The content of the article
  1. general description
    1. Types and symptoms
    2. Causes
    3. Complications
    4. Prevention
    5. Treatment in mainstream medicine
  2. Healthy foods
    1. ethnoscience
  3. Dangerous and harmful products

General description of the disease


This is a pathology in which keratinization of the stratified epithelium of the mucous membranes occurs. This disease is considered precancerous and can transform into a malignant form (in 5-20% of cases).

Leukoplakia can affect the urinary-genital organs, the mouth, the respiratory tract, and the anus. Keratinization disorders are more likely to affect people of middle and old age. For example, cervical leukoplakia develops more often in women after 40 years.

Types and symptoms of leukoplakia

  • leukoplakia of the oral cavity and larynx – the corners of the mouth, the inner surface of the cheeks, larynx, back of the tongue, lips are affected. One or more foci with clear edges of various shapes and sizes, white-gray or white, appear on the mucous membrane. With the defeat of the larynx, the patient experiences discomfort when talking, the voice becomes hoarse, coughing worries. With leukoplakia of the tongue, the patient does not feel discomfort at first, but over time, cracks and erosion may appear on the tongue, and the patient complains of painful sensations while eating. In smokers’ leukoplakia, the palate and tongue are covered with small red nodules. The mucous membrane outwardly begins to resemble a fringe;
  • cervical leukoplakia not expressed by any symptoms. Only a gynecologist can detect it during examination. In the area of ​​the vagina, the uterine epithelium thickens and acquires a light beige tint. Usually, leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​a consequence of infection, so the patient may be bothered by itching, pain during sex, discharge;
  • bladder leukoplakia develops in women more often than in men. In this form of leukoplakia, the cells of the bladder are partially replaced by squamous epithelial cells. Patients are worried about the following symptoms: frequent nocturnal urge to urinate, pain during and after urination, pain in the lower abdomen. Often the symptoms of bladder leukoplakia resemble those of cystitis;
  • esophageal leukoplakia leads to keratinization of the mucous membranes of the tract. In the early stages of the disease, the plaque is easily removed, and in the later stages, the oral cavity is already affected.

Causes of leukoplakia

The specific causes of leukoplakia have not yet been identified. However, provoking factors can be distinguished:

  1. 1 mechanical and chemical damage to the mucous membrane. For example, diathermocoagulation can cause leukoplakia of the cervix. Metal prostheses can be the cause of oral leukoplakia. Lip leukoplakia most often develops in smokers, as a result of the thermal factor;
  2. 2 inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane due to cystitis, vaginitis, stomatitis;
  3. 3 hormonal disorders;
  4. 4 violation of vitamin A metabolism;
  5. 5 genetic factors;
  6. 6 bad habits and poor living conditions;
  7. 7 malfunctioning of the immune system;
  8. 8 endocrine system disorders;
  9. 9 ovarian dysfunction can cause leukoplakia of the cervix;
  10. 10 foci of chronic infection: carious teeth, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  11. 11 eating hot food can provoke esophageal leukoplakia;
  12. 12 deficiency of selenium and folic acid;
  13. 13 papillomavirus;
  14. 14 hypovitaminosis.

Complications of leukoplakia

With incorrect and untimely therapy, leukoplakia can transform cancer. Most often, the leukoplakia of the tongue turns into a malignant form. Leukoplakia of the cervix can lead to infertility.


Prevention of leukoplakia

Preventive measures depend on the form of pathology:

  • prevention of leukoplakia of the oral cavity involves quitting smoking, timely treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, rational prosthetics (rejection of metal prostheses), sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • to prevent leukoplakia of the esophagus and larynx, it is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages, exclude hot and spicy foods;
  • it is necessary to treat infectious pathologies in a timely manner;
  • review the quality of food;
  • exercise regularly;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • follow the rules of hygiene;
  • prevent overheating in the genital area;
  • monitor metabolism.

Treatment of leukoplakia in official medicine

Regardless of the location, form and stage of leukoplakia requires complex therapy. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoked the development of pathology.

