How to avoid family quarrels: everyday tips

😉 Greetings to everyone who wandered into this site! Friends, I think that now I have the right to give advice to young married couples on the topic: How to avoid family quarrels.

My family experience is over 30 years, but this is my second marriage. In his youth, a lot of mistakes were made that led to the collapse of the first, 4-year marriage … How to avoid family quarrels?

Each person is accustomed to a certain rhythm of life, each of us has our own habits and a certain view of many things. Each of us today is a product of millions of generations. Do not try to remake anyone – wasted work!

Considering this, conflicts in every family are inevitable, but at the same time you need to think and turn on your brains! If you look for flaws and mistakes in a loved one, you will find them!

Quarrels in the family

No family is immune from controversy and strife. Many people would be able to save their families if they were not in a hurry to slam the door during a small conflict. Or burn bridges to reconciliation.

How to avoid family quarrels: everyday tipsIn family relationships, every little thing can erupt into a scandal. Psychologists say that women and men react differently to events and pay attention to many things to varying degrees.

So, a woman looks at more and more deeply, she considers all the nuances, sees all the minor flaws. And even more so he worries about big problems.

Emotionality is a characteristic feature of almost all women. Men, on the other hand, tend to be easier to relate to the world and not take into account the little things. There can be many reasons for a family quarrel. These are claims to each other for everyday trifles, jealousy, fatigue, past grievances. How to avoid family quarrels?

Often during a scandal, people say hurtful things to each other that they don’t really think about.

Do not wash dirty linen in public

The awareness of other family members about your temporary difficulties increases the risk of transferring them to the category of permanent ones. The less grandmothers, grandfathers, mother-in-law, mother-in-law know that you had a fight with your husband, the more chances you have to save your marriage.

The desire to talk, to sigh about the girlish and the masculine – they focus on the disadvantages of their other half.

This also applies to the awareness of girlfriends, colleagues, comrades, neighbors about what is happening in your family. Remember the golden rule: help will not help, but discuss (and at the same time condemn) will discuss!

Check out the article “Improving relationships with mother-in-law and mother-in-law”

Don’t run away!

During a quarrel, you should not run away from home – this is blackmail or manipulation towards your partner. An unfinished conflict destroys families much faster.

Never quarrel in front of children

Family discord traumatizes children, regardless of their age. Frequent scandals between parents destroy the sense of security. As a result, children feel insecure. Anxieties and fears appear, the child becomes withdrawn and insecure.

Iron curtain

How to avoid family quarrels? Domestic quarrels should not end in deafening silence. The more we are silent, the more difficult it is to start the conversation again. Silence is the “Iron Curtain” that separates husband and wife.

Who is deaf here?

Never raise your voice at each other. The louder you shout, the less helpful it is to sort things out and the more resentment there will be after the anger has passed. Instead of insulting your spouse, it is much more effective to talk about your feelings – about resentment and pain. This does not cause aggression and the desire to prick more painfully.


Another way not to bring the matter to a scandal is not to accumulate resentment and negative emotions in yourself for weeks, months and years, otherwise one day it will surely end in a big quarrel.

If something offended or hurt you, talk about your feelings right away. Talk about what exactly caused your disappointment and how you felt about it.

“Grievances should not be accumulated at all, not great, as they say, wealth” (E. Leonov)

The most important thing: we must remember that we are not eternal and never involve outsiders and our children in family affairs.

Wise tips on how to avoid family quarrels, see the video ↓

Look and the scandals in the family will go away

Friends, share tips or examples from personal experience on the topic: How to avoid family quarrels. 🙂 Live together!

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