Larry Scott. History and biography.

Larry Scott. History and biography.

Larry Scott can rightfully be called a pioneering bodybuilder, because he became the first person in the history of bodybuilding to be awarded the title of “Mr. Olympia”. But who could have imagined that a fragile-looking child would become the idol of many bodybuilders from around the world! It was thanks to his great perseverance and outcast devotion to his beloved work that he acquired this fame. But what was the fate of this outstanding athlete?


Larry Scott was born in Blackfoot, Idaho on October 12, 1938. As a child, he did not stand out in any way among his peers, except that he was too fragile in physique. It is possible that in the depths of his soul, the boy dreamed of getting rid of this “flaw” and transforming his body. And in 1954, fate went to meet him – one spring cleaning the yard, Larry accidentally stumbled upon a stack of old magazines. Maybe he would not have betrayed much importance to his find, if not for one “but” – he saw an athlete with a beautiful, pumped-up torso – George Payne (he “flaunted” on the cover of a bodybuilding magazine). The photo just shocked the young man’s imagination, and he, by all means, decided to become like the man from the cover. In addition, there was also a rather promising inscription stating that in a month you can also achieve the same results. These words also strongly influenced the guy’s desire to achieve his goal, charging him with a powerful portion of enthusiasm. Larry very carefully flipped through the pages of the magazine and, without putting this matter on the back burner, began independent training. He strictly followed all the instructions prescribed by the authors of the articles. Hard training paid off – by the end of the summer, Larry’s arm circumference was 30 cm. He was simply shocked by this result! Oh, and if you only knew what dreams the boy began to indulge in against the background of training – with the help of his imagination he drew a picture where he with a naked torso, walking along the warm beach sand, attracts the gaze of the most gorgeous women!

Soon in Larry’s soul there was a desire to leave amateur training and start doing bodybuilding professionally. Following his goal, the future “Mr. Olympia” begins intensive training at the Bert Goodrich Health Center. The training was not in vain – Larry takes 3rd place in the Mr. Los Angeles competition. But the next competition “Mr. California” became more successful – he takes 1st place. But the most interesting thing here is that until the very end, Larry could not believe that he would become a winner. He hoped to take at least the 5th line of the rating. But the ending turned out to be completely unexpected for him.

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Soon in 1965, Larry Scott wins the prestigious Mr. Olympia tournament. Next year he will also become the absolute champion in the same competition.

He retired from professional sports in 1980. And now Larry Scott is the owner of a company that sells various fitness accessories.

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