The content of the article
  1. general description
    1. Types and causes of development
    2. Symptoms
    3. Complications
    4. Prevention
    5. Treatment in mainstream medicine
  2. Healthy foods
    1. ethnoscience
  3. Dangerous and harmful products
  4. Information sources

General description of the disease

This is a pathology in which a person’s blood pressure is below average. Normal pressure is the ratio of the upper (which is also called systolic) and lower (or diastolic) 120/80 mmHg Art., small deviations are permissible. Arterial hypotension is diagnosed when the pressure readings are lower than 90 – 100/60 mm Hg Art.

In humans, blood pressure and the brain are closely related. Accordingly, with hypotension, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs.

For some people, hypotension is normal. The chronic form of hypotension can manifest itself in young people 20-30 years old, as a concomitant pathology. Although all age groups are susceptible to this disease, however, recently the emphasis has shifted from the younger age group to the older one, and acts as one of the symptoms of ischemic stroke. Elderly thin people and pregnant women are also prone to hypotension.

Types and causes of hypotension

Arterial hypotension is often not considered as an independent disease, but rather as one of the symptoms of some pathology. Hypotension can be caused by the following factors:

  • vascular dystonia;
  • taking certain medicines, which may have hypotension in side effects;
  • congenital disorders of the heart – a defect or prolapse;
  • a significant decrease in blood volume with dehydration or in case of blood loss;
  • diseases such as renal failure, diabetes mellitus, poisoning, low hemoglobin, burns;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • decrease in vascular tone in case of poisoning, allergies or autonomic disorders of the nervous system.

Depending on the reasons that cause it, arterial hypotension is classified into:

  1. 1 primary – is a form of neurosis-like pathology of the cerebral vessels. It can be caused by intense emotional stress or stress;
  2. 2 secondary – occurs as a concomitant disease with pathologies of the thyroid gland, head injuries, long-term medication, rheumatism, hepatitis, oncological diseases, stomach ulcers and tuberculosis.

Very often arterial hypotension is a symptom vegetative-vascular dystonia – a painful condition in which there is a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Physiological hypotension can also occur in healthy people, while the pathology does not affect the patient’s life in any way. Other forms of arterial hypotension are also distinguished:

  • compensatory – occurs in athletes during intense physical exertion, acts as a protective reaction of the body. During sports, the pressure rises, and at rest it drops below average;
  • chronic;
  • familiar or geographic – inhabitants of mountains and countries with very cold or very hot climates are exposed to it. If there is not enough oxygen in the air or it is discharged, then people suffer from low pressure, blood circulates more slowly in order to deliver oxygen to all organs;
  • acute form arterial hypotension or collapse – occurs with a sharp decrease in pressure due to head injury, heart failure, or acute poisoning.

Symptoms of Hypotension

The main sign of arterial hypotension is low blood pressure to the level of 100/60 mm Hg. Art. in men and 90/50 mm Hg. Art. among women. Hypotension may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. 1 aching pain in the region of the heart;
  2. 2 nausea, dizziness up to fainting;
  3. 3 tachycardia;
  4. 4 cold hands and feet due to impaired heat transfer;
  5. 5 pressing pain in the head, usually in the temples;
  6. 6 increased sweating;
  7. 7 sleep disturbance;
  8. 8 drowsiness, apathy;
  9. 9 pallor of the skin;
  10. 10 emotional instability;
  11. 11 dyspnea;
  12. 12 feeling unwell in the morning;
  13. 13 noise in ears;
  14. 14 decrease in working capacity.

Arterial hypotension is often caused by the constitution of the human body. People with an asthenic body type are more susceptible to hypotension. Children and adolescents also often suffer from hypotension, as their blood circulation does not keep pace with the increased growth of the body. Among young people, girls suffer from hypotonia more, as they are more emotional and more sensitive to experiences, mental and mental stress.

People with hypotension feel worse when the weather changes, insufficient physical activity, and strong emotional stress. This pathology is aggravated in case of poisoning and infectious diseases. [4]

In 50% of women during pregnancy, there is a significant decrease in pressure, up to critical figures. This affects both the mother and the baby, since the uterus is not adequately supplied with blood, and the baby can be born prematurely.

Elderly people are prone to hypotension, since when standing for a long time, the roof stagnates in the arteries of the legs, which can have negative consequences in the form of a stroke or heart attack.

