Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Marine fish species differ in habitat conditions, as well as in the nature of their behavior, so fishing for them will require tackle that is different compared to freshwater fishing objects.

Sea fish: description

Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

The seas, in comparison with fresh water bodies, differ in that they occupy a large area of ​​water, so the nature of temperature fluctuations is completely different. This leads to the fact that marine life has special living conditions, which leaves a certain imprint on their lifestyle. The presence of great depths leads to the fact that some species had to adapt to unique habitat conditions. Marine fish populations are characterized by the following features:

  1. The habitat conditions of freshwater fish species are strongly related to changes in water temperature, and for marine life, the main factor of influence is the wind.
  2. Marine inhabitants are much larger in comparison with the inhabitants of fresh water.
  3. Marine fish are more active, and therefore the bite is more intense.

When the wind rises on the sea, it creates huge waves, therefore, under such weather conditions, the fish burrow into the sand, hide in their shelters or go to the open sea, where it is deeper and the waves do not adversely affect the life of the fish. As a rule, fish react in advance to changes in weather conditions.

Anglers are aware of this feature and go fishing after a storm as the fish leave their hiding places and go in search of food. In such conditions, the fish begins to peck at any kind of bait.


Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Marine fish species are found in almost all areas of the seas and oceans, regardless of natural latitudes. At the same time, the most numerous populations are observed in smaller water areas. In smaller areas, there are more conditions for subsistence, as well as for spawning.

An interesting moment! As a rule, an abundance of oxygen is observed in the upper layers of water, in addition, more comfortable temperature conditions, which is undoubtedly an attractive factor for most species.

In the middle and surface layers, pelagic species prefer to live, and benthic species prefer the benthic way of life. Some species of fish feel great, both closer to the bottom and in the upper layers of the water.

Many factors of population distribution depend on the chemical composition of aquatic horizons. If we take the inhabitants of the Black Sea, then it is almost impossible to meet bottom fish here. This is due to the fact that deeper than 150 meters there is a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, in the Black Sea, there are mainly species that live to depths of 150 meters, since there are no conditions for life deeper than 150 meters.

Interesting fact! The variety of fish species also depends on the remoteness of the reservoir from other reservoirs. Therefore, the number of fish in the White Sea is much smaller compared to the number of fish living in the Barents Sea. This is due to the fact that the White Sea is a considerable distance from the ocean.

A huge variety of valuable species of fish lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the further away from the coast, the greater the species diversity. Despite this, fish often visit coastal areas in search of food. After birth, fry of many species prefer to feed among thickets of aquatic vegetation, which is always more abundant in coastal waters. Fry and small fish species also hide among the abundance of shells and heaps of stones.

An important point! Often the fish is washed ashore as a result of the tide. For example, flounder is simply harvested on the shore after low tide, without going out to sea to catch fish.

Many species of fish are distributed over the water area, depending on the presence of a different nature of sea currents. Therefore, marine fish are divided into 2 groups:

  1. For cold-loving or arctic. This group of fish prefers cold sea currents, as well as significant depths where the water does not have time to warm up. As a rule, their natural habitats are marine areas of cold latitudes.
  2. For heat-loving or tropical. They thrive in warm waters and are also often found in shallower areas where the water warms up quickly.

When dolphins hunt schools of fish, the fish swims into the bays. In such cases, fish can be caught from the shore with ordinary fishing tackle.



Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Basically, all types of fish are of commercial interest, therefore they are caught in large volumes. Marine fish are divided into families, such as:

  • Perch family.
  • Sturgeon family.
  • The horse mackerel family.
  • Scorpion family.
  • Spar family.
  • The croaker family.
  • Salmon family.
  • Herring family.
  • Family Nototheniaceae.
  • The cod family.
  • The flounder family.

It should be noted, albeit separately, the shark family. Some modern fish species are considered valuable, and some are commercially caught in the world’s oceans.


Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

This family includes more than a hundred species of fish, while the burbot fish is the only representative that lives in fresh water.

As a rule, these are cold-loving fish that prefer to live in cold water. Codfish are found in the waters of the Atlantic, as well as the waters of the seas located in the Northern Hemisphere. There are cod in small groups. These fish have a well-developed caudal fin, and two dorsal fins. This family includes such well-known fish species:

  • Cod.
  • Nalim.
  • Haddock.
  • Pacific pollock.
  • Navaga and many others.

Smaller cods tend to feed on plankton, while larger ones prefer to feed on larger food items.


Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

They represent pelagic fish species that do not sink to the bottom, therefore they feed in the water column. Their body shape is designed to move quickly within the water horizons.

The family includes such fish as:

  • Mackerel.
  • Tuna.
  • Bonito.

The natural habitats of the family are associated with water areas of warm climatic zones.


Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

This family is distinguished by a unique body shape, in the form of an oval or rhombus. They prefer to lead a benthic lifestyle, while some members of the family are found at impressive depths, and some prefer shallow areas of water bodies.

The family is represented by:

  • flounder.
  • Halibut.
  • Kalkan.
  • Maritime language.

Flounders are distributed in water areas located within all coastal zones of Eurasia, as well as in some inland water bodies of the continent.


Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Representatives of this family are considered valuable fish species, therefore they are caught in large volumes. There are no scales on the head of these species, which is considered a characteristic feature of the family.

The family includes the following commercial fish:

  • Herring.
  • Puzanok.
  • Salaka.
  • Hamsa.
  • Whitebait.
  • European sardine.

Prefers to live within northern latitudes.