The simple form of leukoplakia does not need radical treatment. It is enough for patients to be regularly monitored by a specialist.

In case of cellular atypia, it is recommended to remove leukoplakia foci by means of a laser, radio wave method, or excision with an electric knife. In some cases, surgical intervention is indicated by excision of the area of ​​the affected organ.

If the mucous membrane of the larynx is damaged, microlaryngosurgical operations are performed. Keratinization of the bladder walls is treated with cystoscopy, the introduction of ozonized oil into the bladder, and in severe cases, they resort to resection of the bladder.

Leukoplakia of the cervix is ​​treated with chemical coagulants, diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy and laser coagulation.

In addition, patients with leukoplakia are prescribed antibacterial agents that fight against pathogenic microflora, as well as restorative and anti-inflammatory drugs. When treating the bladder, physiotherapeutic procedures are shown: magnet, electrophoresis, laser.

Patients with leukoplakia are also prescribed vitamin complexes and psycholeptic drugs.

Useful foods for leukoplakia

In order to reduce the progression of pathology and accelerate recovery, it is necessary to include in the diet a maximum of useful and natural products:

  1. 1 Berries and fruits will help to replenish the deficiency of vitamins in the body: bananas, apricots, black currants, rowan berries, strawberries and raspberries. In winter, more citrus fruits, rosehip broth, dried fruits are recommended;
  2. 2 the lack of selenium and vitamins A and E will help fill all types of cabbage, beets, eggplants, yellow vegetables, sorrel, asparagus, wild garlic;
  3. 3 as side dishes, it is better to give preference to porridge made from lentils, legumes, buckwheat, wheat and barley groats;
  4. 4 additionally, wheat bran, unrefined sunflower oil and brewer’s yeast will help to fill the lack of trace elements;
  5. 5 seafood, pike perch, cod liver, eel, veal liver saturate the body of a patient with leukoplakia with useful fatty acids, which contributes to recovery;
  6. 6 drinks with antitumor activity: sea buckthorn fruit drink, mountain ash tea, green tea, rosehip infusion;
  7. 7 fresh vegetables are recommended to be consumed with fermented milk products or other sources of animal fat.

Folk remedies for leukoplakia

Traditional medicines cannot cure leukoplakia, but they can be an adjunct factor in addition to the therapy prescribed by the doctor.

  • in case of damage to the esophagus, drink a decoction of young fir needles as tea, use carrot and beet juice;
  • take a tincture of hemlock. To do this, the inflorescences are crushed and poured with vodka, insisted for at least 20 days in a cold place and then taken according to the following scheme; on the first day, 1 drop of the tincture is diluted in 100 ml of water. Every day, the number of drops is increased by one until the patient begins to take 40 drops;
  • to reduce itching with a lesion of the uterus, tampons with rosehip and sea buckthorn oil are recommended;
  • douching with chamomile decoction has an antiseptic and healing effect;
  • with leukoplakia of the cervix, you can use tampons soaked in sunflower oil;
  • chew propolis throughout the day;
  • wipe the affected mucous membranes with ice cubes;
  • goose fat and coconut oil help to cope with burning when urinating;
  • 3 times a day for 1 tsp. take an alcoholic tincture of ginseng;
  • in case of damage to the external genital organs, it is recommended to treat them with palm oil;
  • in case of damage to the bladder, consume every day a glass of fresh milk with the addition of 0,5 tsp. soda;
  • drink 1 glass of carrot juice daily on an empty stomach.

Dangerous and harmful foods for leukoplakia

The use of some products for leukoplakia is highly undesirable:

  • drinks that provoke pathological cell division: strong and low alcohol drinks, coffee, store juices, sweet soda;
  • fried heavy side dishes such as fried potatoes
  • I fatten meat and fish, red meat;
  • smoked products;
  • shop desserts with preservatives: chocolate, cakes, sweet pastries, sweets;
  • hot sauces and spices.


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