and begin the germination process. Then you need to pour it on trays for the dryer and dry for 10-12 hours at 35-40 degrees, until it dries completely and becomes crispy. Then it can be stored in an airtight container for as long as you like. You can eat it like muesli – fill it with nut milk, adding raisins, goji berries, seeds, nuts, or fresh fruits. Green buckwheat cooks quickly (10-15 minutes) and is ideal as a base for porridges and traditional rice dishes such as mushroom risotto. It has a very delicate taste: to some it resembles hazelnuts, to others it resembles fried potatoes. You can also add green buckwheat to baby food, to vegetable dishes. It can also be eaten raw, like nuts or chips. Unlike brown cereals, they are soft, soak quickly in the mouth, but do not stick to the teeth. The best option is Austrian and German production with eco-labels. Groats of Russian and Ukrainian origin are sold by weight in the markets and via the Internet. In order not to be pierced with quality, you need to pay attention to color and smell. “Fresh kernels have a greenish tint, which disappears over time, especially when stored in the light. It becomes brown on top, and light on the break,” says Sergey Bobkov, head of the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry at the All-Russian Research Institute of Legumes and Cereals. – Steamed, dark, brown buckwheat both on top and inside.

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