Complications of hypotension

As a rule, hypotension has no critical consequences for the body, however, there may be such complications:

  • disturbances in the work of the heart – hypotensive patients are prone to tachycardia, since at low pressure the blood slowly circulates through the vessels and the heart has to function in an enhanced mode in order to provide tissues with oxygen;
  • during pregnancy, low blood pressure can cause fetal hypoxia, since the placenta is not adequately supplied with oxygen. Pregnant women with arterial hypotension often suffer from toxicosis;
  • in older people, hypotension provokes the development of atherosclerosis; [3]
  • in rare cases, fainting, strokes, the development of shock or a hypotonic crisis of a cerebral or cardiac nature are possible.

Prevention of hypotension

In order to prevent the development of arterial hypotension, you should lead a correct lifestyle:

  1. 1 observe the work and rest schedule;
  2. 2 eat properly;
  3. 3 give up smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  4. 4 monitor body weight;
  5. 5 be in the fresh air more often;
  6. 6 do sport;
  7. 7 regularly undergo medical examinations.

People with low blood pressure should take the following preventive measures:

  • in the morning you do not need to suddenly get out of bed, you should first lower your legs, sit for a minute and only after that get up;
  • avoid mental and emotional stress;
  • take a contrast shower in the morning;
  • drink enough liquid – at least 2 liters per day;
  • take vitamin preparations;
  • sleep at least 10 hours a day;
  • monitor pressure indicators daily;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • avoid stress;
  • good breakfast in the morning.

Treatment of hypotension in mainstream medicine

To diagnose hypotension, blood pressure should be measured several times a day and then the average should be taken as a basis. It is necessary to make an electrocardiogram in order to find out how the sympathetic nervous system affects the functioning of the heart. Also, to exclude concomitant diseases, the neuropathologist prescribes a blood and urine test, determination of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

For the treatment of acute arterial hypotension, anti-shock therapy in the form of blood transfusion is recommended in order to restore normal blood volume and get rid of toxins. If the acute form of hypotension is due to poisoning, then the stomach should be flushed and vaccinated with antidotes.

In chronic hypotension, you should:

  1. 1 normalize lifestyle: give up bad habits, be in the fresh air every day, play sports, avoid stress, spa therapy is recommended;
  2. 2 exclude or partially cancel medicationsthat can provoke hypotension;
  3. 3 with endocrine pathologies, it is enough to normalize pressure choose the correct substitution treatment appropriate hormones.

Useful foods for hypotension

A properly formulated diet can be the most effective treatment for arterial hypotension. The following products are recommended for increasing pressure:

  • legumes and cereals, as a source of B vitamins, for the same reason, it is recommended for hypotensive patients to always carry a small amount of almonds, walnuts or cashews so that if necessary they can eat them and slightly increase blood pressure;
  • water – drinking enough fluid increases the volume of blood in the human body, which is important for increasing pressure in hypotensive patients;
  • chocolate – theobromine, which is part of it, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and increases blood pressure;
  • salt – sodium increases blood pressure, however, it is important to dose salt intake, since blood pressure can be increased too much;
  • fruits containing vitamin C – grapefruits, oranges, currants, it is useful for hypotensive patients to eat kiwi every day on an empty stomach;
  • coffee, but in small quantities, since caffeine serves as a diuretic, which can also cause hypotension;
  • spices: paprika, black and white pepper, chili have a warming effect on the body and, accordingly, raise blood pressure;
  • black tea and cocoa;
  • sweet soda;
  • potatoes, bananas and other starchy foods.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hypotension

Traditional medicine recipes can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition with hypotension:

  1. 1 to increase the tone, drink 2 tbsp daily on an empty stomach. tablespoons of fresh celery juice; [1]
  2. 2 drink 100 g of port once a day;
  3. 3 chew well and swallow 4 juniper berries daily;
  4. 4 mix 1 kg of chopped walnut kernels with the same amount of honey, combine with 1 kg of high-quality butter, take 30 tbsp each in the morning 2 minutes before breakfast. spoons;
  5. 5 insist ginseng root in alcohol, take 25-30 drops daily after meals; [2]
  6. 6 Pour crushed dry milk thistle herb with vodka and insist in a dark place for at least 15 days, drink 4-50 drops three times a day;
  7. 7 drink 1 glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice every day;
  8. 8 freshly squeezed carrot juice strengthens the vascular tone;
  9. 9 add 0,5 tsp to tea. ginger powder.

Dangerous and harmful foods with hypotension

With reduced pressure, you should not get carried away with products that promote vasodilation:

  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • pickled and pickled vegetables;
  • pickled apples;
  • hyacinth tea;
  • spicy salted herring;
  • smoked sausages, bacon, ham;
  • fatty hard cheese;
  • rich pastries.
Information sources
  1. Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
  2. Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
  3. Development of hypotension in patients newly diagnosed with heart failure in UK general practice: retrospective cohort and nested case–control analyses
  4. Everything You Need to Know About Low Blood Pressure
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