In Sweden, vegetarian parents were imprisoned

Not so long ago, we talked about the possibility of imprisonment for parents of vegan children in Belgium. And now – in Europe, the first cases when parents who do not provide their children with adequate nutrition are limited in their rights and punished with prison terms. 

For example, in Sweden, parents were imprisoned, who forced their daughter to vegetarianism. This is reported by the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter.

At a year and a half, her weight was less than six kilograms, while the norm was nine. The police found out about the family only after the girl was in the hospital. Doctors diagnosed the child with an extreme degree of exhaustion and an acute lack of vitamins.

The parents said that the girl was breastfed, and she was also given vegetables. And in their opinion, this seemed to be enough for the development of the child. 


The court of the city of Gothenburg sentenced the mother and father of the child to a sentence of 3 months in prison. As the newspaper notes, at the moment the girl’s life is out of danger and she is transferred to the care of another family. 

What do the doctor’s say

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky has a positive attitude towards family vegetarianism, however, he puts an important emphasis on the need to monitor the health of a growing body with this kind of diet.

“If you decide to raise your child without meat, you need to work with your doctor to ensure that vegetarianism does not negatively affect the health of the growing body. Thus, the doctor should prescribe special vitamins for your child to replenish vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies. You also need to regularly examine your child for iron in the blood and hemoglobin levels, ”the doctor said.

Be healthy!

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