How to tighten your belly at home. Video
You don’t have to go to the gym to look chic in skinny jeans. has collected the simplest and most effective nutritional advice that will help you remove your belly and look simply stunning in tight clothes.
1. Snack at the same time
Each of us loves to have a snack. But get in the habit of doing it at the same time – between 15 pm and 16 pm. Your snack should be rich in protein (read about snack recipes for losing weight), that is, it can be an apple, a handful of almonds, or a slice of low-fat cheese.
Never forget to snack at the same time. This is really important for the body. Regular nutrition stabilizes blood sugar levels and improves metabolism.
2. Exercise with a fitness ball
Exercise with a fitness ball at least three times a week. The main exercise is very simple: lie on your back, straighten your legs, and hold the ball in your arms outstretched above your head (and lying on the floor).
Taking the body off the floor, lift the ball up, and then place it in outstretched arms at chest level. At the same time, raise your legs, trying to touch the ball with them. Remember to keep your legs straight. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Learn more about Pilates and fitness balls can be read here.
3. Chew thoroughly with meals
“Chewing well is the main advice I give my patients,” says American nutritionist Don Blatner, author of The Convenient Diet.1.
“Don’t pounce on food like hungry animals, and don’t be afraid to take the time to chew. Digestion doesn’t start in the stomach, but right in your mouth. If you follow my advice, permanently get rid of the afternoon heaviness in the stomach and bloating. And you don’t have to hide your belly under a hoodie after a business lunch either. “
4. Ignore sugar
Try to keep your sugar intake to a minimum, or even skip it altogether. Sugar is bad for many reasons. First, its unstable blood levels often lead to fatigue and regular headaches. Second, sugar increases the risk of obesity and diabetes.
And sugar consumption negatively affects the most obvious indicator of age – the skin. A certain part of the sugar molecules, after entering the blood stream, combines with proteins. This process is called glycolysis. New molecular structures weaken the elasticity of body tissues – from skin to tissues of organs and arteries. The higher the blood sugar, the faster aging occurs.
5. Do not be zealous, pumping the press
“If you think that a hundred daily ab exercises will help you flatten your stomach, you are deeply mistaken,” says nutritionist Matt Murphy. – To lose weight, you need a well-designed program. Personally, I advise you to put diet first, with which your doctor should help you, second – cardio training, third – strength exercises, and only fourth – exercises for the press. “
Eat right and exercise at the same time: do a 30-minute run five times a week and work out with dumbbells (15 minutes) and work your abs (5 minutes) three times a week. The result will not be long in coming! “
Bloating and excess weight can be a consequence of your love of salty foods. The solution here is this: switch to sea or diet salt. The main difference between dietary salt and ordinary salt is that the content of sodium ions, the main “retainer” of water in the body, is reduced in it. In addition, dietary salt is enriched with magnesium and potassium ions, which are very beneficial for the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
Also, avoid eating soy sauce frequently, even the highest quality ones are too high in sodium. Cayenne pepper is much healthier as it increases metabolism.
7. Eat Whole Grain Bread
Whole grains provide tremendous benefits to digestion. Bread made from this kind of flour does not add excess weight, but on the contrary, contributes to its normalization, improves metabolism and strengthens the body’s immune system.
Why is whole grain bread healthier than regular bread? The fact is that in the production of high-grade flour, all components with a high content of trace elements are sifted out and go to waste, although this is the most useful thing that is contained in whole grains. Nutritional research has long proven that a diet that includes whole grains, vegetables, and fruits is the key to a healthy heart.
8. Laugh more often
Surprisingly, laughter tightens your belly. “The more you laugh, the better for your abs,” explains Pilates coach Christine McGee. “There are even special sessions on ‘laughter pilates’ that bring real results.”
In short, if you regularly laugh and burst out laughing, know that this not only improves your mood, but also helps your stomach regain its former shape!