Light pink food is a new culinary hit

Experiments in the kitchen continue not only on tastes, but also on the appearance of dishes. The expression “There are eyes” does not lose its relevance, and culinary specialists now and then try to surprise us with something pompous and bright. Millennial Pink food is one such trend.

The fashion of delicate pink-beige shades captured all segments of life in 2017 and continues to this day.

Apparel and accessories brands create collections in these shades. Even in a home appliance store, eyes run up from the abundance of pink. And by the way, as the consultants say, the technique of this color diverges faster than the others. 


In the culinary world, Millennial Pink is not just about dessert dishes – cakes, cakes and cookies. Breeders are developing new varieties of pink fruits and vegetables. For example, the rose pineapple in Costa Rica, the manufacturer of which added the pigment lycopene to the fruit hybrid, which is responsible for the red color.

Another novelty is watermelon radish, a hybrid vegetable with the usual light green skin, but an unusual color of the pulp, more reminiscent of the color of a watermelon. Just imagine how spectacular this radish will look in a spring salad!

Popular establishments also do not miss the opportunity to attract the customer’s attention with pink. This is how McDonald’s in Japan released cherry blossom pink lemonade.

And even in the production of baked goods, black gives way to pink. Every day there is a growing number of establishments where, according to your wishes, chefs will prepare pink pasta or pink burger bun. 

A new type of chocolate has also been launched into production – pink chocolate with rose petals. The pleasure is not yet the cheapest – about $ 10 per tile.

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