Lemon honey diet – weight loss up to 2 kilograms in 2 days

The average daily calorie content is 907 Kcal.

This is one of the fastest diets – it lasts only two days. Such a short period allows to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet menu to a minimum. This will force the body to completely switch to internal reserves from the accumulated fat deposits.

It should be noted that, like all short-term diets (for example, the summer diet), the results of the lemon-honey diet will only partially reflect the loss of fatty tissues – along the way, excess fluid will be excreted from the body – to prevent this effect, the menu of the lemon-honey diet includes obviously excessive the amount of liquid.

The menu of the lemon-honey diet provides for a complete rejection of food throughout the day and its replacement with a liquid with high acidity. To prepare it, you need to mix 3 liters of non-mineralized and non-carbonated water, freshly squeezed juice from 15 lemons, 50 grams of honey. Nothing else is included on the lemon-honey diet menu. The energy value of the lemon-honey mixture is practically zero – weight loss is quite fast. A large percentage of citric acid in the mixture helps to reduce the feeling of hunger, while glucose and sucrose of honey, in the absence of fats and proteins, provides an intensive weight loss due to the body’s fat reserves. Additionally, in addition to the prepared lemon-honey mixture, you can drink ordinary non-mineralized and non-carbonated water or green tea without restrictions.

The lemon-honey diet is one of the fastest – this indicator often determines the choice of a diet for weight loss – this is a weekend diet – only two days and at least two kilograms in weight are lost and your favorite jeans are loosely buttoned. The results are often more dramatic. Citric acid allows you to quickly break down fats and additionally will intensively remove toxins and toxins from the body. Like the rice diet, the lemon-honey diet promotes the resorption of cellulite. Another plus of the lemon-honey diet is that the honey included in the mixture supports the strength of the body and the weakness inherent in all diets is felt to a much lesser extent.

There are contraindications for people with kidney stones and a number of other chronic diseases – it is necessary to consult with your doctor and dietitian. The second minus of the lemon-honey diet is in the low value of energy substances – if possible, this diet is best carried out on weekends. Do not overuse this diet and increase the duration for more than 2 days.


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