Predatory fish species that live in the seas and oceans

Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

The basis of the diet of marine predators is food objects of animal origin, such as other animals, birds, fish, as well as other inhabitants of the sea and ocean depths. There are predators, both small and large enough. As a rule, all predators have rather sharp teeth.

Most of the species are found in warm waters, which is typical for the tropics and subtropics.

Some predatory fish pose a great danger even to humans, not to mention living marine life. These include:

  1. Sharksrepresenting the largest aquatic predators. Some species, like the white shark, are quite dangerous to humans, while the whale shark is the safest. This predator has excellent eyesight, while hundreds of meters away it picks up the slightest vibrations transmitted in the water column. Sharks are found almost everywhere, including in the Black and Caspian Seas, while sharks safe for humans, such as the katran shark, live here. Cold-loving varieties are found in the White and Barents Seas, but they are also not dangerous for humans.
  2. Morays also found in the seas and oceans, preferring to be in shelters such as caves, thickets of aquatic vegetation and reefs. According to some information, it poses a danger to humans, but only if the moray eel is provoked.
  3. Barracudas. In appearance, we can say that this is a huge pike, 3 meters long. The teeth of the barracuda are so sharp and the grip of its jaws is so powerful that it is called the sea tiger. It eats all kinds of food components, including poisonous ones, so barracuda meat is considered poisonous.
  4. swordfish. She has a torpedo-shaped body with a process in the form of a kind of sword, up to one and a half meters long. The fish is fast enough, with a blow force of up to 4 tons. It can easily cope even with a shark.
  5. monkfishwho prefers to stick to the bottom of a body of water. Lures other fish with the help of a special process that acts as a rod. Sometimes it rises closer to the surface to catch waterfowl.

As a rule, most predatory fish species are classified as safe for humans. Tuna is a predatory fish that prefers to hunt in groups for other fish species, for crustaceans and other food items.

Predatory fish species include:

  • Bonito.
  • Flounder.
  • Lufar.
  • Catfish.
  • Gorbusha
  • Cod.
  • Slab.
  • Sea bass.
  • Stone perch.
  • Sea ruff.

Despite the fact that these fish are predatory, they are no less valuable.

peaceful fish

Peaceful fish species do not have such sharp teeth as carnivores, therefore, their diet is completely different.

Peaceful fish species include:

  • Mullet.
  • Herring.
  • Fisherman.
  • Ram.
  • Pelengas.

The diet of such fish includes various plant foods, mollusks, larvae, worms, crustaceans, as well as fry of various fish species.

List of marine fish alphabetically

Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

  • Shark.
  • Albula.
  • Anchovies.
  • Aprion.
  • Argus.
  • Barabula
  • Barracuda.
  • Beryx.
  • Bonfish.
  • Sprinkler.
  • Knife glass.
  • Goby.
  • Smallpox.
  • Wahoo.
  • Garrupa.
  • Slab.
  • Grouper.
  • Guban.
  • Jackass.
  • Jack Fish.
  • Job Fish.
  • Got it.
  • Astrologer.
  • Zebrosoma.
  • Karang.
  • Karanx.
  • Sea carp.
  • Mullet.
  • King Fish.
  • Kolyushka.
  • Dorado.
  • Креваль.
  • Winged wing.
  • Latrine.
  • Flying.
  • Lufar.
  • Lucian.
  • Mackerel.
  • Manta rays.
  • Marlin.
  • Mahi-Mahi.
  • Hake.
  • A cape.
  • Pipefish.
  • Angelfish.
  • Sea Horse.
  • Sea bream.
  • Moray eel.
  • sailboat.
  • Bonito.
  • Permit.
  • Haddock.
  • Platax.
  • Pompano.
  • Red snapper.
  • Rooster.
  • Angel fish.
  • Butterfly fish.
  • Zebra fish.
  • Hammerfish.
  • Napoleon fish.
  • Rhino fish.
  • Sawfish.
  • Parrot fish.
  • Belt fish.
  • Surgeon fish.
  • Sabretooth.
  • Sayda.
  • Sargan.
  • Sardine.
  • Herring.
  • Seabass.
  • Gypsy.
  • Skat.
  • Mackerel.
  • Snapper.
  • Snook
  • Dog.
  • Stavrida.
  • Tarpon.
  • The trachin.
  • Cod.
  • Tuna.
  • Acne.
  • Hake.
  • Chimera.

Useful properties of sea fish

Marine fish with names and descriptions: a list with a photo

Marine commercial fish is distinguished by the fact that the meat contains a lot of easily digestible protein, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and microelements. Sea fish is most suitable for dietary nutrition. Besides:

  1. Marine fish have much fewer bones, especially small ones.
  2. Marine fish are less infested with parasites.
  3. Marine fish species contain in their meat a whole set of all the necessary nutrients that are so necessary for human health.

Live healthy! Useful marine fish is mackerel. (06.03.2017)

Regular consumption of sea fish has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems, increases the body’s resistance against various ailments, stimulating the immune system. The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids can prevent especially dangerous diseases, as well as rejuvenate the body, preventing premature aging.

Salmon species of fish are considered the most valuable, although other species are no less useful.

For example, it should be noted that:

  1. Cod belong to the category of low-fat breeds, so they are used to prepare dietary dishes.
  2. The flounder family contains many vitamins and a minimum of bones.
  3. Mackerel have excellent taste qualities.
  4. Gorbylovye according to taste data are compared with river fish.
  5. The horse mackerel group has a characteristic sour taste.
  6. Fatter breeds include scorpion, spore and notothenia.

Seafood has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.


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