How Vitamin D can Support a Healthy Immune System

By Stevi Portz, Content Strategist at Truvani

Vitamin D plays an important role in a healthy immune system*. The trouble with vitamin D is our bodies can make it, but we need a little help.

Our best source of vitamin D is direct sunlight on the skin without covering or sunscreen. Many of us aren’t getting as much sun exposure as we need due to covering up, wearing sunscreen, or spending more time indoors.

If this sounds familiar, you may consider a Vitamin D supplement.

Let’s take a look at the key role vitamin D plays in the body, and the best ways to get more Vitamin D in your life.

Why do we need Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is one of two fat-soluble vitamins your body makes (the other is vitamin K), and it’s found in other sources like food or supplements. We call it a vitamin, but technically it’s a hormone that regulates the amount of calcium in your blood.

Vitamin D gets converted in the liver and kidneys to make it an active hormone.

Vitamin D is essential for:

  • Regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus*
  • Supporting a healthy immune system function*
  • Supporting normal growth and development of bones and teeth*

How do we get enough Vitamin D?

The FDA recommendation under current guidelines for vitamin D is between 600-800 IU.

You get Vitamin D in 3 different ways:

  1. Eating certain foods
  2. Direct sun exposure on your skin
  3. Daily supplementation

Now that you understand how to get vitamin D, let’s explore each option a little further.

How Vitamin D can Support a Healthy Immune System
Vitamin D from food

Vitamin D naturally occurs in foods such as:

  • Egg yolks
  • Beef liver
  • Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, swordfish or sardines
  • Fish liver oils
  • Mushrooms

Unfortunately, vitamin D isn’t naturally occurring in many foods. That’s why some food manufacturers fortify certain products with vitamin D like dairy, cereal, plant-based milk, and orange juice.

Even though you can get vitamin D from food, it’s sometimes difficult to meet your daily recommended value — especially if you eat strictly vegan.

Vitamin D from Sunlight

The body can produce its own vitamin D when your skin is exposed to the sun for a period of time.

This is direct exposure with no covering or sunscreen. Experts recommend about 15 minutes of exposure per day to a good amount of skin. Getting ample sun may prove difficult for those with sun sensitivities, concerns about adverse effects, darker complexion, or anyone stuck indoors for long periods.

Geographic locations also come into play since certain regions don’t get as much sunlight, or have long periods without the sun.

This makes it difficult for experts to provide general guidelines for the correct amount of sun exposure for everyone. What may be sufficient for one person may not be suitable for another.

Vitamin D as a Supplement

How Vitamin D can Support a Healthy Immune System

If you aren’t getting enough vitamin D rich foods, or spend ample time indoors (or covered from the sun), vitamin D supplements are a good option.

You can find vitamin D in many different types of supplements, including multivitamins and vitamin D capsules.

Vitamin D supplements generally come in two forms: D3 and D2.

D2 is a form derived from plants and is the form often found in fortified foods. D3 is the vitamin D naturally produced by our bodies and is the type found in animal food sources.

Research suggests that vitamin D3 (the type naturally produced in the human body) may raise blood concentrations more, and maintain levels for a longer period of time.*

The great news is…

Truvani offers a plant-based Vitamin D3 supplement sourced from lichen – smart little plants that absorb vitamin D from the sun to pass onto us when we consume it. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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