Cook dandelion jam for 1 hour.
How to make dandelion jam
Per 0,4 liter jar
Dandelion heads without stems – 150 pieces without stems
Lemon – half
Sugar – half a kilo
Water – 1 cup (300 milliliters)
How to make dandelion jam
1. Rinse fresh dandelions under running water, put in a bowl.
2. Soak dandelions in water for half an hour, then carefully rinse each flower in a colander.
3. Squeeze the dandelions, put them in a saucepan (it is recommended to use a stainless steel saucepan), pour 300 milliliters of water and put on fire.
4. Coarsely chop the lemon and add to the dandelions.
5. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
6. Infuse dandelion jam for 2 hours, then strain through a sieve, discard dandelion cake.
7. Squeeze the mass well, strain the broth through a sieve and return to the saucepan.
8. Put the saucepan on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
9. During cooking, a small and dense foam will form – it must be removed for transparency of the jam.
10. Add sugar to the broth – for every 300 milliliters of broth you need a pound of sugar.
11. Boil the jam for 10-20 minutes over low heat until the consistency of honey is obtained.
12. Pour the jam into a sterilized jar.
13. Cool the jam and use as a dessert.
14. Pour the dandelion jam into jars, cover, cool and store in the refrigerator.
Delicious facts
– The cost of food (including free collected dandelions) for making dandelion jam – 40 rubles / 0,5 liters (on average for May 2020).
– To make 0,5 liters of dandelion jam, you need at least 200 large flowers.
– Dandelions for jam must be collected at least 20 kilometers from the city, in ecologically clean places.
– It is better to collect dandelions for making jam on a sunny afternoon – at this time dandelions produce the largest amount of dandelion nectar, which gives a special taste to the jam. To make dandelion jam, you only need to cut the inflorescences. With enough experience, about 30 flowers can be collected in a meadow rich in dandelions in a minute.
– Dandelion jam season is late April to mid-May, when the flowers are fully ripe and rich in nectar.
– In order not to miscalculate with the number of flowers for jam, take plastic bags and a liter bottle of water with you. As you know, a liter of water is 1 kilogram, so it will be quite easy for you to determine the weight of flowers.
– Dandelion jam is very useful, cleanses the blood and liver, tones up and relieves the effects of colds.
– Dandelion jam tastes and smells like honey.
– Dandelion flowers when cooking jam can be gutted and left in the jam, they will be edible and give the consistency pleasant shades.
– Measure the amount of dandelion decoction, for every half liter of decoction you need a pound of sugar.
– After rinsing the dandelions, it is important to squeeze out the dandelions or add less water to the pan so that the jam does not have to boil for a long time.
How to make dandelion jam with oranges
Dandelion heads without stems – half a kilo
Oranges – 4 pieces
Lemon – 1 piece
Water – 2,5 liters
Sugar – 1,5 kilograms
How to make orange dandelion jam
Slice each orange into thin slices. Wash the dandelions and place with the oranges in an enamel pan. Cook for 1 hour, then strain the broth, add sugar and squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes. Then cool the dandelion jam with oranges, pour into jars and put away for storage.