Korean seaweed: preparing a salad. Video

Korean seaweed: preparing a salad. Video

A simple recipe for cooking seaweed in Korean

Korean seaweed appetizer with vegetables

Ingredients: – 100 g of dried seaweed; – 2 carrots; – 3 onions; – 3 cloves of garlic; – 2 red bell peppers; – 0,5 chili peppers; – 0,5 tsp apple cider vinegar; – 2 tbsp. soy sauce; – 1 handful of sesame seeds; – salt; – vegetable oil.

Soak the seaweed in 2 tbsp. cold water for 30-40 minutes. After swelling, transfer it along with the liquid to a saucepan and put on fire. Boil the kelp for about half an hour over medium heat until soft, then drain the water completely. Peel the vegetables and cut: carrots and bell peppers – into thin strips, onions – in half rings, chili – into small pieces.

Heat the oil in a large skillet or wok. Quickly fry the chili, toss in the sesame seeds and onions. Add the carrots after 2 minutes. After 5 minutes of frying with constant stirring, add the chopped bell peppers to the pan.

Cut the seaweed into 15 cm strips using scissors and combine with the vegetables. Cook everything, remembering to stir the contents of the pan, for another 15 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, top with vinegar, soy sauce, season with crushed garlic and salt to taste.

Korean style canned seaweed salad

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